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![]() There's my wizard, Eldon Scheppen. Backstory to come. Basics:
Name: Eldon Scheppen Class: Wizard Race: Rock Gnome Background: Sage Height: 4'3" Mass: 50 lbs Age: 28 STR: 10 DEX: 14 CON: 11+1 INT: 15+2+2+1 WIS: 12 CHA: 10 Combat:
Hit Dice: 8d6 Hitpoints: 42 AC: 12 Initiative: +2 Skills, Feats and Proficiencies:
Proficiency Bonus: +3 SKills: Investigation, Arcana, History, Insight Languages: Common, Gnomish, Primordial, Draconic Proficienceies:
Class and Race abilities:
Gnome: Darkvision: You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Gnome Cunning: You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic. Artificer’s Lore: Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to magic items, alchemical objects, or technological devices, you can add twice your proficiency bonus, instead of any proficiency bonus you normally apply. Tinker: You have proficiency with artisan’s tools (tinker’s tools). Using those tools, you can spend 1 hour and 10 gp worth of materials to construct a Tiny clockwork device (AC 5, 1 hp). The device ceases to function after 24 hours (unless you spend 1 hour repairing it to keep the device functioning), or when you use your action to dismantle it; at that time, you can reclaim the materials used to create it. You can have up to three such devices active at a time. Sage
School of Conjuration
Spell save DC: 16 Spell attack modifier: +8 Spellbook
Cantrips: Light, Mage Hand, Presdigitation, Mending Possessions:
Money: 174gp Equiptment: Dagger, Wand, Scholar's pack, Spellbook, Wand of Lighning bolts Other: Personality: Traits: There is no self-preservation, only opertunity-cost. I will give anything for the knowledge I seek. There is a time for thought and a time for action. I decide which it is mostly based on mood. Ideal: Field work is what real research is about, all else is just book-keeping. Bond: I feel the force causing these disturbances. It is a magic I have never seen before. It is ancient, it is powerful, and it scares me. Flaw: When faced with immense danger my first thought is one of admiration to they who have bested me, And my second is how to use their tactics as my own later. ![]()
![]() Here's my submission, the backstory is as setting neutral as I could make it, but if there are any problems just message me and I'll change it. Amdoran LG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Courageous +2 on saves against fear
Alertness +2 on perception and sense motive
14 Diplomacy 5 ranks +3 ability +6 misc
Channel Positive Energy deal 3d6 positive energy damage to undead that fail DC 16 will save or heal 3d6 to living (costs 2 lay on hands uses)
Spell save DC 13+spell level
Worn masterwork cold iron longsword
Background: (Amdorans backstory contains some assumptions about the world, these are based on standard fantasy, if any are wrong please correct me.) Amdoran was born the only child of Heldor Hanselmen, captain of the town guard of a smallish city (you can pick one if you like, I don't know enough about the setting to make a decision). He was only six when people started disappearing from his town. His father found the cave he believed the creature to hide during the day, and led an expodition into it. No-one returned from that expedition, but the disappearances stopped. Later expeditions into the cave found it completely empty of any sign of life or the corpses of the guardsmen. Amdoran spent the next eight years with his uncle and aunty, but they did not have the funds to support him properly. At the age of fourteen Amdoran left his uncle and aunty to pursue training for the town guard, hoping to follow in his fathers footsteps. When he was sixteen, on only his third task with the guard his group was ambushed by wights in the middle of the night. Amdoran stood for what felt like years in the cold, oppressive darkness of the night, with only the small bubble of light from his lamp offering him protection from the monstrosities that swirled around him, searching for a weakness in his defence. The oil of the lamp was beginning to run out, and the wights were edging closer when a bright light appeared to east of Amdoran. At first he thought the light was the rising sun, but soon realised it was far too focused. The wights shied away from the bright light and Amdoran was forced to drop his lamp to cover his eyes. the light soon dimmed, and Amdoran's eyes adjusted to the it and a man stepped forward. The man reached his hand towards Amdoran and in that instant when Amdoran grabbed the man's hand all his fears, worries and wounds melted away. The man introduced himself as Kelfed, a paladin and hunter of the vile undead. For the next five years Amdoran trained with Kelfed in the art of the sword and in that of the divine. One day when Amdoran was out training in the woods he felt the sinister presence of evil from the direction of Kelfed's house. Amdoran sprinted there as fast as he could, but it was to no avail, as by the time Amdoran arrived the house was empty, with only small signs of struggle. The house was empty of all holy insignia and relics, except for Kelfed's cold iron sword, lodged into the ground in the middle of the house. Now Amdoran hunts for who or what it was that took his father and his mentor, as he attempts to continue Kelfed's legacy and protect the worlds peace from threats both natural and unnatural.
