Elf Archer

Sanjay's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Scarab Sages

I played the PFS Special on Fri night, and 2 PFS games on Saturday. I had a fabulous time, particularly on Friday. I completely agree that the energy and enthusiasm on Friday was palpable! Yes, it was noisy. How can you expect it not to be when you are in a room with over 300 people?!

Might I suggest that if you want to play with less noise, don't get a bigger room. Space between tables is not the problem. Instead, get a whole row of 10 rooms (at the JW Marriott, for example) and wire them up for sound so the MC can talk to all the rooms at once. With only 30 people in each room, you could even try something cool like having each room compete with the other rooms on quests and such.

Just some thoughts.