
Samuel "Brisk" Adams's page

115 posts. Alias of Malinor..

Full Name

Samuel "Brisk" Adams


History: 5 Intimidate: 15 Jump: 20 Law: 5 Library: 20 Listen: 40 Locksmith: 51 Mech Repair: 50 Nat. World: 10 Navigate: 10 Occult: Persuade: 10 Psyc: 10 Ride: 5 SoH: 35 Spot: 70 Stealth: 70 Survival 10 Throw: 20 Track 10


Human Grease Monkey; HP 22/22, Dodge 67/33/13; Listen 40/20/8; Spot Hidden 70/35/14; Luck 55, Sanity 50; Magic 10; Default Reaction- Dodge


Account: 5 Appraise: 30 Art: 5 Charm: 15 Climb: 40 Disguise: 5 Diving: 21 Dodge: 67 Drive (Auto): 20 Elec. Repair: 40 Fast Talk: 5 Fight (Brawl) 75 Handgun 70 Rifle/Shotgun: 25 SMG: 15, First Aid 30

About Samuel "Brisk" Adams

Name: Samuel "Brisk" Adams
Occupation: Garbage Man [Cat Burglar]
Age 27 // S- Male
Archtype: Grease Monkey
Residence: Boston // Birthplace Boston

STR 45 (22/9)
CON 50 (25/10)
SIZ 60 (30/12)
DEX 65 (32/13)
APP 50 (25/10)
EDU 45 (22/9)
INT 70 (35/14)
POW 50 (25/10)

HP: 22/22
Sanity 50/100
Luck 55/100
Magic Points 10/25

Skills: Total [Half/fifth] (Base) [Points]
Accounting: 5 [2/1] (05) [0]
Appraise: 30 [15/6] (05) [25]
Archaeology: 1 [0/0] (1) [0]
Art/Crafts: 5 [2/1] (5) [0]
Charm: 15 [7/3] (15) [0]
Climb: 40 [20/8] (20) [20]
Computer Use: 0 [0/0] (0) [0]
Credit Rating: 0 [0/0] (0) [0]
Cthulu Mythos: 0 [0/0] (0) [0]
Demolitions: 1 [0/0] (1) [0]
Disguise: 5 [2/1] (5) [0]
Diving: 21 [10/4] (1) [20]
Dodge: 67 [33/13] (32) [35]
Drive (Auto): 20 [10/2] (20) [0]
Elec. Repair: 40 [20/8] (10) [30]
Fast Talk: 5 [2/1] (5) [0]
Fight (Brawl) 75 [37/15] (25) [50]
Firearms (Handgun): 70 [35/14] (20) [50]
Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun): 25 [12/5] (20) [0]
Firearms (SMG): 15 [7/3] (15) [0]
First Aid: 30 [15/6] (30) [0]
History: 5 [2/1] (5) [0]
Intimidate: 15 [7/3] (15) [0]
Jump: 20 [10/4] (20) [0]
Language (-): 1 [0/0] (1) [0]
Language (Own): 45 [22/9] (45) [0]
Law: 5 [2/1] (5) [0]
Library Use: 20 [10/4] (20) [0]
Listen: 40 [20/8] (20) [20]
Locksmith: 51 [25/10] (1) [50]
Mech Repair: 50 [25/10] (10) [40]
Medicine: 1 [0/0] (0) [0]
Natural World: 10 [5/2] (10) [0]
Navigate: 10 [5/2] (10) [0]
Occult: 5 [2/1] (5) [0]
Op. Hvy Machine: 1 [0/0] (0) [0]
Persuade: 10 [5/2] (10) [0]
Pilot: 1 [0/0] (0) [0]
Psychoanalysis: 1 [0/0] (0) [0]
Psychology: 10 [5/2] (10) [0]
Read Lips: 1 [0/0] (0) [0]
Ride: 5 [2/1] (5) [0]
Science: 1 [0/0] (0) [0]
Sleight of Hand: 35 [17/7] (10) [25]
Spot Hidden: 70 [35/14] (25) [45]
Stealth: 70 [35/14] (20) [50]
Survival: 10 [5/2] (10) [0]
Swim: 20 [10/4] (20) [0]
Throw: 20 [10/4] (20) [0]
Track: 10 [5/2] (10) [0]

