
Santa Clause's page

3 posts. Alias of Moorluck.


Mairkurion Jr. wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

finaly got the ps3 to let stay on paizo.

it's clumsy and slow, but it beats nothing. :D

::Rubs eyes::

Is that you, Santa?

Why yes little shrub, it most certainly is.

Jesus Christ wrote:
Some things don't below in public my son, and other things should be repressed completely.

You do relalize it's your birthday but I get higher billing, right? :/

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Urgh. Snow. So. High . and . ...cold

Tell me about it! At least you don't have to go out in the f~@*ing North @%$$^* Pole every F~@* ing year to deliver furbies and zhu zhu f~@*ing pets to all those snot nosed lil' son of a b~@*!es that scream and whine all f~@*ing year! I am so F~@*ING sick OF THIS F~@*ING BULLS~@*. Why the hell did I ever take this f~@*ing job!?