Cleric of the Moon

Saiyeth Innisi's page

3 posts. Alias of R0B0GEISHA.

About Saiyeth Innisi


Female human (Taldan) monk (zen archer) 1
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +7; Senses Perception +7
AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex, +3 Wis)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +2 (1d6+2)
Ranged flurry of blows (mwk composite longbow [+2]) +3/+3 (1d8+2/x3) or mwk composite longbow [+2] +4 (1d8+2/x3)
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats Improved Initiative, Perfect Strike, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Traits Best Friend (Ameiko), Rich Parents, Wisdom in the Flesh
Skills Acrobatics +8, Diplomacy +6, Knowledge (nobility) +4, Perception +7, Ride +7, Stealth +7
Languages Common
Other Gear masterwork composite longbow (+1 Str) and 20 arrows, 10 cold iron arrows, masterwork backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, everburning torch, grappling arrow, mess kit,
mirror, monk’s outfit, paper (20 sheets), scrivener’s kit, shaving kit, silk rope, silver holy symbol, soap, trail rations (5 days), waterproof bag, waterskin, light horse (combat-trained) with military saddle, bit and bridle, saddlebags, 75 gp worth of jewelry (armband, bracelets, earrings), 2 gp, 7 sp

Born and raised in Oppara, Saiyeth Inissi (sai-YETH ih-NEE-SEE) is the daughter of a minor Taldoran noble family. Her family chose to come to the Varisia to set up mercantile trade and renew the family’s vitality as well as its coffers. They brought their youngest daughter, Saiyeth, with them. Saiyeth was unhappy to leave behind bustling city life, but found joy in the company of Ameiko, daughter of the patriarch of one of the Sandpoint’s four noble houses. They grew up together and quickly became friends.

When her Ameiko left town to take up adventuring, Saiyeth became directionless. She relied upon her friend’s zest for life and bold outlook. Saiyeth had become increasingly bothered by her family’s motivations over the years. Everything was about wealth; nothing but political maneuvering and machinations designed to fill their coffers. Saiyeth was convinced that life was more than that, believing that one had to do something to help improve the lives of the people around you in order to truly matter. In a pique of rebellion, she ran off and joined a nearby monastery. There Saiyeth trained in the art of the bow, studied alchemy and philosophy, and resisted the lure of the material world.

She remained with the monks for three years, unaware that Ameiko had returned to town only a year after first setting off on her adventures. When Saiyeth decided it was time to take herself back out into the world to make a difference, she returned to find her best friend again. She also found her parents ready to take her back into the fold. She refused, mostly. While able to resist the lure of material things in the relative seclusion of the monastery, temptation was much harder to fight back in the lap of luxury. She maintained her ascetic ways, keeping her head shaved and wearing only the robes of her order. However, her doting parents bought her a robe of much better cut and material, and her mother made sure she had fashionable jewelry to accessorize with. Her father gifted her with a much finer bow than the one the monks had given her. Saiyeth began to rationalize these things, saying to herself that she could do much more to protect the helpless with the fine bow, and surely the rich robe would outlast one of more common cut and material. And the jewelry was… so pretty. She took some of the coin that her parents gave her to get tattoos. While she was enduring the pain of the needle, she had an epiphany. Should she stay here much longer, she would slide back into the role of decadent nobility. She resolved herself to take the next opportunity to go abroad and use her skills for the greater good.

Saiyeth is a passionate and caring individual. She does what she can to insure that those around her are spared from unnecessary suffering. Power is meant to protect the helpless and preserve the social order for the benefit of all. She truly believes that her monastic training is a path to being a better individual, and thereby a path to secure a better world.

However, Saiyeth is not without her temptations. She likes comfort and pretty things—desires deeply ingrained during the pampered life of a child of noble birth. She tries to deny herself excesses, convinced that they make her stray from the path of enlightenment, but easily rationalizes creature comforts.

