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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
![]() So I got one question so far. On page 12 (Area C - Level Six) in the same paragraph it takes about the radiation hazard, it talks about spending an extra 20 minutes looking and finding lead lined suits (the treasure section also mentions finding extra stuff with the suits). So I just wondering if the lead suits are in the radioactive part of the level or the non radioactive part. Cause it simply states "20 minutes searching the rest of the level." But if its in the radioactive part the players are just gonna be running in and out quickly if they decide to go that way at all and might not spend the extra time looking unless the GM intentionally prompts them about it. The paragraph makes it sound like its in the radioactive part but feels like maybe there is suppose to be a chance at finding the suits before they go into the hazard area instead of on the way out and serve as an incentive for the weary. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
![]() This isn’t for me. This is for one of my players, please don’t judge him as this is very out of character for him. Heck, in my evil non-society campaign he was the only nonevil character in the group (but a recent wolf bite is changing that). He and his brother decided to make twin dwarf inquisitors. One is the good cop, and follows Shelyn, the other is the bad cop and follows… Rovagug. We had a bit of a discussion before the game about which faction he should join. Traditionally I offered Dark Archive or Grand Lodge. He rejected them as he already had low level characters in both those factions. Instead he said he wanted to join the Silver Crusade. I redirected him away from there and said too bad the Sczarni aren’t around anymore, you’d fit in like a glove. Hey the Sovereign’s Court new faction card reminded some people of the Sczarni, how’s your diplomacy? “-1” Nope, not a good choice for you… In the end, we settled on Liberty’s Edge, because I pointed out the leader had a questionable history as mentioned in the old Andoran forums, and because at Gen Con I remember the announcer mentioning that “Liberty’s Edge seems to be full of goblins.” We ran The Slave Ships and Absalom and he gave the Liberty’s Edge angle a try. During the course of the adventure he converted half the party to Liberty’s Edge as well as converting the party’s druid to Rovagug. At one point he yelled along the lines of “You’re all equal in Rovagug’s eyes. Everyone dies all the same.” and “I free you now so that Rovagug will kill you later.” So where do Rovagug followers normally end up in PFS? ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
![]() I am coming to the community in order to get some guidance with younger players. I have very little experience with youngsters, but several months ago a 8 years old and his father joined our group. They are now regular players and we all enjoy their company. But said Young Pathfinder often likes to rush into things, whether it’s a Roleplay Encounter, or a Combat Encounter, he just likes to charge right in with his first impulse. (This isn’t an issue with roleplaying, he does that just fine especially with NPCs he’s met before). When he says aloud his intended action, the group imminently responds in various forms of “No.” This vocal opposition almost always includes his father as well. To be fair his choice of action will usually have negative consequences for himself or the party three times out of four. But being a youngster, his unique perspective sometimes has positive outcomes the rest of the party would not achieve otherwise. So I have the problem of trying to balance between allowing the group to police itself, and allowing him to do what he wants to do for good or ill. I figure people with more experience with youngsters might have some helpful tips. I am going to try to give him more attention in game than I have been hoping that might settle him down some. I also decided to sometimes try to shush the other players and ask him “What would YOU like to do?” Yeah his choice might make things worse but experience is a better teacher sometimes. After his death in the Arena of Aroden this past summer I did notice a difference in his behavior for a few months. But time has healed those wounds. I’ve also invited him and his father to our non-PFS sandbox game in the hopes that being able to make the choices he couldn’t before might help settle him down for PFS. I’m not so sure it’s working but he’s been rather amusing and helpful for me as a GM… His first “dead” character in that game is now a recurring villain… The other issue I have is his choice of actions sometimes fall under the “There is no reason a player will ever consider this course of action.” Two recent examples of this: The Merchant’s Wake
When the guest of honor rises during the funeral and accuses Aaqir of betrayal, the party rushes in to battle the undead menace. Our young pathfinder tries to grapple Aaqir in order to drag him over to the undead in order to sort things out. In the end I decided Aaqir mistook his failed grapple attempts as him trying to pull Aaqir to safety and told him to go save the other guest instead. The Weapon in the Rift
While the party battled the Allip, he went back to try and recruit the 2 Hound Archons to help them. I decided that he could technically use his wayfinder as a way to allow the archons into a different room. I know I’m often on my own in these situations since it is sometimes so far off the beaten trail… but any advice would be appreciated. |