Safrac's page

115 posts. Alias of Jestem.

There are two questions here really.

First of all, can you take a free action outside of your initiative count.

Second of all, can a Skeletal Champion use the Coup De Grace action to kill a helpless (paralyzed) creature?

I had an issue where a druid was wild shaped into a rhino and paralyzed in a previous round, blocking the corridor that they were in. Skeletal champion was trying to get past the rhino to get to its (the champions) master. I figured that as it had been told to protect the master, and the rhino was an enemy then a CDG action seemed to be in order.

Have looked into it, and it looks like Wild Shape needs a standard action to dismiss, which might not have been allowed.

On the CDG action though I can't find anything.

The reason for asking is that the druid was saying that if he dismissed the wildshape (allegedly as a free action) then he was no longer impeding the champion, therefore CDG wouldn't be needed.

Just wondering what others think about this.

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I am currently running the Kingmaker book, about half a way through the second book.

The kingdom that the party has is well defined, some 30 hexes and they auto pass all checks pretty much. Alliance with the Kobolds, destroyed the mites. Tatzlford will be annexed tonight with an auto pass check.

The real problem that I am having is twofold. One, the party has managed to give themselves equipment worth around 45k each thanks to the loyalty of the kingdom being so high. Therefore, they are significantly above the WBL, and means I have a party of 5, with two sorcerers who have a 24 charisma each. 15 minute workday isn't an issue. What is an issue is that they have a APL of perhaps 8 or 9, but cannot really deal with the monsters that they should be encountering at that level. 2 of the party have been afflicted with lycanthropy, but good tactics mean that it rarely becomes an issue, something that is further boosted by the cloaks of resistance that have been crafted.

I think the biggest issue I am having is with the plot hooks to get the party out of the castle and moving the plot. I have mentioned the BBEG of the story, but need other ways to involve them and get them moving. I read somewhere that there was the idea of paying other people to do the basic cartography of the area and then they just hop from encounter to encounter. I think its something I will try tonight.

Any other suggestions though?

I am running a Kingmaker game. Because of the large group (7 players at last count consisting of a gunslinger, druid, cleric, rogue, ranger and two sorcerers (one arcane, one draconic)) I have been using the 6 player conversions up on the forum, and adding a little extra to the stats, perhaps an extra 10%HP overall to the monsters HP and +1 or so to attacks etc.

However, the group seems to almost walk through many of the encounters that they come across in the game. The Kobold Tribe for example was a diplomatic encounter for them, and with a a sorcerer who took charge of negotiations and was rolling epically, they soon wiped out the BBEG of the lair.

The mites were a little trickier, but only because I judged that all the tunnels imposed the squeezing condition on the players and so they had to work a little harder for the victory. Slaughtered them to a man (or mite?) and with only minor casualties. The Barrow in the second book caused them more trouble, and only then because I also threw a willow wisp at them which proceeded to nearly kill two of the players.

Because of the large group size, splitting the party is not a tactic I wish to use particularly. It would mean too much downtime for the part of the party that is not playing in my opinion.

So, why do I want help with this party? Most combat encounters either seem to be cakewalks for them, or are almost overbearingly powerful. The best case is that of the scythe tree whereby it very nearly killed two of the party in as many rounds. It was only through some very lucky channels and the gunslinger using alchemical cartridges of fire that the party survived that one.

I need help with the party, as on the one hand I want to keep up a fairly lethal game, but on the other hand, so far there have been no actual fatalities in the game, but a lot of knocking out of people. One of the players has managed to be turned into a lycanthrope, although thanks to cloaks of resistance that the arcane blood sorcerer has crafted, the will save is pitiful for him to make now.

I need help in two ways really.

1) How to make encounters difficult for the party without overwhelming them?

2) How to get them to actually want to do some of the kingdom building stages. Allegedly they are all interested in the mechanics of it, but with the same token, they seem to be purely interested in doing the exploration side of the books, and not actually settling down to make something of the kingdom.


Do animals in the pathfinder world have some form for base skill set? I realise there is a section on what skills an animal companion receives, but what I mean is do they have a natural +10 for example to a skill or not? Otherwise it seems a little odd that they are so depowered when compared to their wild kin.

Also, if the druid is a medium creature, and the animal companion is medium, can the druid ride the animal companion?

I have the Core Rules, ADvanced Players Guide, Ultimate Magic, Bestiary 1 and have just ordered Ultimate Combat and the Kingmaker AP from Amazon.

I am not really sure where else to go. I am GM for the new Kingmaker game when it starts in a few weeks, so supplementary materials for that might be a lot of fun, but am not sure all in all.

Any ideas?

Just coming to the conclusion of a more or less improvised campaign with a very mutable group. It went from 8 to 5 to 9 players over the course of 5 months.

The characters just completed the campaign versus the evil Lich that had been making their life hell for a while, but just as the campaign session was ending, the evil characters within the party have just declared attacks against the rest of the party. Now this means that I effectively have a party versus party fight.

Part of me wants to allow it because regardless of how it ends there is no real consequence to it post game, i.e. the characters are going to be junked at the end of the session. However, if I was playing in this, then a last minute fight to survive against people that were my allies for ages would bug the hell out of me, and would to a degree ruin the game.

On saying all that however, I don't really want to use DM fiat to say that they (the evil characters) can't attack the rest of the party.

Any tips?

Am looking for a KingMaker game, read through the player character guide and it sounds really interesting.

Please let me know if you are running a PBP game

I tend to play rangers, but if the party requires it then I will play just about any role.
Flexible character concepts and able to post at least a couple of times a day.

Let me know.