![]() Kalerusk:
Name: Kalerusk Race: Vrusk Profession: Explorer (self-employed) Gender: Male STR / STA 40/40
IM: +3
Racial Abilities: Ambidexterity, Comprehension 15% Defence Data: Energy Record: Skill Data:
Equipment Data: As given by GM Money:: 100 + 1d100 ⇒ 100 + (19) = 119 this is the basics, backstory will come once I have the time, really busy right now. also, I didn't see any mention of PSAs in the Zebulon guide, are they still a thing? ![]()
![]() Nazskab Naffront wrote:
I really just did it for the longbow and +1 DEX, I picked the halberd cause the idea of a gnome with 6 strength knowing how to fight with halberds seemed ridiculous. ![]()
![]() Nazskab Naffront wrote:
I is confuzzled, not sure if sarcasm? ![]()
![]() I have finally finished my character. His name is Dirk Gass and he is a Gnomish Rogue from what was left of Frederick Barbarossa's army by the time it got to the Holy Lands. Tell me what you think. CRUNCH:
ENERAL Character Name: :Dirk Gass
Ablility Scores: Str:6 -2
COMBAT Speed: :30ft
Hit Points: Total:7
Weapon Attacks: Spell Attacks: PROFICIENCIES Proficiency Bonus: :+2
FEATURES, TRAITS & FEATS Class Features: :Expertise (Deception, Slight of hand), Sneak attack (1d6), Thieves Cant, Criminal Contact
EQUIPTMENT Coinage: Copper:
Equiptment: :Rapier, longbow and quiver of 20 arrows, burglar’s pack, Studded leather armour, two daggers, thieves’ tools, crowbar, set of dark common clothes including a hood, Treasure: :
Ideals: :I'm loyal to my friends and those who help me, everyone else can take a trip down the Styx for all I care Flaws: :Stealing is all I know, it's hard not to steal with so many loose coin-purses around at my eye-level Bonds: :I was caught stealing in my home-town, and there I am forever known as a thief, I'm trying not to make the same mistake twice, but it's hard. Back-story: :Dirk Gass grew up in a small poor town in rural Germany. His family was especially poor, and he was nearly always hungry. One day in town an apple fell out of a bag a man had hauled over his shoulder. Dirk picked it up and looked around, no-one seemed to have noticed it, so Dirk did the unthinkable. He ate the apple. Soon he was hungry again, and coincidences like that didn't happen often. But soon Dirk learned how to make them happen and before he knew Dirk was a pickpocket. This continued for Dirk until he was 17, when he was finally caught. Unfortunately for him, the harvest that year had been especially bad, and so became his punishment. Dirk was lashed, and he was lashed unto the edge of death, the action was simply meant to coerce him into not stealing. but it went too far and Dirk is still a weak and frail man because of it. For the Next few years Dirk was looked down upon by his fellow townspeople, and it became too much for him. When the 3rd crusade was called Dirk saw it as a way out, a second chance at a reputation. The march was hard for Dirk and when Frederick Barbossa (king of Germany at the time) drowned he considered turning back. But there was nothing back there for him except shame and hatred, and so he went on. Eventually he, along with a few others of Fredericks army joined up with Richards forces. Since then Dirk has grown fond of others of the Crusaders, and hopes he can make a new name for himself in this "England" place. He just hopes it isn't too rainy. ![]()
![]() Score 1: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 6) = 14
I'm going to re-roll here in the actual recruitment thread, rather than take my roles from the interest check if your ok with that . ![]()
