Sageasa5's page

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I am really bored at work very often, so I am just making some characters for fun.

Found some errors.

Traits: Threatening Defender, does not apply this "bonus" on the arms page, couldn't find it anywhere else.

Weight: Special materials will reduce the weight of items, but the character sheet uses the unadjusted weights for display and to determine your encumbrance. (Example Darkwoord longbow and mithral chain shirt should way 14 pounds together, but display on character sheet as 26 pounds. Don't know why it's 26 instead of 28, but it's not 14 which is what's right. :)
The correct weight is displayed in the Arms Tab however.

Also, a Duelist i built got kinda messed up regarding his AC, but i don't know if it was his Duelist bonus to AC or Combat Expertise's bonus. It displayed all the bonuses correctly (though it lumped some untyped as Dodge bonus, which is fine)but then displayed "-3 penalty" in the AC summary of the Character sheet.

I'll keep sending them as I find them.

I like the new system, it put everyone on the same rule set, rather than having a different set for every maneuverability rating, and then some, like the special rules the dragon-born had in 3.5 (flying gymnastics extreme), and all the the special rules dragons had that let them ignore their rating. It frees up feats for monsters so they can just be powerful fliers, rather than clumsy things that somehow had to invest a lot of time (ie take a feat) to learn how to do something that should be as natural as walking to them.

Take a hummingbird, there aren't any stats but we can assume they have 1 HD and are Fine size, I would say they have good maneuverability. Take their 1 skill point they possess and put it in Fly (what else are they going to take, Perform: Pleasant Thrumming?), and their skill is (1, +3 class skill, +4 maneuverability, +8 size) +16.

So it Auto hovers, only needs a 4 to 180 turn and fly straight up, and can still auto hover in strong winds. And that's if it's not taking a 10, since drinking nature's soda pop isn't that threatening an activity. While taking a 10, everything is automatic.
Sounds pretty accurate, as everything in this game is better/stronger /faster than real life (though in this case not by much), which is why we play it.

To Shem:
I tried to get Shadowdancer as you did and hit a wall. Then I realized that I had only put ranks in Perform. Not chosen dance underneath it and then put 2 ranks in that. After doing this, Shadowdancer popped right up.

Languages are on their own sheet/tab, "Languages". To gain another your character must have Int mod of +1 or greater, or take points in Linguistics skill. That sheet will track those and you simply put a 1 in the box next to the language you want.

To Kor:
Just to be annoying, a couple of suggestions/requests.

On the Arms tab, in the section where you can apply feats - whenever you get Furious Focus and Focused Shot applied mechanically, could they be added to the list you can apply?

And on the Custom tab, would it be incredibly difficult to add a "Notes" cell that could print sectional notes on the character sheet? Like you have set up for racial speed modifiers to acrobatics or situational save modifiers.
Along the same lines, could the character sheet list, as notes, the name of any bonuses applied from the Bonus tab? Not a huge deal, but could be handy.

Unbelievably useful sheet. I fully appreciate the time put into it.

I noticed a couple of errors/suggestions, thought I'd pass them along.

Every character is getting the Inquisitor's Cunning Initiative bonus.

Druid's Nature Bond: If Domain is Chosen, and Animal is the chosen Domain, no Animal companion is given at 4th level (or ever).

Skills: Won't probably come up much, but if you try to override a skill to NOT be a class skill, nothing changes. Works perfectly the other way around.

Familiar: If they have a feat, the feat's bonuses aren't adding to their statistics. Specific example: Fox, has skill focus Perception, Wis 12, only has a total Perception check of +1.

It seems like on the Bonuses page, that anything adding to caster level, doesn't work, though I don't know if this would actually show anywhere else in the workbook. (I was trying to use it to duplicate spellcasting ability for Prestige classes)
On same page, more of a suggestion, there is no way to add Temporary hit points.

I can't tell you how great it is having a sheet that is this complete. My group is like "Even the traits?...WOW."