
Sasha Greymantle's page

33 posts. Organized Play character for Killian.

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Id like to request cancellation of the following:

Starfinder Roleplaying Game
Starfinder Adventure Path
Starfinder Society

Thank you

Jeff Robinson

First if this is posted in the wrong area, I'm sorry.

My question is how many points should be allowed if I ok 18 for one ability. Im creating a post Iron gods campaign. I want the players to have their new class with the 18 in the most important attribute.

Could a Black Blade Magus block parry or deflect a scorching ray spell? If so what would they need to do so ? Thanks

A short but simple question what god or gods would be good for a character who is an inventor or some form of smith like a gunsmith or an alchemist ?

According to both the Core Rules & Hero Lab Ghost touch can be added to any melee weapon.

Yet on pg 19 in The haunting of Harrowstone.
One of the rewards is 5 +1 Ghost touch arrows.

So the question is. Is Ghost touch now valid for ammo as well. If so I think someone should also let the fine folks at Lone Wolf know in order to change it their data sets for Hero Lab.


Scarab Sages

I see bits and pieces for snowcaster elves in The Hungry Storm. Is there any difference from normal elves?

By way of comparison WOTC created the element books with variant core races that survived in adverse weather.

Scarab Sages

I've been a LONG time gamer and have some of the First Edition Gods that were created for Greyhawk. These are lesser gods. I would like to add to Pathfinder.

My questions are

1. has anyone done this ?? If so my search fu is weak could you help me out.

2. Is there a format for creating said gods.

The gods Im looking at are
1. The Earth Dragon cult
2. Kelanen
3. Murlynd

They are from Greyhawk Slavers TSR 11621
Also Im posting here cause Mr. Reynolds & Mr. Pramas are the main authors.


Sovereign Court

I have a player that has nails. Question its listed as an (ex) ability. In the RAW, it does not say anything about the nature of the nails. The question is are these considered magical ?

Sovereign Court

What are either official or third party races that are playable for Pathfinder. Im not worried about Society games. Its for personal use.

Im looking for something different. I have the core races and the ones from the monster books. Are there any others??

Sovereign Court

Im playing an inquisitor in the carrion crown. While Ive played RPGs for a while Im struggling with the role playing of an inquisitor for any of the gods of pathfinder.

Game mechanics I have no problem with. Its the why am I here, part ie the back ground and personal motivation. Also I have not picked a god yet. Suggestion??? Also if Mr. Reynolds is looking at the boards what would you suggest for Pharasma?? Thanks

Dark Archive

Ok my group is starting a homebrew based campaign. Im wanting to play an inquisitor. I also just picked up the Faith of Purity book. While I have not read in detail. I did see the ideals set up for the paladin code. It would have been nice if Paizo included ideas for the inquisitor's goals. Its a small problem that Paizo has had since day one. They creat AWESOME products but sometimes only end up teasing you with the result, dont get me wrong I love Paizo and will continue to purchace their products but its still a problem so can the writers or the community help me out? Im stuck on the fluff portion of what would be main ojectives for each god so I can better create a background.


If I order the Pathfinder Adventure Path Ongoing Subscription & the Pathfinder Chronicles Ongoing Subscription & the Pathfinder Companion Ongoing Subscription & lastly, the Pathfinder Modules Ongoing Subscription will the montly amount including shiping and handling be the same amount every month or will montly total vary each month?

Question to the men and women of Paizo.
Is there going to be a re-release of the previous Adventure Paths??
I can no longer find print versions of the Rise of the Runelords.
Is this due to no more releases or is there going to be a version 2.0 of all the previous Adventure Paths that were created before the Pathfinder RPG was released??

Two questions

1. is there an auto calculating/ auto fill sheet out yet?

2. I saw in another post that there is a section for all character sheets and other community stuff?? If so could someone hot link it I cant seem to find it My search fu is weak on this site


Question for either the creaters or the community. Are there stats for the Drow Derro Tiefling or other races?? I ask only because I recently drank the Kool-Aid that is Pathfinder and I like what I see. As a new convert I do not have all the books yet. Can anyone help me out?