
Sa'Kage's page

968 posts. Alias of FangDragon.


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Mmm. Interesting, I wonder if the Vernai sanctioned this.

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Stalwart it's been a pleasure, but unless you get the urge to finish this off would you please mind marking the campaign as inactive? (Note you can undo that)

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Part of me would very much like to continue, for the greater glory of Achaekek He Who Walks in Blood. But I accept this is rather unlikely...

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Knowing the remaining council members where rumoured to be dealing with the Kobolds, Kage's crimson eyes glittered as he said, "Right then, lets see how Alenaya's little Kobold uprising is going... I'm sure they could do with some assistance!" With that he started walking, thinking they'd 'obtain' some horses and get this task over and done with.

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Kage privately thought it unlikely the Tigerlords would have done much beyond attacking merchants and making a lot of noise although if they'd done more he wouldn't complain. "All right then." he said after a moment, "Let's go find the last two council members and plan from there."

We heard rumours of where they are right?

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Sighing inwardly Kage nodded she had a point, "At least Yallah is gone, her eyes saw too much. As for the warewoolf perhaps it was a smell thing rather than the way you looked? Come to think of it should we try to perform the ritual during the full moon? There are dangers to that of course but she won't be in command of herself."

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Kage's strange crimson eyes lit up at Alenaya's suggestion. He could see it now, Jon-Wyn dressed as maxwell, himself perhaps as Grey with one of the girls - maybe Eris as Yallah. There would be a reunion followed by the devilish artistry of the betrayal. Of course the disguises would have to be good, they where lucky to know their marks well. Still it would be difficult, Kage rated himself as a competent if uninspired make up artist, so magical assistance would be required.

The ghost of a grin formed on Kage's lips as he replied, "Now that has possibilities..." He glanced at Jon-Wyn and Eris to see what they thought.

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Kage was pleased with their progress, it was possible Ivorotti's riddle might be solvable by now with three out of the five stanzas. But he didn't entirely trust the little weasel so it was best to seal the deal by eliminating the other two.

Nodding at Jon-Wyn, Kage murmured, "Yes let's see how she's getting on..."

I'd be interested in the potion of displacement and one of the healing pots.

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Kage nodded and filed out in silence. When they where away he spoke softly to Alenaya, "I regret there wasn't more time. Still we have the werewolf and the man mountain to deal with... They are a contradiction, the least and yet the most dangerous of the lot. We shall need to discuss our approach."

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Kage glanced at Alayna, "Take your time, make some art out of him, but don't underestimate him. He is dangerous. I'll be right outside if you need help."

Noting Jon-Wyn disguising himself as a guard, Kage nodded and took the clothes from one of the guards, a man about his height. He put them on and waited outside.
Disguise: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24

Going to stand guard outside while Alayna does what she needs to.

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Jon-wyn I think the intention was your weapons and Kage's are poisoned. Anyway Kage plans to try and pin Grey if at all possible to allow for CDG.

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Rubins momentarily studied Grey as he walked in, noting the way he walked, the bags under his eyes and the edge in his voice. Open handed and seemingly unarmed, Rubins walked towards Grey as if greeting an old friend. After Jon-Wyn spoke, Rubins added with a shiver, "They where hacked to pieces, more bits of meat than people... Of course we got here as fast as we could to tell you. What will you do now? There has to be some response surely!? We can't just stand by let this happen, how can we help?"
Bluff to conceal his intentions: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 10 + 2 = 27

Rubins risked a glance at Alenaya...

If she gives the nod...:

Without warning, Kage suddenly slipped behind grey and snaked an arm round the man's head!
Grapple with studied target: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 10 + 2 = 29

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

So I have a half formed plan, but I don't want to deny Alenaya her revenge. Basically Kage will suggest our news should be for Lord Grey's and his most trusted advisor's only, hoping some of the guards will get dismissed. Once they're away Kage will try to grapple Grey while the rest of you murder him. Alayna do you want to toy with him first? Obviously we don't want him to teleport away...

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

"Very good." replied Rubins who ostensibly sat there waiting quietly. In deed he was waiting patiently, but his mind was racing, as he weighed up the various options for the potential battle ahead. He wasn't entirely sure how much Alanaya wanted to play with Grey before killing him, neither was he sure that was a particularly good idea. It was best to deal with a caster who might teleport away directly. Still Rubins made a small study of the guards and the environs while he waited.

