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Holy crap this news just made my year. Don't really have any way to proactively test things so I almost wish this was a Kickstarter. I would be quite tempted to throw some spare change bi-weekly at a DP Pathfinder Incarnum system. Really hope this gets the Psionics treatment with a pinch of new races and monsters added to the class material. Would also love to see some Psionics/Incarnum interaction since the Mind/Soul aesthetic blends extremely well.

Bookmarking this to keep track of updates. <3

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Just my two coppers; and I admit in most RPGs systems I'm usually in the minority here.

But I too am disappointed; bit more in the contest than the entries. 'Organizations' hardly seems like a 'Superstar' thing to have to provide. In short, my complaint is mechanically they're so niche that outside of a particular setting they're rather worthless to have on hand. Unless you're throwing together a game piece-meal at the last second and need something to give your world the illusion of depth without any forethought.

Good organizations are very story-specific; tailored exactly to suit the needs of the plot and world it occupies. As such judging them in a vacuum takes a lot of 'bite' out of them. You can technically circumvent this by trying to make them applicable to an already existing company setting but if pre-gen settings are not your cup of tea (as a novelist it completely hits my pet peeve to use someone else's world rather than generate my own) then you're pretty well and good screwed either way.

Also, from the 'judges' view, if they don't like that pre-gen setting for whatever reason that will be an unconscious knock against your entry regardless of final product quality.

Again, only my opinion but they really do not seem worthy of a test for a good designer due to the aforementioned problems inherent to them.

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Devil's Advocate wrote:
darth_borehd wrote:
Psionics would be fine for a science fiction campaign (like the Force in Star Wars) but not for the sword-swinging fantasy.

Preach it, brother! When I play D&D, I don't want Star Wars. I want straight-up medieval fantasy:

Star Wars Force powers have no place in that sort of setting.

*sigh* I try not to let this hit my hot button but this sort of baseless barking is too painful not to publicly chastise. ~.~

Mage Hand + + Clenched Fist + Chain Lightning + Charm Person = Star Wars.

Glad to see you don't want those aforementioned Sorcerers in your game.

Ahh, better ban Goblins while you're at it. Don't want little wrinkly green men to live in swamps practicing that magic too. :-P

I honestly don't mind if someone doesn't like Psionics but they really need to have either a legitimate reason or to not just truthfully say "I just don't like them." rather than cultivating these falsehood-misconceptions.

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I really fail to see how anyone can justify Psionics as being 'not the right feel' for Pathfinder when Pazio's main site clearly advertises this already exists in its universe.

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I've said it before in another thread but a book like this needs at least one new class in order to really be worth spending money on. 1-2 classes per every other book (not counting Bestiaries) would not create a flood of options by any standards.

Also count me as no to the 'Courtship' rules as well.

If the players are so 'awkward' that they need to roll dice for long term social interactions then the GM has no business running a social-scenario with this group.

If the GM is unable to flesh out a character with their own tastes, desires, and understand how said character will react to any potential suitors without looking at a % chart then they have no business trying to emulate a romance.

It's one of those things better suited for Homebrew than wasting official page space because of how little it would be used by the majority of your typical players and GM combinations. If you want a 'scripted' style Romance I suggest you go read a visual novel or two and take a leaf out of their book by using the 'multiple choice' route and a 'reputation' system rather than just rolling percentile or d20's.

That would be far more interactive and bypass any of the aforementioned issues I mentioned.

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Personally I think denying something from Pathfinder because it's 'silly' is a very poor criteria for denying something from the game.

You're talking about a system that allows for the Jolly Green Giant (Half Orc) to charge into a fight against Giant Cockroaches while commanding his pet Velociraptor to circle around and flank them also while a little green haired pink skinned midget (Gnome) sits on his shoulders and they all somehow do magically better because the Gnome is humming a jolly little tune.

Normally I wouldn't bother to argue something so subject but really, dual shields is 'silly'? Pathfinder's one good snowman construct away from going into full on Calvin and Hobbes territory. Like any good fantasy game should be. :-P