Red Dragon

Sarrion's page

Organized Play Member. 302 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

It is in my understanding Golarion does not have a whole lot of atheists, so as per the question above, what happens to their souls when they die? Do they go to Hell or the Abyss to be tortured for an eternity? Or do they go to the plan of their deity?


This could be a dumb question but, what are the referencing in the Magus Myrmidarch Ranged Spell Strike ability which says:

Ranged Spell Strike:
At 4th level, a myrmidarch can use spellstrike to cast a single-target touch attack ranged spell and deliver it through a ranged weapon attack. Even if the spell can normally affect multiple targets, only a single missile, ray, or effect accompanies the attack. At 11th level, a myrmidarch using a multiple-target spell with this ability may deliver one ray or line of effect with each attack when using a full-attack action, up to the maximum allowed by the spell (in the case of ray effects). Any effects not used in the round the spell is cast are lost.

The only line of effect spells i can think of right now are dragon breath, when you use the line breath weapon and lightning bolt. Are there spells with multiple lines of effect?

I get the ray portion already. Thanks!

I know this has been discussed in the past but it's been a year or so since i've seen anything on it.

Other than the crit and fumble decks, is there any chance that Paizo is going to be releasing a character sheet App for the iPad and/or tablet pc's?

Okay guys and girls i'm looking for some insight towards what spells my Wizard should be casting because I've got this problem of becoming incredibly bored during combat. Currently we are level 4.

To start off he is a Divination specialist with a focus on conjuration spells for battlefield control. I tend to memorize a couple glitterdust, grease, magic missile and enlarge person.. I've got Acid Splash for a little bit of offense when i run out of spells and there can be anywhere from 1 to 6 encounters in a day.

I know that the sustainability tends to increase around level 7. Is there any suggestions people can make for the interim to make the levelling process less mind numbingly boring?

Right now i tend to throw out a glitterdust at the beginning of combat and maybe a grease to trip up more persistent opponents.

Currently the campaign is very frugal when it comes to gold/supplies, nevermind shops (we're playing serpents skull) which are non-existent. Should I perhaps be crafting scrolls to supplement my spell casting?

Do you think a push towards crafting a ring of wizardry makes more sense?

If a wizard has an evil familiar (for example an imp), would the party paladin have to kill it?

The Wizard in question is not evil.

Just to be clear the intent of having the imp familiar is not to perform evil acts while staying neutral. It actually has to do with the characters history in the campaign, I just don't want to present my characters plot device only to have it murdered in the first session.

I already know that if a barbarian uses natural attacks in conjunction with iterative weapon attacks, the natural weapons become secondary attacks (resulting in a -5 to hit).

My question pertains to this scenario:

Barbarian pounces with natural attacks using Beast Totem (Greater)and does his first claw attack and then a successful disarm maneuver using his second claw attack. Since he is not using a weapon to perform this maneuver he can automatically pick up the weapon (free action implied?). Can the barbarian then continue by using that weapon against the target with his iterative attacks since he can do a full attack action on a charge? Are there any penalties to be applied?

The barbarian has already used his natural attacks and if he hadn't successfully disarmed he would not have been able to make the iterative attacks. This is why i am unsure how you would apply penalties, if at all.

So what happens to an eidolon's weapons/gear when it is dismissed? Do they fall to the ground or go to a different plane? Also, I know you can't stack the same slots for eidolon/summoner gear but if the eidolon is dismissed and is utilizing a slot (ie the amulet slot) and the summoner puts on an item for that same slot, would he/she reap the benefits while the eidolon is not summoned?

I have a level 6 fey bloodline sorcerer that I am trying to raise the spell dc's for. As it stands he has the spell focus line for enchantment and the bloodline benefit as well along with a charisma of 23 from starting stats an items. So what buffs, debuffs or feats can I use to increase his dc's further? I'm focusing on compulsion spells as primary and I guess conjuration as secondary.

Heya folks,

I'm working on building a back up character for my party and am looking to build an arcane caster that would compliment the party dynamic.

Right now we have a Magus, Melee Ranger, Melee Fighter, Melee Druid w/animal companion and an oracle who is also somewhat melee focused. So I figured i would take a battlefield controller/debuffer approach to building a wizard or sorcerer which would help to compliment the party.

Any suggestions on a build? Right now the characters are level 4. My biggest fear with playing an arcane caster is not having high enough DC's for spells and not having enough spells to withstand 4 to 6 encounters per day.

