
Satyr Patrol's page

5 posts. Alias of Seldlon the Swift.


The satyr is shaken for one round.

"You have not yet identified yourself. I shall refer to you as humanoid. Humanoid, I am in great favor with Queen Syntira. We speak daily upon my observations of her realm. For me to bring humanoids to her secretive throne room would cost me that favor, my position as patrol commander, and most likely my life. Surely you are wise enough to recognize what you ask of me is not possible. Your cure will be delivered and should you reveal who you are, that shall be delivered as well. Please sir, the potions. Our kind is in dire need of what you have produced. Fey are dying as we speak and I am sure you would like to be free of this duty so that you may carry out more important deeds this day."

diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 - 2 ⇒ (9) + 15 - 2 = 22

"We have alchemists who can easily replicate any potion. We are not taking you to the queen. We will deliver it to her. What you possess is worth dying for." The satyr commander reaches out his hand towards Mox. He leans in with a stern expression. "The potion, trespasser." The other satyrs take the lead from their commander and take aggressive postures.

"It is forbidden for anyone to bring outsiders to the queen. Unheard of. We will gladly deliver it for you. Your generosity and benevolence will undoubtedly be noted and most likely rewarded by our queen. Who shall I tell her provides this much needed remedy for her kind?"

"A cure? Really!. How might we acquire this remedy from you? It is devastating all the fey in this region at an extremely fast pace."

The save for fey is DC24 as opposed to your 22

"Whoa! I am Latreus, commander of Syntira's sentinels. We regularly patrol the borders of Darkmoon Wood, reporting suspicious activity back to her. We just stumbled into a grove of palepox infected dryads on the verge of death. Fearing for our lives, we fled the scene, hoping to warn other fey to avoid the tainted glade. In our panic we dropped our panpipes. We find ourselves here with you now. Pray, tell me, who are you and what business have you in Syntira's domain?"

Red readies an attack, will roll if needed.