
Saori Silverhand's page

5 posts. Alias of Saori.


Female Half-Elf Celestial Sorcerer 1

Saori pales as he hands her the mask, she looks at him directly searching for meaning in his expression. "Th-thank you, Master Dunmont" she stammers as she takes the mask and looks down upon its smooth surface.

Turning away from the bar, Saori runs her thumb over the soft smooth wood and wonders if the mask would actually be enough to disguise her. Worried suddenly, she turns back to Master Dunmont, smiling and says, "May the blessing of Daena be upon you".

For the DM:
She watches for his reaction.

For the DM:
Is the mask of a size to disguise her elven appearance?

Female Half-Elf Celestial Sorcerer 1

Raised in the chapel of Daena and secluded from society as a result of her race, Saori is cautious as she walks amongst the people of Three Oaks. Her graceful steps are barely disguised by her overlong cloak, forcing her to be more self-conscious of her body as she strolls down the main street of the town.

Alone for the first time in her life, Saori is almost unable to contain her nervous excitement. She takes time to observe the bustle and press of the townsfolk preparing for the beginning of the Harvest Festival. As she nears the town square she ensures the cowl of her hood is up at all times and tries to avoid any encounter that may force her to lower it.

Focusing on keeping herself inconspicuous, her mind far from the task she was sent here to achieve, Saori is startled by the sudden appearance of a party of dwarves as she turns a sharp corner - almost colliding with the lead dwarf. "M-my, apologies, sir," she stammers, keeping her head low, making her away around the group of staring dwarves.

Swiftly, she makes haste from the small party and walks between two wagons that effectively block her from sight. She sits for a moment on a large crate that appears to be filled with even more decorations for the festival. Saori rests her head against the side of the wagon, looking up into the sky, enjoying the cool wind on her cheeks...

"I believe you are sitting on my crate!"

Startled from her reverie, Saori looks up to see a handsome young human male, blond and tall, standing between her and the exit from the V-shape made by the wagons. Sudden panic wells up in her breast, but she forces herself to show only calm on her surface. "I-I-I," she stammers, before taking a deep breath and regaining her composure, "I was merely taking the opportunity to rest, I have walked a long way this day and only desired a quiet place to catch my breath."

Smiling, both hands held wide at his sides, the young minstrel appeared unperturbed by her defensive tone, "I did not mean to startle you, my lady, and you are certainly welcome to use my crate to rest your feet. However, I am now required to perform a song or two for a barroom of dwarves, who would much prefer to listen to my voice accompanied by my lute!"

Staring at the young man, his blue eyes bright in the morning light, Saori is all too aware of his gaze travelling the length of her body. Nervous, she notes with some annoyance that she stands too quickly, moves forward too desperately, fear instilling a cold need to be rid of this stranger as if trouble was bound to visit at any moment.

"Are you here for the festival?"

Saori notices that he is standing between her and the freedom of the street. "Yes, yes, I am!" She stops before him, then moves the left, attempting to slip pass him.

Effortlessly, he blocks her from escaping, with a slight move to the left and smiles, "Well, before you run off, promise me a dance tomorrow night? In exchange for resting on my crate?"

"I'd rather pay you a copper and call our business to an end!"

"We have no business, I was simply asking for your favour!" Bowing at the waist, extending his right arm towards the street, Saori passes the minstrel and back on to the street.

"My name is Halloran. Yours?"

Turning, her nervousness becomes tingled with a warmth of other emotions, she gives a half smile and says, "Saori", and then continues her journey down the street. Smiling despite herself.

Quickly returning to the inn, Saori reminded herself of her duty in Three Oaks. However, even as she decided that she would have to once again head out to begin her search, her mind began to wander back to the promise of fun that tomorrow would hold for her.

[Saori will spend most of her time wandering around Three Oaks, enjoying the events and continuing her search. She would definitely be interested in listening to musicians or storytellers as they would capture her imagination. She might also take in one or two of the martial events out of simple curiosity].

For the DM:
Is this okay? I am unsure of the freedom we have in our posts.

Corrected my mistake.

Okay, traits have been chosen.

Here is my character.

Can someone please help me with traits?