I'd also like to figure out some good combinations of spells for the character to cast in succession in order to separate groups of enemies or take significant threats out of the picture.

There are a lot of suggestions in Treantmonks guide but there have been two expansion books since then and i figure there are a lot more options now.

We are using a 20 point buy and use Pathfinder Core, APG and UM.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Like the title says, I'm wondering if Power of Giants works like Enlarge Person to increase the weapon size category of a weapon the character is weilding.

I'm trying to figure out how I would make a wonderous item similar to the Monk's Robes but geared towards a bards inspire courage and (if possible) inspire competence being effectively increased by 5 levels.

Any suggestions on what the caster level would be to create the magic item and what spell(s)?

I don't want to give away too many details as this is from an adventure path but I'd like to get some insight from some other players/GMs to see if I am being a little too strict on the whole paladin code.

Basic scenario is that there is an encampent that has some hostages from a local town. The party consisting of a druid, barbarian, cleric, sorcerer, paladin and monk decide to rescue the hostages.

The plan is pretty straight forward, dimension door in with everyone being invisible, the proceed to distract the captors while the cleric retrieves the girls. Then if the captors attack the party, defend appropriately.

What happened was, Air Elemental Druid drops a distraction in the form of ball lightning but doesn't hit anyone, the Barbarian, Monk, Cleric and Paladin teleport in while invisible. Then the sorcerer drops a fireball killing 5 of the captors. The paladin and barbarian proceed to charge the remaining captors. Now the paladin does do a subdual shield slam against one of the barbarians so I'll give him that and he did ask the guy to drop his weapon.

Is this honorable combat? Obviously the paladin had no real choice in the matter of the fireball. The approach to the entire combat strikes me as more chaotic is all. I haven't taken away any powers but if the paladin doesn't try to bring some order to the process I am tempted to apply a penalty.


Quick question here. Snatch specifically states if a creature grappled is three size categories smaller than the grappler can automatically squeeze and apply bite or claw damage.

Does this ability only allow the Hydra to grapple small opponents on a successful bite or claw? Or could the Hydra grapple any opponent on a successful attack but be restricted to squeezing small creatures (assuming huge hydra).

Also, if the hydra can grapple (grab) with its bite, can it maintain a grapple with each mouth on separate opponents without taking a -20 to the CMD or do all of its heads have to grapple a single target? By RAW I think it has to but Hydra's are a little unique.

This may be redundant to ask but i want to be sure I am not screwing my players over.

With Spike Growth and Spike Stones it says that you take damage of 1d4 (or 1d8) for every 5 feet you move through the affected area unless you make a reflex save. When you take damage your movement is reduced to half speed unless you perform a heal check or have a cure spell cast on you.

So is it safe to assume that if your npc have damage reduction that negates any damage from the spell, that they could not be reduced to half speed then?

I couldn't really find a rule for this so I'll ask here.

If you used a lassoe on someone and then proceeded to attempt to drag them, would you just use a standard drag check to see if you could pull them toward you?

Only reason i ask is because the drag rules state that it's for dragging someone behind you as you move across the battlefield and not for dragging someone towards you from range.


Hey everyone,

Currently I am GMIng for a group of 5 players which consists of three fighters (melee x2 and bow x1), a rogue (scout/melee) and a druid (without an animal companion), which are all at level 5. The problem I am having right now is that I can't seem to design encounters that over much versatility for the party to deal with.

We are running the Kingmaker campaign and are in the second module, right now the random encounters are melee centric and this is really the groups forté. Even when i add the advanced template to the enemies the AC is far too low (the lowest +attack is +10) and the attack and damage seems to sky rocket which makes it very dangerous for the PC's.

Of course I want to have a sense of danger but the party (and myself) is getting tired of encountering a gang of trolls or a pack of wolves etc.

Suggestions? Should I try adding class levels to orcs?

Is a creature considered observed when you have made a successful perception check to notice them? Is this perception check made as passive? If so what do you use to determine the result of a passive perception check?

For example, someone enters an alley, a round later another person enters the same alley from behind.

In this scenario is the third party entering the alley:
1) automatically observed as they are within line of sight (and pathfinder has no facing rules)?
2) observed after an active perception check is rolled by the creature already present in the alley?
3) observed after a passive perception check is compared against the perception DC to notice that another creature has entered the alley.

Any help is appreciated!