
Samantha Starsight's page

167 posts. Alias of Alex Mack.


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Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

I built Samantha as a martial support character and really found it hard to get at foes at all cause the front line is always loaded...

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

I'd say choosing your Mythic Path is almost equally important to choosing your class.

And channeling is pretty bad as of the levels where this is moving onward from. With all the mellee power the group would really benefit from a strong buffer.

Anyways nice to have been gaming with ya'll and best of luck in bringing down the armies of the Abyss!

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

As both my +1 breastplate as well as my +1 Glaive are taken directly from party funds you might want to considering cashing those in for group funds as well as the wands.

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Hey Folks. I'm back from holidays.

I think I don't want to rejoin the game. Kindo sucks cause we have a really nice group and a great DM but my main problem is I totally do not dig the vibe of the WotR. I like gritty and shady characters and am not really down with all this big fight of good versus evil and being chosen heroes.

If this is a really stupid spot for me to drop out let me know and I will get back into action until we have taken care of the next section of hack and slash (which I really enjoyed) so that ya'll have time to find a suitable replacement.

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

I'll be off on holidays starting tomorow. I'll likely have internet at the rental but my online time will be limited.

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Samantha is a bit awestruck in the presence of the queen. Fearing she might say something stupid she prefers to reamain silent as her companions speak of pride and tactics.

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Samantha is a bit surprised that of all the fine folk in Kenabaras she is being summoned to the queen. However she assumes this due to the fact that she had been associating with such noble folk as Sir Garith and witnessed what might be considered a great Blessing of Iomedae.

Her first instinct is to wear her nicest silken dress but considering that this queen seems to be rather martial decides against it and comes wearing her armor as should a true warrior priestess.

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Samantha likewise stands on the parapets for some time before moving back to her duty of mending the broken bodies and souls of Kenrabas.

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Samantha lacks the self esteem to be the leader. She will assist in motivating the troops...

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Samantha hears the fanfares and unaware of whether it be friend or foe storms out from the Elf's chamber and picks up her Glaive which she had left standing in front of the door.

She spots Maelchar and falls into line next to her battle companion and REiko merely a few moments later trying to make sense of Maelchar's positive vibe she inquires.

Are they our friends?

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

I'd like perception as I had posted a few pages ago. Samantha is fully leveleled btw.

Not sure there's anything I'd really want to spend my cash on atm. I think a boost to WISDOM should be in order soon as otherwise I'll lmit my spellcasting.

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

I'm a bit confused as to the loot list. Which column on the list is actually relevant for our total cash? Column G?

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

When seeing the Elf's eyes Samantha realizes that she likely will not be able to heal them she prays to Shelyn none the less but it is for naught.

I fear this is beyond my skills. It would take a cleric of far greater power than myself to restore your eyesight.

Samantha says in a soft voice as she places a hand on Tanathiels shoulder. Let me sing a song to lighten your spirit.

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

We'd be far better off if Maelchar had the spell as well. Really it's the best 2nd level spell on our spell list.

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

@Gaerith: Yes please.

As to the wand of Lesser restoration. As a level 2 wand it seems really expensive currently. As it's only 15 charges I'd prefer to pass.

Hopefully Maelchar knows that spell as well? For Samantha level 2 slots are currently the least useful and will remain so in the future so preparing 4 Lesser restoration spells for the day after we get hit by status effects wouldn't be an issue for her. Currently I'm always leaving one second level slot open and have one lesser restoration for the day prepared.

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

When Samantha returns to the Hearth from her trek and hears of the plight of the blind Elf Samantha wonders if with her new found power Shelyn might be willing to grant her a prayer to help the Elf. Thus one day sje seeks out Aravashinal while he is in an academic discussion the ramifications of which are far beyond what she can comprehend.

Aravashinal. My name is Samantha, I am a faithful of Shelyn and have heard of your plight and hope that perhaps my lady will grant me the power to help you. If you have the time to indulge me for a little and pray with me we will see if Shelyn will hear my request!

Cast remove Blindness

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Hmm not impressed by that power. Yeah +20 to Charisma is handy, but there's a few spells and items that can also be used to boost charisma by considerable amounts. And really how many times per day/adventure are you gonna need the ability?

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

What about the other two wands?

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

A wise decision...

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Please don't...I'd take it of course but really I'd prefer we didn't have 12 folks on the battle map... In any case if get a cohort I want a Dwarven Forgemaster Cleric.

Seeing that there is not so much she can do for entertainment in Kenabaras Samantha helps with the Crusades cause and joins Maelchar and Zeriax in rooting out Evil in and around Kenarabas.

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

On the issue of healing potions.

At this level drinking a potion of CLW in COMBAT is just ludicrous.

