
Saracen's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Hi all,

I have a player who is going synthesist/rogue. He wants to select the skilled evolution to increase his skills by another +8, here is the question:

1. As a synthesist he gains access to teh eidolon's evolutions and special stuff.
2. As a synthesist his eidolon has no skills or feats.

Can a synthesist's eidolon access this evolution since it targets something it doesnt have?

I like the concept of the idea, however as it was pointed out earlier spells like ray of enfeeblement become usesless, calcific touch from apg becomes nothing more than a mere annoyance. Poisons and diseases can decimate characters in a single round instead of overtime, especially if it hits a character with a low or even a negative stat modifier. Add to that a very basic component to the game, fatigue and exhaustion using the point system, exhaustion means that they loose 6 points out of str, and dex, so a tweekd SAD toon with a 22str and 20dex would find themselves at 20,18 where as a MAD toon with say a 16str, and 18dex will find themselves at 14str and 16dex. Porportionally the same, but now factor a Wiz or Sorc as a SAD toon they'd have maybe a 10 str, 12-16 dex [dependant upon play style] add exhaustion and they'r str, and most likely thier dex has bottomed out to 0 following point buy rules.

like i said like the concept but it does not work well mechanically. What I did as a GM a long time ago - after going through dishonesty with stat rolls, and people not knowing basic arithmetic - was to get rid of rolling and point buy all together. I give my players the heroic array [15,14,13,12,10,8] and then follow 4th edition rules for leveling ( +1 stat point to 2 different stats at levels 4,8,14,18, etc..., +1 to all stats at levels 11,21,31, etc...) and havnt had a problem with SAD/MAD disparity, or players feeling like someone else has "fudged" their stats.

not sure if someone touched on this yet but it was always possible to make a 2 weapon kensai, just had to be a double weapon, and each end had to be endowed seperatly. So while you didnt have the whole versatility of whatever you wanted it was still possible. Course you couldve always worked with you GM to use the craft weapon skill to create a unique double weapon that way you could get exactly what you wanted for your double weapon kensai. then the exotic weapons master prc was always a decent choice after or immediatly before to complement the class and weapon choices well

VoodooMike wrote:

This really should be more of a prestige class than a base class. I'm not sure it is focused enough on a specific theme to even go that way. There are plenty of things in the class that are worth working with (such as the gradual removal of organs and such) but again, I don't know that it needs a base class to accomplish it rather than being an option for an evil spellcaster.

Also... no phylactery? So they die instantly and permanently if they hit 0 hitpoints, or do they never die permanently?

The class is supposed to be about the cycle of both life and death, and effectivly the story fluff behind the class is that while being a mortal they would want to stave off death as much as possible, they as a following understand the formality that is the counterpoint to life, and that everything must in time come to an end.

long story short no phylactery = instant death at 0, though soul still remains in the afterlife (such as with a Ghostwalk Campaign) the lich does not come back, and is gone for good.

While a true resurection could bring them back, they would have to do all the rituals over again to regain what they once had.

SmiloDan, I see what you were getting at with your version of the shadowcaster, but the thing that worries me is that power level wise it isn't on par with pathfinder casters.

While I respect what you did with keeping most of the original class (a really good/ well built class IMO) my issue is 1. like i said uptop not sure how it compares with current power levels for caster. 2. In 3.5 the shadowcaster was more powerful level for level than most other casters, offset by the fact that they were so limited, this was in terms of notonly class abilities, but also HD as well, which your version doesnt get more powerful abilites than sorcerers (IMO), their 20th level ability is underpowered and they get regular caster HD.

again just my concerns

QuiZZer wrote:

A daily limit would certainly make the abilities more easily balanced and a ritual seems much "nicer" on players.

You haven't written up their armour and weapon proficiencies though, would these be similar to a cleric or sorcerer?

With regards to Spell Burst, perhaps you should specify that the TN can use positive or negative energy in a burst?

The canopic jars is an interesting idea, but it seems to leave the class rather vulnerable, of course, that's up to the GM on how mean he wants to be to the player.

I haven't looked through the spell list, but I assume it would be limited but quite useful what they can cast.

