Salt Bay Ray's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Trevor Davidson.



I used the Blazing Torchbearer archetype from Dungeoneer's Guide. It seemed too minion-y to be true.

To get the damage on the Super Torch(TM), I'm stacking Torchbearer's Explosive Torch, the Fire Brand discovery from ARG, and Burn, Burn, Burn. Squeevil can't actually do it till level 4, but I figured I'd lay it out now.

Squeevil first met the Dark Master outside of the dark master's laboratory. He had seen the Dark Master around of course, everyone knows who the Dark Master is, but the Dark Master had never so much as looked Squeevil's way. Then, as Squeevil was sneaking past the doorway, it happened. Dagor Morthis said, "You... come hold this as I read." Squeevil did, the Dark Master did, and Dagor Morthis was so satisfied with the result that he has permitted Squeevil to be ever by his side with a torch held high. He has even indulged Squeevil's experiments at torch improvement, which have yeilded surprising results.


Male Goblin Blazing Torchbearer 3 (fav class)
CE Small Humanoid (Goblinoid)
Init +3; Senses Perception +5, darkvision 60 ft
Str 12, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 8, Cha 7
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 15


AC=18, (+3 dex, +4 armor,+1 size)
HP=27 (11+8+8)
Fort +5, ref +6, will +1
+2 vs Poison, +1 vs Compulsion, +3 Vs Fear


Torch: +4, 1d2+1 +[1d4+1 Fire]
Super Torch(TM): +4, 1d2+1 +[3d6+1d4+1 Fire]
Bombs(ranged) +6, 2d6+1d4+3


Throw Anything
Burn, Burn, Burn
Fire Hand


True Beleiver


Armor Check: -2
Craft(Alchemy): +9
Disable Device: +9
Heal: +3
Knowledge(Arcana): +9
Knowledge(Nature): +7
Perception: +5
Ride: +7
Slight of Hand: +7
Spellcraft: +9
Stealth: +7
Use Magic Device: +4


100 Chain Shirt
8 Locked Gauntlet
310.01 MW Darkwood Torch
125 MW Portable Alchemist's Lab
50 MW Backpack
40 Alchemist's Kit
.5 Bandolier
60 Alchemist's Fire x3
50 Tanglefoot Bag
200 Formula Alembic
20 Fire Resistant Boots
1036 gp 4 sp 9cp