A CLW potions is gonna revive an average of 5 hp that's about a tenth of our HPs. Monsters at this level are dealing anywhere from 10-50 dmg a round, so by wasting a turn on CLW potion we are not achieving anything.

Out of combat it's more expensive than using a wand. The argument the healer drops doesn't really apply as at least 3 of us can heal (4 if pakak has umd).

Potions of CSW in my book are a legit emergency option however as they at least acomplish something.

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Potions could very well be sold. Especially CLW as we don't really want to be drinking those as we have a wand. The second wand of CLW should go to Maelchar btw. Less time wasted between fights that way.

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Okay if I have 4400 then that makes life a bit easier.

I'd like to get a +1 Enhancement for my existing breastplate is that possible? Do I have to roll for that Variel?

I'd also claim one of the Rings of protection. Does that mean I deduct 1k from my loot total or 2k?

Also as I think most folks missed it I would like to propose the following party purchases.

1 wand of CLW (750 GP)
1 Wand of Endure Elements (750 GP) --> Should last us all of our adventuring life
1 Wand of Lesser Restoration(750 GP if purchased as a Paladin wand) --> Will also last us long and could save our asses should we ever be targeted by massive ability damage

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Sadly I don't think we have that kind of money Zeriax...

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

We have a wand of Bless? Problem is Samantha uses a two handed weapon so wands in combat are a no go for her.

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Okay got my level up sorted out. I'll summarize quickly here:

+1 BAB
+2 to all saves
+ 16 HP(FCBx2)
4 skill points
Feats gained: Power attack, Lingering Performance
Abilities Gained: Surge, Advance, Inspired Defense, Inspire courage increases to +2, +1d6 to channel.
Spells: 3rd level spells additional 2nd level castings.

In sum Samantha should now be a better buffer and tougher damage dealer. Healing capacities are also slightly improved. I now have CSW and CMW prepared for emergencies.

Samantha's unbuffed AC of 18 is worrisome however.

I'd also advice that we purchase another wand of CLW, one of Endure Elements and one of Lesser restoration (a first level paladin spell).

Here are my proposed prepared spells. I'm open to suggestion for second and 3rd level spells.

Bless x2
Divine Favor x2

Open Slot
Align Weapon
Barkskin (Domain)
Protection from Evil Communal

Magic Circle against Evil
Protection from Energy (Domain)

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Samantha can handle both Versatile weapon (likely via an open 3rd level spell slot) and Circle against evil so it would prolly be wise for Pakak to pick up Haste. I'll get Samantha updated today and will post my proposed list of preped spells.

Is anyone calling dibs on ring of protection?

Also I see Samntha's cash total being 700 GP however I'd defo like to upgrade my Armor to +1 can we generate that much cash?

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Considering that Samnatha gets the advance power which will make it far easier for us to get into position Haste would prolly be a good investment.

As to Samantha's level up I'm currently planning on burning my first mythic feat on lingering performance. At level 6 she has 16 rounds of performance but I feel like that wouldn't be enough if combat continues to look like what we have witnessed so far. It will also allow me to utilize stuff like counter song during combat.

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Pereption for me. Only thing that makes sense for Samntha. Of the above items Samntha would be interested in any of those that grant bonuses to AC. Does amulet of natural armor stack with Barkjskin by any chance?

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Wow sustained by faith seems pretty stellar. Any way I can dual path to get it for Samantha? Imagine get up in the morning prepare a boat load of all day buffs (Greater Magic Weapon and Vestment looking at you there). Buff everyone up before the day starts then take a full round action and get all your spellslots back now with utility. That ability is deffo worth a feat or two...

Also I also feel woefully under equipped btw.

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Samatha is still somewhat awestruck, she looks at her companions looking for explanation for what transpired and slowly things seem to make sense for the young priestess. When it comes to lugging around bodies of the fallen she proves more ressourceful however than when it comes to understanding what has transpired.

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Retributive reach sounds awesome.

I'm pretty positive granted stride works as it's written. It's pretty nice. So what shall it be +2 to all saves or Avoid Difficult terrain?

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

I'd like some input on Mythic powers. Tell me what you like and I'll pick that up. For my Marshall order I will be taking Advance which grants the whole team a free move action as a swift action. This is awesome as it allows us to set up full attacks and flanks in the first round of combat and once Samantha reaches level 7 she can also inspire as a move action so thats a lot of oomph for a swift action and a mythic point.

As to Path abilities there are a lot of options so lemme hear your opinions. As we only start off with 5 points of mythic power and I have quite a few things samantha will use swift actions for I want to go slow on abilities that require both of these resources:

Commanding Entrance: Pretty awesome flavorwise but I lack the skill ranks to get intimidate up...