Sense Motive (with studied target on the guard who spoke), do the guards seem to be expecting trouble?: 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 12 + 2 = 33
Perception: Anything of note in this room or on the guards - they do seem to be alive right?: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Are there any guards nearby? I'm wondering if Eris could make them attack either Grey or any undead in his retinue.

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Kage nodded slightly to Alizee, all this was for her and he'd follow her lead in things although he had a sinking feeling that they'd need to attack Grey more or less on sight.

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

In hushed tones Rubins replied a little embarrassed, "You'll forgive me I hope but it's something of a delicate matter, involving the Fae and ahem Lord Maxwell... I think Lord Grey would appreciate our discretion."

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Kage nodded as he strode towards the keep, "OK then lets see if we can't get ourselves an audience."

Once they approached it, Kage tries to find somebody in authority starting with the nearest guard. "Hail! We have an urgent message for Lord Grey and seek an audience. Is there a captain of the watch or somebody who can contact him in an emergency?"
Bluff with studied target: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 10 + 2 = 22

If the guard asks if it's an emergency Kage will reply yes but he's not at liberty to reveal his message to anyone except Lord Grey

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

As they where walking towards the keep, echoing Jon's sentiments Kage muttered, "I could do with a bath, a hot one assuming they have such luxuries..." Glancing at the others he asked, "How shall we do this? Leave a note saying we have urgent news or should we wait at the keep and leave the delights of an inn and civilization till later?"

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Is the location of the Miner's Keep obvious? If so Rubins will make his way there, if not he'll ask for directions.

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

There was no point arguing so Rubins nodded as he replied, "Thank you for that, can't say I'm a huge fan of boats anyway."

As they passed into the town he spoke quietly to the others, "You know there might be some advantages to meeting him at the Keep." Kage was certain the others could see the disadvantages, potential witnesses who might come to Grey's aid. Living witnesses, who unlike the undead could be twisted by Eris's magic and compelled to be useful...

I don't mind if we decide to head over to the keep directly but I bet the place is choked with undead.

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Kage studied at the walls with an expert eye, 'They're high enough I suppose but it wouldn't be difficult to climb them even freehand should the need arise.' Glancing back at Jon he nodded and started walking towards the gates. They where here as friends, and friends don't go skulking about.

If the gates are guarded and they get asked their business:
Following Jon's advice Kage decided to stick to the 'truth', just not the whole truth. "Name's Rubins, this here is Lucien and she's Eliza. We're here to see Grey. No I don't think he's expecting us, but he knows us and we have news he'll want to hear." Bluff for the last bit with studied target to make it sound legitimate: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 10 + 2 = 21

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Kage shrugged, he could do that, besides Jon was right, Master Brinn has always insisted that the best lies were built upon the foundation of truth. Running his hand through his hair, Kage replied "Well then Lucien, let us make all haste to Grey's tower..."

If we're going as us I guess we don't need to do anything special other than try to knock on the door.

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

"So what's our story?" asked Kage, "We heard about the chaos and wondered if we could help having decided to take up their offer after all? Maxwell was away somewhere so we went to find Grey."

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

To be fair that is always going to be a problem with enchantment unless you build for Threndoic spell.

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Don't forget gaseous form is slow, we'll need time to get into position.

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Kage nodded, "The undead are his never sleeping watch. I have heard of methods to pass unseen by the undead, probably not available to the likes of us. Still I doubt he goes for intelligent undead, maybe they won't react to a gaseous form?"

He paced as he thought, "Jon I tend to agree about showing people what they expect. Question is what does Grey expect?" Kage felt he knew, but just didn't want to say.

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

"Hmm well I could knock on his door, but do you think he'd actually let me inside? Gaseous form is a great idea by the way." replied Kage. As he said that he though that Alenaya was the best choice, Grey wanted to possess her, so of course he'd let her in. Still he wasn't keen to put her back in that situation unless it was her idea.

I think we have to grapple Grey. Otherwise 5' step and bye bye once we attack.

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Eris / Jon did you spot the posts here?

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Kage nodded, "Ah yes he can teleport can't he... We'll need to knock him out ASAP. Can you brew anything to help?"

So full on stealth mode. How about we scale the sides of the tower walls and come in through a window (perhaps using acid to weaken any bars). Naturally we'd need some way to avoid the attentions of his minions. We also need to figure out how to take him alive, the ingredients for this might be a tad exotic but if we all threw a vial he'd have a hard time making all those saves. There might be some subtle poisons we could use to render him unconscious as well.