Yea with respects to armor and weapons, i was thinking same line as sorc/wiz.

spell burst, yes they cause an explosion of either positive or negative energy when they sacrifice one of their spell slots. They choose which when they use the ability.

On the canoptic jars, while yes it does leave the class extremely vulnerable however, this aspect of the class is late in its progression and does not present itself until such time that the adventurers *should* have, among other things, in their possession a Bag of Holding, and while i agree with you it is up to the DM to decide how mean they are going to be, I personally have never met one so mean as to sunder a PC's bag of holding.

As for the spell list that really would only be limited to the player's discretion. In that I mean that the only restrictions on spells that the class has is that the only spells they can learn are Necromancy and Healing spells, AND that said spells cannot have an alignment descriptor. So yes limited in its capacity but extrordinarily versatile.

Thank you for your post.

QuiZZer wrote:

Hi Saracen,

I like the idea and feeling of your True Necromancer but I honestly think it seems a bit overpowered.

The TN gains a lot of magical effects and not to mention the chance of dying as you level up, that's not exactly player friendly. Would it not be easier to keep the cost and use an xp penalty instead to go through with the ritual?

I would think Intelligence or Wisdom would be a more natural casting stat for a TN than Charisma as well. Can they choose any spells from the Healing and Necromancy subset or just arcane or divine spells?

I was wondering about the power aspect of some of its abilities when i was making it, then started doing math and found that some of the things arent really that overpowering they just seem like that at first glance. spell burst (while similar to channel energy) is different in two VERY different ways. 1; they have to burn a spell to get the effect, and said effect is contingent upon the spell. 2; there are not, nor are there likely to be any feats for this ability which makes it no where near as versatile or powerful as channel (encompassing 3.5 feats as well as pathfinder)

As for Famine, Pestilence and Death: typo, i forgot to put a daily usage on pestilence and death abilities.

Yea the whole dying thing is kinda steep ( I'm still working on that part) but seemed rather appropriate, I'm tossing around the idea of just dumping all their spells as part of ritual (to keep them alive and sew their magical forces as part of their natural body) instead of death, but for what they get that doesn't really seem like enough cost, though i guess that's what the money is for.

As for the Cha stat, while i get what your saying about the primary ability, while i was envisioning this class i saw them as a spontaneous caster. Like a person who literally holds life and death in their very hands.

And to your last question, yes they gain access to any and all necro and healing spells - as long as they don't have an alignment descriptor.

Thank you for your post, if disagree with me on these please let me know i take criticisms well, and welcome questions and suggestions.

Majuba wrote:

To my eyes, Twilight armor should not be included. The Arcane Armor Training feat has replicated that ability in a much more balanced way. Considering these would stack, it becomes rather ridiculous.

That same +5 armor bonus would cost 5x as much on bracers. +8 armor bonus would be just 26k, vs. 64k on bracers. Add ghost touch and you get 10k vs. 25k and 37k vs. 64k to make up for the benefit bracers give of blocking incorporeal touch attacks.

That doesn't account for the easy acquisition of mithril breastplate, or even full plate with no arcane spell failure.

cant seem to find where twilight armor where is it?

Level Special
1 Touch of Life and Death, Spell Burst
2 Sense Necromancy
3 Famine
4 Bloodless, Improves Spell Burst
5 Bonus Feat
6 -
7 Pestilence
8 Sustained Body
9 Greater Spell Burst
10 Bonus Feat
11 Death
12 Sustained Mind
13 -
14 Superior Spell Burst
15 Bonus Feat
16 Sustained Breath
17 -
18 -
19 Supreme Spell Busrt
20 The Passing

Standard Sorc Spell Progression and Spells known
Cleric BAB Good Fort and Will saves

*Must be neutral alignment


Class Skills: Heal, Knowledge Arcana / Nature / Religion, Spellcraft, Profession, Craft Alchemy.

Touch of Life and Death(su): With a touch the True Necromancer can shift a number of hit points either to or from a creature. With a successful touch attack the True Necromancer can shift hit points equal to their caster level to a target inflicting damage to themselves but healing the target the same amount. The same ability can be used to transfer hit points from a target to the necromancer harming the target but healing the caster.

