
Sagosmer's page

11 posts. Alias of dreamingdragon.

Welcome to the Wolves' Den Gameplay Thread. Things will start to move more quickly once I'm sure the map is behaving properly.

A large room, brightly lit and full of the smells of cooking food, pipe smoke, and the sounds of quiet conversation. The walls are covered mostly with hunter's trophies, including the head of a giant wolf mounted over the fireplace. It is a busy place, perhaps surprisingly so considering how far it is from any settled land, but it does have the distinction of being the only inn or tavern for several days in any direction.

Beside the innkeeper himself, a tall, fat man with ruddy cheeks and a mustache that hangs in two long braids down to his shoulders, there is a scrawny cook who is only occasionally glimpsed through the kitchen door and three girls who carry food to the long tables.

Outside the inn is a fenced in yard, with stables, a garden, privies and a smokehouse, and a stockade has been built around the inn and a few other houses. Though remote, the hamlet seems prosperous enough, and what rustic comfort can be found in this remote region is plentiful here.

More to come:

The Wolves Den

Northeast of the City of Hope, the Padure River flows through its broad valley, gathering the streams of the Silbatic Hills. Isfera is the last important town, and beyond it, the hills grow rougher, the forest deeper, and the farms smaller and farther apart. This is the land of the so-called Goblin Lords, those men who had been granted land and titles after the victory at Cold River. They had been young and ambitious then, the younger sons of powerful lords who stood to inherit nothing, but had fought like demons for their king and been rewarded.

The Caprioara River flows into the Padure here, and cuts a deep valley into the mountains. The ancient Floare Road winds west towards the mountains. North of the road, the only paths are rough dirt tracks too narrow for wagons. There are still tiny settlements, but the Awakening is a dim candle here. It is said that the mountain people are as much in darkness as in light, and that they keep to older ways in many things.

Along one path that winds through the mountains is a small settlement build around an ancient inn called the Wolves Den. It is known that it stood since the Age of the Magi, hundreds of years ago. Some even say that it is the place where the Wolf King of the Kubellin met with Vasli after the Awakening, and formed the plans that ended the Nightmare Age. The inn serves no wine, but is famed for hot spring water and the sweet, dark mead they brew.

This is where the story begins.

character creation:

* No 3PP
* 1st level
* CRB Races
* CRB, APG, UM classes EXCEPT Summoners. Most paizo archetypes accepted, if it’s in the SRD.
* 2 traits, from different categories
* 15 point buy
* Average Starting Wealth by class
* Not looking for heavily optimized characters.
* No Evil characters or disruptive players. This includes Lawful Stupid, Chaotic Sociopath and Neutral Jaded.
* For those classes that are affected by such things (clerics, inquisitors, oracles) use the standard PF pantheon.
Please note that I do understand this is a low powered party compared to what you may be used to. I’m not trying to be stingy, I’m trying to tweak the difficulty of the adventure to be challenging to a variety of power levels.


Since this is a non-Golarion adventure, details of your backstory will necessarily be sketchy. However, I do want to know more about the characters than the numbers tell, so:
* You are at a remote inn, in the near endless northern forest, at the distant edge of civilization. What are you doing there?
* What does your character contribute to the party in a fight?
* What does your character contribute to the party out of a fight?
* What do you think about the rumors of black magic and nightmare cults on the rise?
* Briefly, tell us about your character’s personality.
* Will you be able to post at least daily?