Damage Bonus= 0
Build = 0
Dodge = 67

Unarmed: R 50/H 25/ E 10;Dam D3+db; Range -; Attacks 1; Ammo -; Malf -
Handgun: R /H / E ;Dam ; Range ; Attacks ; Ammo ; Malf

Gear and Positions

Cash And Assets: SL 5-40

Weird Science []
Nimble []

Old Stuff:

Strength 0, Stamina 4, Agility 8, Dexterity , Fighting , Intellect 0, Awareness 0, Presence 0

Power Attack
Uncanny Dodge
Move By Action

Acrobatics +10 (2 Ranks)
Athletics +5 (5 Ranks)
Insight +2 (2 Ranks)
Investigation +5 (5 Ranks)
Perception +6 (6 Ranks)
Persuasion +3 (3 Ranks)
Technology +3 (3 Ranks)


Feel the Speed [Speed 10, Quickness 3, Enhanced Advantage (Initiative) 3, Run on Walls (must be Running) 2, Run on water (Must be running) 1] (19 points]

Speed Attack Array (13 points)
- Thousand Strikes [Accurate x4, Multiattack Strike 4] (12 points) spoiler=Multiattack]MULTIATTACK (+1 COST PER RANK)
A Multiattack effect allows you to hit multiple targets, or a single target multiple times, in the same standard action. Multiattack can apply to any effect requiring an attack check. There are three ways in which a Multiattack effect can be used:

To use a Multiattack against a single target, make your attack check normally. If successful, increase the attack’s resistance check DC by +2 for two degrees of success, and +5 for three or more. This circumstance bonus does not count against power level limits.

If an Impervious Resistance would ignore the attack before any increase in the DC, then the attack still has no effect as usual; a volley of multiple shots is no more likely to penetrate Impervious Resistance than just one.

You can use Multiattack to hit multiple targets at once by “walking” or “spraying” the Multiattack across an arc. Roll one attack check per target in the arc. You suffer a penalty to each check equal to the total number of targets. So making a Multiattack against five targets is a –5 penalty to each attack check. If you miss one target, you may still attempt to hit the others.

A Multiattack can provide cover for an ally. Take a standard action and choose an ally in your line of sight, who receives the benefits of cover against enemies in your line of sight and in range of your Multiattack. (You have to be able to shoot at them to get them to keep their heads down or this maneuver won’t work.) You cannot lay down a covering attack for an ally in close combat. An opponent can choose to ignore the cover provided by your covering attack at the cost of being automatically attacked by it; make a normal attack check to hit that opponent.[/spoiler
- Marble Machine Gun [Accurate x4 Ranged Blast 4] (12 points)

Super Metabolism [Regeneration 5] (5 points)


Initiative +20
Unarmed +8 / Melee Damage: 4
Marble Machine Gun +8 / Ranged Damage 4

Doing Good
Identity [Secret Identity to protect Family]

Languages: English


Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude 4, Toughness 4, Will 6

spoiler=Power Points] Total 92 : Unspent 1:
24 Abilities +3 Advantages +13 Skills +37 Powers +14 Defenses =91[/spoiler

spoiler=Background Questions:]
1- Samuel Adams is a mutant who gained his powers in his late teens. He was somewhat reluctant to use his powers and started slowly trying to learn what he was capable of in case whatever took out the heroes in the past were to come for him.
2- Samuel wants to help people. When he was young, a hero saved his family when they were on a bridge and a radioactive monstrous villain began to destroy the bridge. The car Samuel was in began to fall, but a flying hero caught the car and set it down before going to defeat the monster. Samuel thinks that his encounter on the bridge led to the mutation that gave him his powers.
3- Samuel spent several months training. Learning how fast he could go and the ability to run up the wall or over water. Once he was comfortable with his abilities he started to do some small patrols looking to stop some simple street crime. So far he has stopped a few assaults and a carjacking.
4- Samuel was deeply upset by the loss of the superheroes. He knows that the villain that nearly killed his family is free and liable to make such an attack again, but after the heroes disappeared there was no one to stop him.