Deadly Guidance: Sneak Attack for everyone. I'm not a big fan of sneak attack as imo the amount of damage it adds is neglible when considering the movement requirements. Also we have two reach wielders we should try and capitalize on that.

Granted Stride: We all ignore difficult terrain. This can be really busted if we have access to spells that create difficult terrain. Otherwise I think this is still a strong choice.

Inspire Minions: If we get followers this would be extremely strong without it's useless.

Inspired Defense: This will add +2 to all saves while inspire is up. Imo a very strong choice as demons seem to force a lot of save or suck abilities. I read the second sentence as meaning that only the save bonus is increased by my mythic rank, if it applies to inspire in general a must have.

Lightning Performance: Would be spectacular but Advance accomplishes almost the same thing as of level 7. The free action activation might be worth it later however.

Loyalty: Obviously awesome and would be my first choice but I'm not sure we wanna go there as imo Leadership is badly overpowered.

Press the advantage: I don't think anyone of us is really crit fishing. With Enlarge Person on Samantha this could be really good though.

Resurging words: A few temporary HP per day for each of us. I'd like this more if samantha's Charisma were higher.

Tactical Genius: I'd love this if I were a raging half Orc.

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Samantha still unable to realize what just transpired merely nods meekly. "Yes I feel different as well. But I could not say why..."

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Cool. I'll have to start looking into mythic stuff.

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

The one at V35

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Samntha moves to T35 and keeps her inspire up. She provokes an AoO.

Samntha calls out to her companions as she moves into position to strike down a demon.

Come on we can do this!

Attack 1d20 + 9 + 1d12 ⇒ (18) + 9 + (10) = 37 Damage 1d10 + 10 + 2d6 ⇒ (5) + 10 + (3, 6) = 24

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Maelachar a Samurai Class Feature... Samantha takes a 5 foot step N and attack the bugger south of Garith.

Samantha not having the best of luck despite the blessings of the wardstone.

Attack 1d20 + 1d12 + 10 ⇒ (7) + (6) + 10 = 23 Damage 1d10 + 10 + 2d6 ⇒ (2) + 10 + (1, 2) = 15

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

So damage reduction should have reduced all that pesky damage to 0. Attack the dude in U35. Flanking applies.

Samantha caught inside her corner spots opening to lash out and drives her spear into one of the beasts sides.

Attack1d20 + 1d12 + 10 ⇒ (1) + (8) + 10 = 19Damage 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Hmm well too bad had I known I would have started performing as I don't have any good targets lets sing that song...

"Friends these puny demons cannot stand against us! We have been blessed by the gods!"

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Samantha stunned by the events unraveling before her, events she can barely grasp notices thatthe assauklt from the deomons is here and now finding herself surrounded and backed into a corner there is not much she can do but lash out with her Glaive striking at the demon south of Pakak. Something however seems to be lending her a hand as she does so.

BtW the +2 AC from my Domain power has worn off by now.

Attack 1d20 + 1d12 + 7 ⇒ (2) + (4) + 7 = 13 Damage 1d10 + 2d6 + 9 ⇒ (7) + (5, 3) + 9 = 24

Seriously? That's too anticlimatic I'll spend a hero point on a reroll. Do I get the d12 on the reroll?

Attack 1d20 + 1d12 + 7 ⇒ (16) + (5) + 7 = 28

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Zeriax: Sooner or later you'd prolly start regretting that move as you'll suck as a caster and your martial ability will suffer from the slow BAB progression. There is always the route Eldritch Knight however...

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Wil 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Wil drops to 8... permantly? Well thanks biatch!Move to W34 eating an AoO and attack back

Samantha start to feel rather feeble minded but still has enough wits around her to attempt to skewer the evil priestess.

Attack 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22Damage 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Samantha moves to W36 and attacks. Take AoO if needed 26 AC should help however.

Samantha ignores the vile magic of the priestess and moves into the chamber her Glaive poised to kill.

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22 Damage1d10 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Wil 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Wil save 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

At 18 HP. Once others have moved Samantha will also attempt to move into the chamber to U36.

Samantha feels bad as unholy energy washes over her but moves into battle none the less.

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Samantha expertly inspects her left hand nostril and finds quite the juicy booger.

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

I have a Tiefling PFS character who is a former Szarni operative, savage Thug type. He took the Archaeologist Bard Archetype and people always look to him for advice on ancient lore while all he wants to do is kick ass...

Names mean a lot to people...

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Loosing trapfinding looses the ability to disable magical traps. Not much is up to interpretation there...

Silver Crusade

female Human (Kelish) Cleric (Evangelist) 6 Init +2 Perception +11, HP: 50/50 MP: 4/4 AC: 20(T 13/FF 18) CMD: 20 CMB: +8 Wil: +8 FORT:+8 REF +6

Sheet updated. We're gonna need more of these at this rate...

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