Spell Burst(su): the true necromancer can expend a spell slot to either heal or inflict damage based upon the spell level. This effect has a radius of 10 feet per spell level and heals or inflicts damage equal to the spells level + CHA. modifier. At 4th level and every 5 levels after that, the amount healed or inflicted becomes multiplied. At 4th level x2, 9th level x3, 14th level x4, and x5 at 19th level.

Spellcasting: The True Necromancer does not gain 0 level spells. True Necromancers can only learn spells from the necromancy and healing schools. They cast spells spontaneously as sorcerers(CHA based). The True Necromancer cannot however learn spells with an alignment descriptor.

Sense Necromancy(su): The True Necromancer gains the ability to sense and identify necromancy and healing, only by its aura as if they had used detect magic. They also gain a bonus equal to their class level on Use Magic Item checks with Necromancy or Healing Items. The True Necromancer is also constantly under the effects of the spell Deathwatch.

Famine(su): The True Necromancy has learned to channel the energies of themselves and others in other ways. With a touch a True necromancer can remove fatigue, exhaustion, and sustain the target for one day without food and water. Alternativly they can also cause the creature to make a fort. Save or become exhausted. On a successful save the target is fatigued. The target also takes 2d6 subdual damage from starvation and dehydration (save negates). Save equals 10+1/2 caster level + CHA mod. This ability is useable 1+CHA mod. Times per day, and a creature can only be effected by this ability once per day.

Bloodless(ex): The True Necromancer may undergo a process by which they drain their body of blood. This process is gory and viewed as vile by most. The process requires 24 hours of research and preparation as well as 3 hours and 2000gp worth of materials to complete. The True Necromancer must succeed on a DC 10 fort save or die from the process. Once the process is complete the True necromancer becomes immune to bleed damage, non-magical poisons, and non-magical diseases.

Pestilence(su): With a touch the True Necromancer can remove, blindness, deafness, disease, poison, and paralysis. Alternativly they can also impart one of these conditions onto another, which allows a save DC= 10+1/2 CL +CHA. On a failed save the target is subject to one of the above conditions, with conditions as follows:
• Blindness or Deafness – permanent
• Diseases – permanent until single successful save. Cannot be magical diseases.
• Poisons – Duration until single successful save
• Paralysis – 1 round/5 caster levels

Sustained Body(ex): If the True Necromancer successfully completed the bloodless ritual they can proceed one step farther, removing their inner organs except their heart, lungs, and brain. The process requires 12 hours of research and preparation 4000gp of materials and 3 hours to complete. They must succeed a DC 15 fort save or die from the process. After which they are immune to physical ability score drain or damage. Immune to magical diseases and poisons, no longer need to eat or drink, immune to CON damage, CON drain and suffer no ill effects from aging.

Death(su): With a touch the True Necromancer can cause a creature to return to life. The creature in question returns to life just beyond the brink of death (0 hp), and exactly as they were at the time of death (minus bleeding effects). This effect can bring back a subject with 0 CON restoring 1 point of CON damage or drain, and this effect CAN bring back those that have died of old age, granting them an additional year of life, though the caster is seldom to use the ability in this manner out of respect for the permanency of life and death. The True Necromancer can also cause a subject to go just beyond the brink of life (-1 hp). A successful for save negates the effect, but ages the target by one category. Save equal to 10+1/2CL +CHA. The Necromancer is also immune to death effects.

Sustained Mind(ex): If the True Necromancer successfully completed the bloodless and sustained body ritual, they can continue their conversion. With this ritual the Necromancer removes their brain, and stores it in a special canoptic jar. The process requires 24 hours of research and preparation, 8000gp of materials (jar included in price) and 1 hour to complete. They must succeed on a DC 20 will save or die. If the successfully complete this ritual they are immune to mental effects, level drain, INT damage, INT drain, WIS damage, WIS drain, and no longer require rest. Though they must still take 1 hour out of their day to revitalize their spell energies. If the canoptic jar encasing their brain is ever destroyed the Necromancer dies.

