
Salvatore Victoza's page

16 posts. Alias of scranford.


Male Human

Salvatore sees Toni get off the bus, and honks his horn at her, rolling down his window.

"Hey Toni"! "Need a lift"?

Male Human
Antonia "Toni" Morena wrote:
"So, what are you going to do now? If you think the professor was murdered, shouldn't we go to the police or someone? Or maybe we should talk to Archbishop George. If a devil is involved, he could arrange an exorcism." Toni doesn't really believe in the occultism Lucas talked about after class, but she is trying find out what the group believes.

Has Toni teleported back to us, or is she saying this to the students on the bus? :-)

Male Human

Hey everybody. I'll be on a 9-day business trip starting this afternoon, so posting will be spotty. Still should be able to post every day, but feel free to NPC my character to move things along.

Male Human

Salvatore keeps following the bus that Toni boarded with the kids at a normal distance. Hopefully when she gets off he can offer her a ride back, and find out what she learned.

Male Human

Seeing Tony get on the bus with the students, Sal makes sure to keep up with them, and follow in his van.

Male Human

Whoops! Sal above :-)

Male Human

Sal watches the gang leave with interest. "Maybe some of us should follow them, to see where they hang out". "No need to confront them at this time if we know that". "Meanwhile, I'd like a word with that attorney". Sal then heads back into the church, hoping someone else picks up the tail.

Male Human
Salvatore Victoza wrote:

Sal turns to Toni, and the others...a look of concern on his face. "Let's go outside and talk for a moment". Those who follow may read the above spoiler for Sal, as he will share this information.

He will also take the time to try and remember the faces that seemed shocked, and what type of vehicle the young man that ran from the building left in. If he sees any of the worried people leave the building, he will take a moment to introduce himself, and had them his a man of the cloth willing to offer counseling.

Keep in mind Salvatore's plan as the other suspicious characters leave the addressing them

"Hey guys...wait up a minute". "Weren't you in one of the professor's meetings". "I swear I think I saw you guys there before I stopped going". "Could we get together somewhere and have a little chat". "Maybe I could help you with any fears of doubts you might have".

[ooc]Persuasion + Presence?, and spending a WP point.

7d10 ⇒ (1, 6, 6, 9, 10, 10, 3) = 45
2d10 ⇒ (2, 9) = 11 Exploding dice

Total of (4) Successes

Male Human

Sal turns to Toni, and the others...a look of concern on his face. "Let's go outside and talk for a moment". Those who follow may read the above spoiler for Sal, as he will share this information.

He will also take the time to try and remember the faces that seemed shocked, and what type of vehicle the young man that ran from the building left in. If he sees any of the worried people leave the building, he will take a moment to introduce himself, and had them his a man of the cloth willing to offer counseling.

Male Human

Sal steps up to the podium. "Hi I'm Salvatore Victoza". "I was one of the Professors pupils". "The fact that we had to split the viewing up into two groups shows this man's popularity". "He shall be missed". "His educated and well thought out views, his humor, and his generosity are all treasures that we must learn to live without". "I like to think that he's not really gone however". "As I look about this room, and see all the people whose life he influenced, I can see that he lives on in all of us". "I'll be he's sitting up there in least I'm assuming he took that road... With a smile and a pause.watching us all and pleased that he lives on in what he taught us all". Then turning to the casket..."Good by Professor, until we meet again

4d10 ⇒ (7, 7, 4, 10) = 28 Presence/Expression
1d10 ⇒ 4 Exploding 10

1 success

Male Human

Sal makes his way into the room. He first scans the room for any signs of family or anyone else close that might need comforting. Finding none he makes his way to the sign in table, takes a memorial card, and retreats to the back of the room to stand taking time to read the card, while waiting for the ceremonies to begin.

Male Human
'Doc' Davis wrote:

Doc shakes Sal's hand warmly. "Yeah I thought I'd smarten up a little. It's good to see you man, we should've caught up ages ago, for happier reasons. Oh and glad people are seeing the posters! You'll have to come along to the club some night."

"Do you know what happened? I mean, how Prof Lucas ... ah ... died?"

"Yeah. I'd like to do that". "I hope you're working some of your original stuff into the show". "I was always jealous of that". "Maybe I'll bring out my Harmonica, and we can play that old Taj Mahal number we used to keep the whole hall awake with".

"I really don't know anything about the circumstances of his passing". "Am I the only one who thinks the make up of the mourners here is strange".

Then with a brief wave and smile at Toni, "Yes that is her". "I'd know that frown of disapproval anywhere". He then starts in her direction, seeing her stop to talk to some guy in an expensive suit... who also looked familiar for some reason.

Male Human
Antonia "Toni" Morena wrote:

Toni looks at the crowd and recognizes many faces she has seen around the University, although, curiously, no other faculty members. She sees Sal and Carl, frowning momentarily at Sal's less than formal attire but fondly remembering late nights spent listening to Carl jam on his guitar. Then she sees someone else she recognizes.

"Why, Garrett, Ted never told me you knew Lucas. It's good to see you, again. Are you here professionally? Did something happen to Professor Stampf that required your services?"

FYI Sal is dressed in the right clothes, he's just a bit "cluttered" looking...tie slightly off kilter etc. :-).

Male Human

Spotting a familiar face in the crowd Salvatore makes his way through the door. "Carl". "Is that you"? I almost didn't recognize you in those...well sensible clothes". "You look great man". Salvatore closes the distance and warmly shakes Doc's hand.

"Shame people only see each other at sad events like this". "Sadder still that as we age that becomes more often the case". "So I've seen your ugly mug posted on advertisements around the area more and more often". "I take it the whole musical career thing is going well"?

Salvatore then notices the strange make-up of the crowd, and the lack of mourners. With a frown he scans the room looking more closely at it's make up. He then spots another familiar face in the crowd.

"Say I can't say for sure with that veil and all but isn't that that hot Toni girl that always set in the front of the room in the Professor's sociology class"?

Male Human

Salvatore pulls the dirty, and battered Chrysler mini-van into a spot a bit away from the entrance. Digging through the fast food wrappers, and notebook pages on the drivers seat, he pulls his reading glasses from the string keeping them around his neck, and places them on his nose squinting as he reads the fine print on the letter.

Hmmm...I never have really liked these things, but I guess I'd better get used to them. The good lord knows I'll see enough in my time. I much prefer weddings, and christenings

Funny. It was hard to imagine the energetic chap as dead. He'd been maddeningly frustrating as a professor, challenging his every view point, and offering seemingly feasible alternatives to all my beliefs...but in a kind of warped way...he was responsible for be being a man of such strong faith. Had he not caused me to question things, before accepting them on faith, then my calling might not have been so strong. Still why send me the letter. Though acquaintances, and verbal sparring partners, we certainly weren't close, except for on an intellectual level.

Still...I'm here...might as well find out what this is all about.

Tightening his overcoat about his neck, Salvatore piled from the van leaving a trail of gum wrappers, and stale french fries as he headed towards the entrance.

"Nice tune" he mumbles to himself as the strains of the organ music drift to him on the wind.

Male Human

I pray that Salvatore is ready to roll...