Her struggle to put aside her pampered past occupies much of Saiyeth’s time. When in areas where goods are readily available and she has coin to spend, she often finds it difficult to resist temptation. Being in a marketplace with her fellow adventurers can be quite the trial. If one with more thief-like tendencies decides to collect a memento and Saiyeth notices, she can easily assuage her own guilt by putting the theft right and paying a merchant for something her friend filches. If they’re shopping, though, then things are much more difficult. That jewelry is just so, so lovely…

While aware of the greed that her family and others display, Saiyeth has not been exposed to much of the cheating and underhanded dealings associated with money. While she is aware of the abstract concept, she has little experience with such things. This may cause her to be targeted by grifters—or worse—who play upon her good nature.

Saiyeth is a tall, lithe woman, standing 5 feet, 10 inches tall and weighing 150 pounds. She keeps her head shaved according to the traditions of her order, which allows prominent display of the designs tattooed upon her forehead: runes from the old ruins around town that she thought attractive. Her blue eyes are bright and expressive, and she usually wears robes dyed in colors to match, sleeveless so as to show off the serpentine dragon tattoos that wrap her left arm and shoulder.

20 Questions for Deep Character Creation:
1. What emotion best describes your character? The emotion that best describes Saiyeth is “conflicted.”

2. What emotion does your character evoke in others? I imagine that Saiyeth evokes equal parts inspiration and frustration in those around her. Her ideals are noble, but she openly, and somewhat ostentatiously, gives into her temptations on a regular basis.

3. What does your character need most? What Saiyeth needs most is purpose. Left to her own devices, she too easily falls into the self-excesses of her previous life. When properly motivated to right wrongs and fix injustices, she feels confident and strong.

4. What is your character’s goal in life? Saiyeth’s ultimate goal is enlightenment. She believes that her monastic teachings are a path to a perfect self, and if she could achieve that, she would be one step closer to achieving a perfect world.

5. How does your character believe this goal can be accomplished? Saiyeth believes that enlightenment can be achieved by strictly adhering to an ascetic lifestyle and the pursuit of good works.


6. Where did your character come from? Saiyeth was born in Oppara, the youngest daughter of a minor, but wealthy, noble family. Saiyeth received a formal education and learned how to handle herself in court, a scenario in which she thrived. Despite this, Saiyeth has a rebellious streak. She often sneaked away to spend time among commoners, running with orphans and getting into trouble, much to her parents consternation. During this time, she learned several lessons which she carries with her to the present: money talks and presentation matters, but good people could be found among all peoples, commoner or not.

7. When did you grow up? Frankly, Saiyeth still hasn’t grown up completely. She took a major step by joining the monastery, but she still struggles to follow their lessons in her day-to-day life.

8. What values does your character hold? Saiyeth considers equality, justice, and spirituality are sacred to Saiyeth. She opposes tyranny, slavery, and injustice, particularly between classes. Most of these values arose from her time spent in the monastery, helping the poor and reflecting upon her own upbringing.

9. How does your character dress? Saiyeth’s appearance is a combination of her wealthy upbringing and her ascetic ideals. She always prefers to be immaculately clean and groomed: constantly washing her robes, cleaning her nails, and keeping her head shaved. She wears the robes of her order, although the finer the material and brighter the color, the better. She prefers blue, especially. She keeps her head shaved, which allows her to prominently display a runic tattoo on her forehead. A long, serpentine tattoo displaying a dragon winds its way down her left arm, left bare by her robes. Saiyeth enjoys the look and weight of jewelry, particularly gold, and wears large earrings and bangles around her biceps and ankles. Saiyeth prefers to walk barefoot, but if extensive or rough travel is called for, she will don a set of blue leather slippers.

10. What are your character’s means? As the youngest daughter of a noble family, Saiyeth has little in the way of actual earthly possessions. Most of the things she owns and wears were purchased with her parents’ money and she has little hope of inheriting their wealth. Her most prized possession is her bow. Crafted with a blend of heart and sap wood from a coastal yew, it has a malachite arrow inlay, with silk wrappings on both limbs and stag horn caps.

