
Samael "Sam" Adroushan's page

139 posts. Alias of Hassan Ahmed.

Full Name

Samuel "Sam" Adroushan




Wizard 5 | HP: 38/43 | AC: 19/19 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +9 | Will: +8 | Perc: +8













Strength 12
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 14
Charisma 12

About Samael "Sam" Adroushan

Class: Wizard
Ancestry: Human
Background: Noble

Level 1:

  • Heritage: Versatile Heritage (Add'l Lore - Underworld),
  • Ancestry Feat: General Training (General Feat - Oddity Identification)
  • Arcane School: Evocation
  • Arcane Focus: Bracer-Glove
  • Arcane Spellcasting
  • Cantrips
  • Drain Arcane Focus
  • Heightened Spells
  • Quick Perpetration
  • Spellbook
  • Free Feat: Courtly Graces (from Background)
    Level 2:
  • Class Feat: Monk Dedication
  • Class Feature: Powerful Fist
  • Skill Feat: Arcane Sense
    Level 3:
  • General Feat: Unmistakable Lore
    Level 4:
  • Class Feat: Cantrip Expansion
  • Skill Feat: Add'l Lore (Secret Society)
    Level 5:
  • Ancestry Feat: General Training (General Feat - Alertness)

    Speed 25 ft.
    Init: +4

    HP: 38/43
    AC 19, TAC 19
    Sav: Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +8
    Prof: +5, CMB: 0, CMD: +13

    Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 12


  • T - Acrobatics +9
  • E - Arcana +10
  • T - Athletics +6
  • T - Crafting +9
  • T - Intimidate +9
  • E - Lore: Nobility +10
  • E - Lore: Underworld +10
  • E - Lore: Secret Society +10
  • T - Occultism +9
  • T - Religion +7
  • T - Society +9
  • T - Stealth +9
  • T - Survival +7


  • Cantrips Acid Splash, Dancing Lights, Disrupt Undead, Electric Arc, Produce Flame, Ray of Frost, Shield & Telekinetic Projectile
  • Level 1 Fear, Mage Armor, Mending & Burning Hands
  • Level 2 Comprehend Languages, Telekinetic Maneuver, Web & Flaming Sphere
  • Level 3 Lightning Bolt, Invisibility Sphere & Fireball

    Powers: Force Bolt


  • Spellbook, Traveling
  • Spell Component Pouch
  • Dagger

  • Ignore for Playtest:
    Background (just last night):

    Honeymooning in the region seemed like a good idea at the time. A love for romance, travel and the natural wonders of the world, be they volcano or open sea... brought Sam and his bride-to-be to Port Peril.

    Samael Adroushan woke up in the shackles. He doesn't know the fate of his fiancee. But, he can imagine what would happen to a beauty like her all alone, with no one to fend for her... Inwardly he damns himself, while at the same time swearing to stay (voluntarily or otherwise) until he found out her fate... and either found her, or avenged her.

    An Wizard of the School of Flame, has no place on the deck of a ship... or does he? This is the story of Samael Adroushan, or Sam... "The Accidental Pirate".

    A classically trained mage, steeped in elven tradition... Sam grew fond of the Elven Curved Blade as it complimented his his graceful physique and fluid movements.

    Progression - with the help of Magical Knack, will borrow from/dip into Ranger (Freebooter) for 2 levels at some point. 2-Handed fighting style, "Shield of Swings".

    Sam may be a threat to a ship, but his value is in the tremendous weapon /ally he can be against other pirates.

    This lends itself to becoming a mercenary of sorts. Easily filling the position of first mate.