Sustained Breath(ex): If the True Necromancer successfully completed all prior rituals they can continue their conversion. This ritual removes the True Necromancer’s lungs. The ritual requires 6 hours of research and preparation, 16000gp of materials (including canoptic jar) and 1 hour to complete. If they successfully complete the ritual they no longer need to breath. Also the True Necromancer can cast all of their spells as silent spells. If the canoptic jar encasing their lungs is ever destroyed the Necromancer dies of suffocation.

The Passing(ex): If the True Necromancer successfully completes all prior rituals they can perform their final conversion. This ritual removes the last of their organs, the heart. This ritual requires 24 hours of research and preparation 32000gp of materials their two canoptic jars and 10 hours to complete. The first part of the process requires a DC 25 fort save or the True Necromancer dies from removing their heart. If they survive, the second part requires the True Necromancer to destroy both canoptic jars requiring both a DC 25 fort and will save, or die. If they successfully complete this ritual the True Necromancer transforms into a creature depending on their alignment:
• Neutral Good – Deathless Lich *no phylactery
• True Neutral – Purgatorian
• Neutral Evil – Undead Lich *no phylactery
Same as lich except as noted here:
• Retains CON. Score
• Constant Gentle Repose
• Not classified as alive or dead
• Does not gain channel resistance
• Can deal either positive or negative damage with its touch attack
• Does not gain Fear aura
• Does not gain paralyzing touch
• Does not gain Damage Reduction
• Gains spell resistance 15 + HD
• +2 STR, +2 DEX, +2 CON
• Healed normally by positive and negative energy
• When reduced to 0 hit points there is a 50% chance that the Purgatorian dies or is destroyed.

Shadow Caster:
Level Special
1 Fundamentals of Shadow, Apprentice Mysteries (Spells)
2 Bonus Feat; See Text
3 Umbral Sight
4 Bonus Fundamental
5 Symbiotic Shadow
6 Greater Umbral Sight
7 Apprentice Mysteries (Spell-like), Initiate Mysteries
8 Bonus Fundamental
9 Sustaining Shadow
10 Greater Symbiotic Shadow
11 Improved Sustaining Shadow
12 Bonus Fundamental
13 Apprentice Mysteries (Supernatural), Initiate Mysteries (Spell - like), Master Mysteries
14 Hide In Plain Sight
15 Greater Sustaining Shadow
16 Bonus Fundamental
17 Fundamental Mastery
18 Apprentice Mastery
19 Initiate Mysteries (supernatural), Master Mysteries (spell-like)
20 Bonus Fundamental, Shadow Metamorphosis

(Standard Sorc/Wiz attack bonus; Good Fort / Will saves)
HD: D6
Skills: Craft, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Planes), Profession, Perception, Spellcraft, Stealth

Weapons And Armor: Proficient with all simple weapons, not proficient with armor or shields (standard arcane caster penalties)

Mysteries: Mysteries work in different ways depending on caster level. Mysteries that function as spells work twice per day. Mysteries that function as spell like abilities function 3/day. Those that function as Supernatural abilities function 4/day. Supernatural abilities have save DC(10 + ½ CL + CHA). Shadow casters do not gain extra Mysteries (either known or per day) from having a high CHA or INT score, a shadowcaster knows mysteries equal to his class level. A Shadowcaster must take mysteries in order, thus if they wish to learn a 3rd level mystery of a given path, they must know the previous 2 mysteries of that path. Every time a shadowcaster would learn a new mystery (apprentice, initiate, or master) they can choose to learn a mystery of one grade lower than what they can choose; ex.(learn fundamental in place of apprentice).

Fundamentals of Shadow: Begin Play knowing three fundamentals (0 level spells). These are useable each 3/day + caster level. Fundamentals Function as Spell – like abilities, with save DC(10+CHA). At 7th level they function as Supernatural abilities. A shadowcaster learns a new fundamental at 4th level and every 4 levels after that.
Apprentice Mysteries: To learn a mystery your intelligence score must equal 10 + Mystery level. DC to resist is equal to 10 + Mystery Level + CHA modifier. At 1st level these function as spells. At 7th level they function as spell – like abilities, and at 13th level they function as supernatural abilities.

