Full Name |
Venture Captain Alyekzandr Velinznrarikovich-Blackrose |
Race |
Aismar |
Classes/Levels |
cleric 1/wizard 7/mystic theurge 10/loremaster 2 |
Gender |
male |
Size |
4'4" |
Age |
8 (123) |
Alignment |
NG |
Deity |
Nethys |
Location |
Lecturing |
Languages |
All that I can think of |
Occupation |
Sage |
Strength |
8 |
Dexterity |
10 |
Constitution |
16 |
Intelligence |
30 |
Wisdom |
30 |
Charisma |
14 |
About Sasha Velinznrarikovich
A bearded elderly Aasimar. He is clothed from head to toe in the stereotype of an old wizard, pointy hat and all. The only deviation from the wizardly stereotype is the designs on his clothing which depict all manner of symbols of Nethys. The frequency of these symbols seem to signify a cleric.
A young bronze skinned boy of about 12. He has sandy brown hair and a wiry frame. He is clothed from head to toe in the stereotype of an old wizard, pointy hat and all, which on his child body looks more like a costume than a willful style choice. The only deviation from the wizardly stereotype is the designs on his clothing which depict all manner of symbols of Nethys. The frequency of these symbols seem to signify a cleric.
NG Aaismar Wizard (teleportation) 7 / Cleric 1 / Mystic Theurge 10 / Loremaster 2
Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60ft; Perception +22
AC 10; Touch 10; Flat-Footed 10
HP 169;
Fort +15 ; Ref +8 ; Will +26
CMD 18
Resist Cold 5, Elec 5, Acid 5
CMB +7
Speed 30;
Spell-Like Abilities
Pyrotechnics 1/day
Spells Known/Prepared
Wizard (CL 18, Conc +28)
9th - 3 - Gate, time stop, [blank]
8th - 4 - Maze, mind blank, protection from spells, [blank]
7th - 5 - G Teleport, spell turning, limited wish, temporal divergence, [blank]
6th - 7 - Getaway, psychic asylum, psychic asylum, psychic asylum, g dispel magic, g herosim, [blank]
5th - 7 - Wall of Stone, wall of force, wall of force, dismissal, overland flight, thoughtsense, q true strike
4th - 7 - Dimension Door, dimension door, dimension anchor, emergency force sphere, detonate, g invisibility, g invisibility
3rd - 7 - Phase Steps, fireball, fly, arcane sight, dispel magic, dispel magic, haste
2nd - 8 - Glitterdust, invisibility, invisibility, see invisibility, resist energy, suppress charms and compulsions, suppress charms and compulsions
1st - 8 - Obscuring Mist, vanish, vanish, true strike, protection from evil, protection from evil, feather fall
0th - 4 - prestidigitation, mage hand, mending, detect magic
Cleric (CL 16 *18*, Conc +26 *28*)
*8th - 2+1 - Discern Location, , *
7th - 2+1* - Legend Lore, holy word, *destruction*
6th - 4+1* - Find The Path, heal, g dispel magic, *heal*
5th - 5+1* - True Seeing, breath of life, plane shift, life bubble, breath of life, * *
4th - 6+1 - Divination, death ward, Freedom of Movement, holy smite, restoration, restoration
3rd - 6+1 - Speak With Dead, dispel magic, dispel magic, share language communal, resist energy communal, resist energy communal, napstack
2nd - 7+1 - Detect Thoughts, silence, silence, invisibility purge, see invisibility, -, -
1st - 7+1 - Comprehend Languages, skim, protection from evil, protection from evil, remove fear, bless, bless
0th - read magic, light, stabilize, create water
* = If candle of invocation is burning
Str 8, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 30, Wis 30, Cha 14
Base Atk +9;
(W)Spell Focus (Conj), (1) Spell Focus (Abj), (3)Spell Specialization (G Dispel Magic), (5)Echoing Spell, (7) Dispel Focus, (9)Persistent Spell, (11)Quicken Spell, (13)Skill Focus KN Arcana, (15)Spell Perfection (G Dispel Magic), (17) Dimensional Agility, (19) Extra Contingency, (LM) Deific Obedience
Craft Encyclopedia +15,
Craft Alchemy +15,
Diplomacy +10,
Fly +10,
Knowledge Arcana +32,
Knowledge Dungeoneering +27,
Knowledge Engineering +28,
Knowledge Geography +29,
Knowledge History +29,
Knowledge Local +30,
Knowledge Nature +28,
Knowledge Nobility +28,
Knowledge Planes +28,
Knowledge Religion +28,
Linguistics +35,
Perception +30,
Profession (Lecturer) +15,
Profession (Scholar) +30
Sense Motive +15,
Spellcraft +32,
Survival +13
Use Magic Device +18
Languages a lot
Shift (15ft) 13 / day, Fast Study
Cleric's Kit, 500g silver holy symbol, Scrivener's Kit, Scroll case, Healer's Kit, 2x Blessed Books, 35k diamond dust, 6 x 1k diamond, 4 x 500g diamond
L MM Rod of Quicken, L MM Rod of Versatile (Ext, Merciful, Reach), MM Rod of Quicken
Scrolls - Heal, Breath of Life
Belt of Con +6, Headband of Int & Wis +6, Cloak of Resist +3, 2x Prayer Beads (healing, karma, smiting), 3x Candle of Invocation (NG), manual of Int +5, manual of Wis +5, (unique) handy haversack, Orange Ioun Stone
Pearls of Power - 6th, 7th, 8th
Magical Knack (cleric), Signature Spell (dispel magic)
Abyssal, Aklo, Ancient Osiriani, Aquan, Auran, Azlanti, Celestial, Common, Cyclops, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnoll, Gnome, Halfling, Hallot, Ignan, Infernal, Jistkan, Katapesh, Minkaian, Nagaji, Necril, Orc, Orvian, Osiriani, Polyglot, Read Lips, Senzar, Sign Language, Sylvan, Sphinx, Tekretanan, Tengu, Terran, Thassalonian, Tien, Trent, Undercommon, Varisian, Vegypygmy, Vudrani