About SarthosA full sheet can be found here. Sarthos Favored Class: Cleric
Age 31
Cleric(Separatist) 1/Monk(Master of Many Styles) 1,
-------------------------------- Traits & Drawback:
Heavy Hitter:Sarthos was trained in Martial Art from a young age. Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls made with unarmed attacks. Magical Knack:Not only was Sarthos raised in one of the most mythical monasteries of Golarion, his former lives give him a further guidance.
Rahadoumi Exile: A heretic. A blasphemer. Thats what the Pure Legion of Rahadoum would call Sarthos, having prosecuted and nearly executed him for his beliefs. But, as chance would have it, he escaped. To this day he still does not understand how. The only explaination was that some higher being had to have helped him. He never met this supposed rescuer, retaining a half remembered dream as the only sign. But his dedication has only been empowered by this feeling. Fleeing Rahadoum as a refugee, he eventually came to Osirion, hoping to help the survivors of Xotani's rampage where you can.
Effect: You take a –1 penalty on saving throws against fire effects.
Channel Smite: Before you make a melee attack roll, you can choose to spend one use of your channel energy ability as a swift action. If you channel positive energy and you hit an undead creature, that creature takes an amount of additional damage equal to the damage dealt by your channel positive energy ability. If you channel negative energy and you hit a living creature, that creature takes an amount of additional damage equal to the damage dealt by your channel negative energy ability. Your target can make a Will save, as normal, to halve this additional damage. If your attack misses, the channel energy ability is still expended with no effect. Guided Hand:Benefit: With your deity’s favored weapon, you can use your Wisdom modifier instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifier on attack rolls. Dragon Style:Benefit: While using this style, you gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against sleep effects, paralysis effects, and stunning effects. You ignore difficult terrain when you charge, run, or withdraw. You can also charge through squares that contain allies. Further, you can add 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus on the damage roll for your first unarmed strike on a given round.
Items: Kit, Monks, 8g, 992 gold
Prepared spells: 1: Endure Elements (cast), Longstrider(D) x1, Comprehend Languages Backstory: The general:
He had been near perfection once. The doors of Iroris realm stood open wide and release from the cycle of rebirth was at hand. Yet he couldn't let go. Not because he wanted to return, but because he was not satisfied with himself. He might have mastered spirit, body and mind to inhuman degrees, but did he attain perfection? No. How could he? He was still only a man after all, far removed from the ideal set by his god. And thus he returned. Again and again and again.Countless times he returned. Over time he started to grow frustrated, a deep frustration at his own insufficiency that even penetrated each fresh life. And while he couldn't give up on his quest, it started to hinder him more in each new life. Now, most of his recent lives have been rather 'normal'. Good lives, that would still make most gods and probably even Irori proud, but far removed from the glory of his past. The last time he attained the rank of master now lies more than 400 years back and even the times he becomes a monk at all are growing scarcer. This life, with its exceptionally good start, could be his last, best chance of enlightenment. Will he overcome his limits or accept his imperfection? Or will he maybe come to another conclusion altogether? Backstory: This live:
Sarthos was born in Tar Kuata on the 12th of Pharast, 4682 AR and orphaned at the young age of 4. Luckily for him, one the monasteries oracles had identified him as the reincarnation of a master that lived there almost 1000 years ago and they thus decided to take him in and train him. He doesn't remember much of his life before becoming an novice, but he does very well remember the long days of hard study and training that followed. While he seemed overly talented and mastering new things often seemed more like remembering long forgotten knowledge, he also easily grew frustrated if something didn't go well and got easily distracted. Where it not for the hard hand of his teachers, he often would have gladly thrown it all away. But while even they were sometimes near despair at his impatience and sudden outbursts, in the end he managed to discipline himself. Mostly. Yet in the end he still completely disappointed and enrage his mentors when he announced that he didn't plan to spend the rest of his live in silent contemplation, studying and teaching. Instead he wanted to leave the monastery and start wandering the world, for there was nothing left that he could learn here. Yet, while they thought it a great loss to let a promising monk go and some even whispered that they wasted to much on him, ultimately Iroris teaching gave no reason to keep him and so he left 9 years ago. Since then he's wandered here and there, from the wide plains of Katapesh, through the jungles of the Mwangi Expanse and swamps of the Sodden Land.