![]() Does the Prophet already have the blue crystal staff at the start of the game, or do they find it during gameplay? also, because the gods are not currently active in the world, how does clerical magic work? are clerics just spell-less for a while, or could the staff be used like a catalyst for clerical magic, or something? Also, Ren was intended for the mentor role, although I guess he could work as a leader. ![]()
![]() Here is my submission for the mentor role, Renagir Onselmin, he's an ex-mercenary that trains the recruits for Ivor's armies. Mechanically he's a fighter, who's going to go into battlemaster. Tell me what you think, also I think the Inspiring leader feat works perfectly for the leader role. CRUNCH:
GENERAL Character Name: :Renagir Onselmin (Ren)
Level: :1
Ablility Scores: Str:16 +3
COMBAT Speed: :30ft
Hit Points: Total:12
Weapon Attacks: Quarterstaff:+5 1d6+2
Superiority dice: :1d6
Maneuvers: :Feinting attack, Disarming attack PROFICIENCIES Proficiency Bonus: :+2
FEATURES, TRAITS & FEATS Class Features: :Fighting Style (Dueling), Second wind (1d10+1),
EQUIPTMENT Coinage: Copper:
Equiptment worn: :Splint, The Ogrelance (Longsword, previously the blade of one of his close friends from his mercenary days, so named because his friend once rode headlong at an ogre, using the blade like a lance and the blade went straight through the ogres head and so did half his friends arm) Quarterstaff, explorer's pack, An insignia of rank, set of bone dice, common clothes Treasure: :
Fluff: PERSONALITY Traits: :Ren always has some piece of criticism for everything, and more than one tale of how he did it better back in "his day" Ideals: :It's better to know little and pass it on than to know a lot and have it die with you Flaws: :"No one EVER, EVER questions my knowledge of battle and tactics, I've spent my life learning all there is on it and I will NOT be questioned by the likes on YOU! now drop and give me fifty," Also yells at people alot, perhaps too much. Bonds: :Langtree is my home, and i'll do anything to protect it and it's residents, even if I'd never say that out loud Backstory:
![]() Sacraz wrote:
Don't worry about this, I'm submitting Sioron instead. ![]()
![]() Name: Sioron
Personality: If Sioron is nothing else he is ambitious, and selfish. Sioron does not care at all for strangers, and it is very hard to become one he considers a "friend", but once you have earned his trust he will go to any end to keep yours, for he knows that he cannot achieve his goals without allies. At the same time Sioron sees those who betray the trust of there friends as a plague to rid the world of, and it would be very unwise to betray him. Backstory: A Wizard trainee kicked out of his college due to a family feud. Sioron turned to dealing with mysterious forces to gain the power he desired. Now, along with his familiar Akhtur, he searches for ever more power. Low Goals: Outdo the Wizards who denied him power, Understand more about the forces he owes his power to, Become a spell caster of note. Med Goals: Gain renown as a powerful spell caster, pay back his debts or otherwise end the mysterious forces power over him, gain the ability to control politics from the shadows ("advise" a ruler, blackmail people, etc.) High Goals: Achieve Immortality, create and lead a group of powerful people to keep the world just the way he likes it, Become the single most powerful spell caster alive (or un-alive if immortality requires undeath) ![]()
![]() Hi, I have an idea for a street urchin thief who is taken in by a church of [insert religion here] and becomes an Inquisitor. (full backstory will be longer, that's just a summary) I was Just wondering if there will be firearms in this world, I'm trying to decide between a Pistol and a crossbow. Thanks |