Satheian's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Many years later...

Is there any published map or adventures or even real information available to us (free or for purchase) related to the Spire?

My current group wants to visit but I can't find anything beyond the 2-3 paragraphs saying Nex created it, no obvious entrances, filled with pocket dimensions, and monsters roam around outside.

Sure, I could create my own mega-dungeon to fill it with, but that seems dishonest and a great disservice to you and all your hard work; even if they aren't in a salable condition, myself and other Pathfinders would love to see what you have written so far.

You also mention that you have run many adventures there at cons, are these adventures able to be shared so current groups can explore them outside of meeting you at a con?

I suppose I should have worded that better, I didn't actually mean 'direction' in an angular way, but meaning that they wouldn't expect an ally to attack them, even if they saw a swing lined up in their general direction, most humans and other intelligent creatures would trust their teammates not to attack them, thus their defense might be lowered (removing Dex seems the most logical).

Of course any GM can modify any stats at any time if they want to.

Lavawight wrote:

Specifically, i meant that if the target counts as threatening its own ally, could that cause that ally to count as flanked?

Scratch that, should have reread the flanking rules more, as they specify an "enemy character" in the flanking requirements.

Because they are attacking an Ally and not an Enemy, does that mean the victim should be considered flat footed, seeing as how they'd never expect an attack to come from that direction?

Is there a relevant rule somewhere or would this be purely GM discretion?
It seems this question would come up with any of the Compulsion spells as well, but I did a google search and didn't see it asked anywhere.

(I know this is an old thread, but no reason to make a new one.)