Bonus Feats: A shadowcaster gains bonus feats equal to the number of paths that they complete , as well as the number of paths they have access to rounded down.

Umbral Sight(ex): The shadowcaster gains darkvision 30ft. and low – light vision.

Symbiotic Shadow(ex): The Shadowcaster gains resistance to cold 5, +4 on stealth checks, and increases their base land speed by 5.
Greater Umbral Sight(ex(: The Shadowcaster gains darkvision 60ft. and superior low – light vision.
Initiate Mysteries: The shadowcaster gains access to more powerful mysteries, these function as spells, at 13th level they function as spell – like abilities, and at 19th level they function as supernatural abilities.

Sustaining Shadow(ex): The shadow caster no longer needs to eat, or drink, and becomes immune to disease, magical or mundane.
Greater Symbiotic Shadow(ex): The shadowcaster gains resistance to cold 10, +8 on stealth checks, and increases their base land speed by 10.
Improved Sustaining Shadow(ex): The shadowcaster no longer needs to sleep, and is immune to effects that would cause sleep.

Master Mysteries: The shadowcaster has unlocked the secrets to the highest level mysteries. These function as spells, at 19th level they function as spell like abilities.
Hide In Plain Sight(ex): This functions as the Ranger ability except that it cannot be used in an area of natural daylight, a daylight spell, or similar effect.

Greater Sustaining Shadow(ex): The shadowcaster no longer needs to breath and is immune to poisons, magical or otherwise.

Fundamental Mastery: A shadowcaster gains unlimited use of their fundamentals. In addition they gain the ability to use each of their fundamentals as extraordinary abilities each 3/day. Doing so deals 10 points of nonlethal damage to the shadow caster, and requires a fort. save DC(10+½CL+CON) or be nauseated for 1 round, and a will save DC(10+½CL+CHA) or be dazed for 1 round.

Apprentice Mastery: A shadow caster gains the ability to use each of their apprentice mysteries as an extraordinary ability 2/day. Doing so requires a fort. save DC(15+½CL+CON) or be nauseated for 1 round, and a will save DC(15+½CL+CHA) or be dazed for 1 round.

Shadow Metamorphosis: The shadowcaster succumbs to the forces that have taken hold of his body, and becomes a shadow elemental (medium sized)[pg. 166 tome of magic]. The shadowcaster gains all associated powers and weaknesses (except the ability to use Dusk and Dawn). A shadowcaster cannot use their mysteries (even those that they can use as extraordinary) unless they retake their corporeal form (this includes their fundamentals). A shadowcaster can change forms as a swift action.

Skizzy wrote:
Raestlin wrote:
Rene Ayala wrote:
Kraven Evilfart wrote:
I think you're just focusing to much one thinking the alchemist is about 1 thing.
...Please, Kraven, don't presume how a play a character and especially tell me I'm playing it wrong. Criticizing another person's play style or decisions isn't the point of this play test...
You cannot claim that your playstyle is inviolate if you are criticizing the class yourself. Thats like me complaining that the wizard is lame because the familiar is incredibly weaker than an animal companion or summoners eidolon.

I say we stop this while we are ahead before this thread is closed for useless childish bickering because people want to play egomaniac here.

And for the record he never stated that his playstyle was inviolate because he played differently from Kraven.

If you read his entire post he restates that he posted his experience of Playtesting the Alchemist as Jason requested we do rather than post what will make the class better before we even know what situations have essential boons and banes.

I'm merely suggesting that we add Trapfinding to the Alchemist to give it more of a "want to play the class" feel because as others have stated more eloquently, the class is fairly weak at the moment.

actually one of my players is playtesting the alchemist and its pretty strong, granted they are only level 2 but the base bomb is really useful for killing off 1 enemy while damaging a crowd, and its pretty much garunteed damage since you only have to hit a square, penalties for throwing farther than range isnt really that bad considering ac of square.

other than that i think that getting discoveries a little more often would be nice perhaps like every third level, that or have an extra discovery feat.

seems a bit out there, but that being said:

alchemists can make mutagens which raise their ability scores natural armor and so on.

the question is that; givin this is it forseeable that a feat is created which would allow alchemists to make diseases, or anti-mutagens?