While he rid himself of the small wooden hand, his only open symbol of worship, and thus got into the country without problem, waiting for a northbound ship in Aziz proved disastrous.
He never found out who had reported him, but that very night a whole squad of the Pure Legion stormed his room mid meditation, brutally apprehending him.
As the flames started to lick up his body, his discipline started to fail and he would have screamed were it not for the suffocating smoke, smoke so thick he couldn't even see out of it anymore.
Yet no hard, cold death awaited him, instead he feel into deep dreams.
Next thing he remembers is waking up on a dune slightly outside Duwwor, dreams fading fast. The outer signs of the fire had somehow been reduced to small, mildly painful scars and patches of pinkish skin, though he soon found the mental images of his own burning flesh far harder to shake and he was ever since filled with a feeling of dread when near open fire. Not sure what exactly to make of his strange rescue, he at first played with the thought about taking up his original plan and trying to get northward, this time embarking in Merab instead. But when he entered Duwwor proper, he the received terrible news that he was not the only one to suffer fire recently, that his martyrdom was even dwarfed by the events in the east.
Sarthos looks like a osirion monk as there are thousand others. A Garundi man in his early thirties, black hair and beard shaved bald and clad in simple robes, he is all but unassuming. Or at least he would be where it not for the small scars and patches of rosy pink flesh that line most of his body, the top of his head being the only notable exception. They, together with a deep, seemingly uncharacteristic weariness in his brown eyes and measured movements make him seem far older than he is. Personality:
Sarthos is a kind and humble man, possessing strong discipline and will, yet being sometimes carried away by his desire to help. Believing that everyone should find his or her own way, he tries to only give council when asked and refrains from scolding people for doing what in his eyes are essentially chaotic, useless things. On the other hand he is sometimes prone to sudden outbursts of frustration if things do not work out. While those are generally focused at himself, his inner tension can also make him cutty towards other peoples shortcomings. In general, he is not someone that's good talking to people, especially since his newish scars can be somewhat off-putting. Yet he doesn't really care, for the ultimate goal is enlightenment, not being well liked or proselytization. He is quite good at listening though, believing that one can learn from everyone, no matter how insignificant. Ever since his close encounter with a fiery death, he is also ridden by a offsetting aversion against open flames, even starting to slightly shake if they come to near. While he abstain from alcohol and all kind of drugs, he is surprisingly fond of good food. Missing the simple but delicious cloister cuisine more than he would admit, he is always happy to try local food.
Drawback, Story Feat, Mythic Trait:
Drawback: [urr=http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/drawbacks/burned]Burned[/url] Pretty self explanatory. If you for some reason don't want us to use that one, as its pretty harsh in case there are a lot of fire users, I could change to "doubt". Story Feat: Apothesis
The mythic trait on the other hand went in pretty nicely. I guess you planned it this way, but giving an +2 Will bonus to a wisdom-based character with strong will-saves seems slightly overkill at low levels.^^
Class-choice + Role:
Sarthos is pretty much just a Champion of the Enlightened-fluffed battle cleric. I changed to this, because I indeed wasn't sure how well Champion of the Enlightened would go with the corruption mechanic. This way going down the deep end is at least an option. Also my test mythic CotE builds got "slightly" out of hand on the damage side, this should give a lot more utility while still being somewhat useful in meele (once he goes Mythic at least). For now he is mostly support, casting spells and doubling someones meele damage with Inquisitor’s Direction. I'm not sure yet if I'll take 1 or 2 more monk level (probably not), but mechanically he'll pretty much almost full (meele) cleric.