Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Jaylen wrote:
Hey its one of those things that happens. You do indeed have to take real world issues as a priority. All I can say is that its been a lot of fun. ![]()
Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Jaylen wrote:
I am just messing with you. I figured that it might be a mistake, but wanted to make sure. Hope you are well and that I eventually am allowed to find out more about Jaylen. ![]()
Feegle wrote:
Do you have a version of this for the first book at all? I would really appreciate it, am using the Kingmaker AP in September and am trying to get everything really in advance ![]()
Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Jaylen wrote: Skender's not posted in 8 days; is s/he still playing? I would imagine so. It could well be that stuff has come up in his life, or just doesn't feel that events that have transpired need his commenting on. Who knows? What I am sure of is that when he does want to post, he will. So a natural 1 eh? Could make things interesting ![]()
Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Ok then, instead of fireballs I will be looking to use lightning bolts. Keeping my initiative the same if I may. Round 1: Move so that I have LOS, then lightning bolt.
DC17 reflex for half To whole group: I cannot actually warp spell energies just yet, maybe later when I can cast higher level spells, sorry ![]()
Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Syndir Apep wrote:
Yeah, but seeing as you trust me, then all that really matters is that you are safe within the confines of the spell. If the others are unwilling then that is their issue and possibly something that will lead to my death. But hey ho, nothing ventured, nothing gained right? EDIT. Scratch that wish to swap out the feat, I couldn't be able to use it for fireball anyway. It adds a level to the spell, and I can't cast 4th level spells yet. ![]()
Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Radavel wrote:
What can I say, I always wanted to be a pure evoker. SO I thought I would make one for this game ![]()
Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Safrac wrote:
Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Syndir Apep wrote: looks like Syndir wont be doing anything until the fireball onslaught is over then. I might actually change out one of my feats if the DM allows. I could in theory use selective spell effect casting so that you would be right in the thick of the battle and the spell kind of curves around you. Its a feat in the UM, and would be of more use to me than empower spell ![]()
Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Initiative 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11 To the group I can protect four of you from being harmed by my spells.I will simply warp the energies around you
Fireball round 1 7d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5) = 27
Oh no, the end of my fireballs!!! ![]()
Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Vhailor Falk wrote: Vhailor has finished his work, and merely stands up shaking his head slightly. He then follows the others as they depart the area. Hopefully my dancing light spell from earlier is still active. If so, I will form it into a single light rather than the four, and have it slightly above and ahead of me. Following Vhailor. Perception1d20 ⇒ 8 ![]()
Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
To Vass:
Thank you for the freebie My Lord. This place, what is it? Why have we been brought here of all places? Where is our equipment in relation to us right now? What would you have me do for the answers to these questions? To Angelica My name is not puppet, and I have killed for far less. My name is Safrac, and you would do well to use it. Need I remind you what happened to these guards? And somehow I don't think I would need particularly long to reduce you to the same state as they are in. To the group We have another prisoner here, she has been freed like the rest of us. Whilst she has not yet chosen a side, I believe that we have a common purpose, not only with her, but between all of us. I have one question for you all though. Do you know where the Seven Circles of Hell might be found? My Lord (points briefly to my head) has told me that this is where our equipment lies. This guard cannot help us get to this place wherever it is, so if any of you must feast upon blood, then feel free to slay this pathetic morsel(points to remaining living guard) ![]()
Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Yeah I noted your previous post. Its more the fact that Vass didn't say anything about our equipment, and there is no way in hell that I am leaving without my stuff. If you meant that he will also show us the way to our equipment then: To Vass: How would you have me sacrifice this man's soul to you? Merely tell me and it will be done my Lord ![]()
Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Radavel wrote:
If I am right in thinking, intimidate lasts for a bloody long time, but you are right, I will be using Charm Person on the guy also just in case. ![]()
Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
To Vass:
See, my own abilities are more than enough for the moment, unless you did something to these puny things that I am not aware of. He is yours, as soon as I have my possessions back I will head over to Jaysen. To Jaysen You were a prisoner like us. We plan on breaking free of this place on this very day. There are only two sides in this. Either you are with us, or you are against us. Choose well. You have just seen what we did to these guards. They were trained soldiers, yet they did not stand much of a chance against us. To the guards You chose well. Where would my equipment be held? Speak quickly. Then lead me to it. If possible I would like to grab that rod, examine it for spells etc. Spellcraft 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31
Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Blimey Jaylen, nice prose there. Radavel:
Do I notice Jaylen on the floor in this chamber? Or is she back in the original room? My next round actions have already been described above, but for clarity they are:
I will be casting lightning bolt if anyone (as in the guards) momentarily defies me. Lightning bolt. 7d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 6, 6, 6, 3, 3) = 35 ![]()
Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Jaylen wrote:
Well, the end of you guys, I have immunity to a degree against my own spells. Yeah it needs refining, but it should help us visualise what is going on in the room ![]()
Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Radavel wrote: Sa'Ryn's fear charm seems to enhance the urgency in the lead guard as he advances away from you, trailing blood as he goes. How far is the leader who just turned tail from me? I might do a charm person on the bugger. Intimidate 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (8) + 16 = 24
I will be casting lightning bolt if so much as one person momentarily defies me. Lightning bolt. 7d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 6, 6, 6, 3, 3) = 35 ![]()
Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Jaylen wrote:
Sure, now all you need to do is make that same roll in the game forum itself. Seriously, come on over there and join in in the fun ![]()
Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
How badly injured are the guards looking just out of interest? My next round action is either a lightning bolt on the leader and anyone who gets in the way, or charm person on one of the guards, but obviously I would prefer to know roughly how damaged they are before making that call. ![]()
Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Next round action, All of you, get behind me for a moment Cast Fireball in such a way that we wont get hit but as many of the guards are hit as possible. 7d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 4, 5, 1, 5, 4) = 29 as damage. Again making the damage as electricity. As a free action, calling upon the power of Vass to aid us. To the guards As I said, we will lead here over the corpses of your dead bodies! ![]()
Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Angelica Nenaviste wrote: Rolling for readied Channel, in case it's before my init. 4d6 DC 16 Will save for 1/2 damage. I mean no offence by stating my action before it properly comes around to my initiative comes around proper. Means that I don't have to be by my pc when the combat round goes on ![]()
Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Initiative 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22 We will escape, and we shall use your dead bodies as the first stepping stones out of this place. Casting scorching ray on the one who spoke. Ray one touch attack 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
Ray two touch attack1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
All damage is electricity damage, but rather than bright blue it's black as sin ![]()
Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Jaylen wrote:
Have you taken a look at the game thread? We have long gone past the statue form I believe. Still, it will be good to have another member in the group. It's my first play by post also, so don't worry, I will certainly look after you. What's your time zone btw? ![]()
Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Detect Magic on the figure in the corner, then mage armour. That should bump my AC up to 18. Bah, if only we knew where our weapons and equipment were then we wouldn't be running around like scared rabbits. AC 18 with 49HP. To the demon Whilst it may seem a trivial matter, would you be able to tell me where my equipment, namely my spear is? I assume you know this area better than I. Also, what name would you like me to use? It seems silly having to refer to you as a nameless being when you are as powerful as you are. ![]()
Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Skender Ghaelekin wrote:
Safrac will be right behind Skender, alert as she can be for danger, and ready to use spells. Perception 1d20 ⇒ 2
Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Syndir Apep wrote:
Well there is that bit. But my dear Syndir, I promise to try and avoid hitting you with them as much as I can