Despite her personal poverty, Saiyeth has significant social resources. She is close friends with Ameiko and frequents the Rusty Dragon. Growing up in Sandpoint, she knows most of residents fairly well and is friendly with most. They respect her for her caring and passionate attitude and her willingness to help in times of crises.

11. What are your character’s personal tastes? Saiyeth’s early life shapes many of her personal tastes. She possesses an indelible sweet tooth. Cookies, cakes, and candies of all varieties are her favorite. She enjoys the feel of silk and linen robes and the roughness of her bow’s leather grip. She loves the chirping of woodland birds and the ringing of Sandpoint’s bells. Her favorite smells are burning temple incense and Opparan perfume. Her hobbies include meditation, archery, and shopping.
Saiyeth refuses to eat meat, as her time in the monastery was a vegetarian existence. Saiyeth hates being dirty. She feels incredibly uncomfortable if unable to bathe daily.

12. What are your character’s opinions? Saiyeth is a strongly-opinionated young woman. She firmly believes that government should exist to serve all who live under it, rich or poor, noble or common. She thinks that people in power should help those without, not out of necessity, but that such an act would enrich all involved. She also believes that in mastering the art of her bow, the secrets of the universe will unveil themselves to her, much as they did to Irori.

13. What is your character’s comfort zone? Saiyeth’s true comfort zone is in the lap of luxury. Despite this, she endeavors to leave that lifestyle behind as often as possible.

14. Who has had the biggest impact on your character’s life? The most important person in Saiyeth’s life so far was the master at her monastery, an old Tian man named Masato. He taught her many of the things that made Saiyeth the woman that she is today.

15. What are some of your character’s unexpected quirks? Saiyeth rises with the sun to practice her techniques, often waking her companions with her breathing exercises. She is extremely finicky about her diet, describing various food toxins to those who question her as if they were as dangerous as actual poison. While traveling, she keeps a journal which she fills with (poor) drawings of the things she sees.

16. What kind of story does your character belong in? Jade Regent, I hope!

17. What role does your character fill? Saiyeth is primarily a ranged combatant, but her skills allow her to fulfill the role of a scout and emergency face of the party. With a quick rearranging of skills, Saiyeth could even take the place of a rogue.

18. What should the other players know about your character? The other players should recognize Saiyeth as a capable fighter with passionate beliefs, but her contradictions could frustrate them. I imagine her not unlike the stereotypical rich girl that goes to college and becomes a radicalized hippy.

19. What is your play style? I hope that you’ll recognize it from the RotRL game, but I prefer more character immersion and interaction.

20. How do you want your character to die? Saiyeth will likely die of old age, in a monastery of her own founding, or young, protecting those unable to protect themselves, bow in hand.

GM Questions:
Who are you and how are you doing? Hi, Salsa! It’s Ed, aka. Saroune aka. Jin. I’m doing pretty well right now, although those deep questions were tough.

How often do you tend to post? I think you’re familiar with my habits by now, but I try to post every day or two.

What sort of tone are you expecting for this game? I’m expecting something similar to the previous Jade Regent game: heavily interactive between players (you have a habit of picking good ones!) with light humor.

What do you expect from your fellow players? I expect them to get into their characters as possible. That’s where the best PbP games come from.

What do you expect from the GM? Just to keep doing whatever you do. Seriously. It’s great.

What is your comfort zone? Where’s the line for you in RP terms? I’m good with pretty much anything, even sensitive topics like rape and abuse, provided everybody in the game is comfortable with it and it’s handled in an appropriate manner.

How do you see Saiyeth progressing as a character? I imagine her outgrowing her problems over time, and becoming a close advisor and protector of Ameiko. Once the fate of Tian-Xia becomes apparent, Saiyeth will endeavor to help its beaten down people at any cost.