Sabattus's page

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The party I was in, 'til the campaign went on hiatus, was made up of:

* wood elf lvl 4 fighter, 18 STR spiked chain specialist and former bondslave in the mines
* elf lvl 4 warlock (nicknamed "Death-hand", with a huge rep -- the character had this tendency to get in the killing blow on practically everything with his eldritch blast by sheer chance, but it was taking out Kullen both in the basement of the feral dog (though we patched his wounds, and he and his gang came back to confront us in the Whispering Cairn, where Death-hand AGAIN got in the killing blow with his eldritch blast)
* lvl 4 human cleric (Pelor), looking to avenge the death of his wife and expunge some of his anger
* lvl 4 halfling rogue

Previous party character included a human samurai and an aasimar acoylte (cleric-to-be) of Wee Jas, who both got eaten by wolves in the first Whispering Cairn encounter due to HORRIBLE die rolls, and a druid who ended up retiring the character to bring in the halfling rogue after it because clear we were seriously lacking in device-defeating ability.

We got all the way through the Hextor phase of the Three Faces of Evil.