Chief Sootscale

Sacredless's page

Organized Play Member. 222 posts (236 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters.

Organized Play Characters

Tyrannosaurus Rex
Grand Lodge Raztec Copperrust

Male Tiefling, Faultspawn Cavalier 1 (0 posts)
Grand Lodge Nichang Fa

Female Samsaran Magus (Hexcrafter) (8 posts)
Baron Hannis Drelev
Silver Crusade Bronzekin
(1 post)
Count Lucinean Galdana
Grand Lodge Lakyle, Maltransmutation Expert
(5 posts)
Dark Archive Kin Ragiez of Akkam

Male Half-Orc Cleric (0 posts)

Sovereign Court Bandar Cullis

Male Human Fighter (0 posts)

Grand Lodge Tiph

Female Halfling Druid (0 posts)

Grand Lodge Jailar Tanthread

Male Elf Fighter (0 posts)
Neolandis Kalepopolis
Sovereign Court Thosil of Galt

Male Human Ranger 1 (0 posts)