NSFW idea:
One particularly nasty idea is to poison any female undead - you can guess where (obviously that doesn't do anything to the undead) and when he has his way he gets more then he bargained for.

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Kage's world weary eyes took the town in, 'Small but wealthy.' was his assessment.

Calling a halt he asked the others, "How do we want to approach this, openly or under cover of darkness? Or maybe, maybe we can arrange a riot." Glancing at Alenaya he remarked, "I'm sure Grey has transgressed before. There will be little love for him here. Perhaps we could pretend to be parents or loved ones in distress. Maybe arrange for the the masses to storm his tower?"

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

So it's quite a diversion to go via wherever Alacia and Thrusk are. Lets cut to the chase and go for grey?

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

GM how far (I guess in travel time) is Grey's tower from here? Would Alecia be on the way?

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Kage nodded and started walking, "Yeah. Lets get this done. Grey is not to be underestimated, his undead menagerie will be trouble. They may sense us even cloaked with magic, and there's no knowing how many of them there are. Also lets not forget he has a penchant for stealing souls, we should try and ward our minds if possible."

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

So way back I thought of getting a scroll of Nightmare to soften Grey up before we attack. I can't remember did we ever get hold of it?

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Yeah I reckon you're right.

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Kage tries on Maxwell's bloodstained cloak, "What do you think? The blood gives it a certain je ne sais qui... Not sure about this dagger, seems a bit on the small side."

Probably a good idea if we can shore Kage and Jon's will saves up. But what about Eris and Alenaya do you need anything? Oh and I agree with Jon we need to haul ass to take out some more council members. Grey perhaps?

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Kage ensures Yallah is dead before picking his way down to where Maxwell is dying. He regarded the not-quite dead twitching remains of what was once the ruler of Emeraldvale for a moment. The scene made him feel melancholy, almost. Sounding contemplative he remarked, "You know some people, normal people collect things for a hobby: vintage wine, stamps or rare coins... Your hobby however, involves brewing and administering vile poisons... My hobby involves lying and stabbing people. I'm not quite sure whose more messed up, us or normal people. I mean what's the point of collecting coins or wine if you're not going to spend or drink it? We're all going to end up in the mud like these two, might as well enjoy life while you still can!"

Yeah looting. I wonder if Maxwell brought some some truly awful poetry just for copperhorn. Id so maybe we could force the others to listen so it before we kill them too? Too cruel?

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Just to check, is Yallah disabled/dying? (sounds like)

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Likely doesn't matter here, but Kage can currently study two targets at a time and it seemed like he had plenty of time before the fighting started to study both Maxwell and Yallah.

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Kage stays close and entirely without mercy he thrusts both weapons again and again and again! His cruel saw toothed saber exudes a faint sheen of toxins as it beats past her guard and bites deep into her flesh. The follow up blow strikes particularly deeply and Kage twists before pulling the saber out leaving a huge messy wound!

Full attack with power attack and studied target.
Cruel Main hand: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30Damage: 1d8 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22 Triggers shattered defenses (i.e. no dex bonus) and she is sickened for 1 round.
Cruel Main hand Iterative with sneak: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27Damage: 1d8 + 14 + 2d6 ⇒ (3) + 14 + (4, 2) = 23
Crit?: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16Crit Damage: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

Offhand with sneak: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30Damage: 1d8 + 8 + 2d6 ⇒ (7) + 8 + (5, 2) = 22
Offhand Iterative with sneak: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8Damage: 1d8 + 8 + 2d6 ⇒ (8) + 8 + (4, 6) = 26
Free action Cornugon smash intimidate: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Kage stays close and entirely without mercy he thrusts with both weapons again and again and again! His cruel saw toothed saber exudes a faint sheen of toxins as it beats past her guard and bites deep into her flesh. The follow up blows strike particularly deeply and Kage [it]twists[/i] before pulling them out, ripping huge messy wounds!

Full attack with power attack and studied target.
Cruel Main hand: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27Damage: 1d8 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22 Triggers shattered defenses and she is sickened for 1 round.
Cruel Main hand Iterative with sneak: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15Damage: 1d8 + 14 + 2d6 ⇒ (8) + 14 + (3, 6) = 31

Offhand with sneak: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27Damage: 1d8 + 8 + 2d6 ⇒ (7) + 8 + (6, 5) = 26
Offhand Iterative with sneak: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26Damage: 1d8 + 8 + 2d6 ⇒ (8) + 8 + (6, 2) = 24
Crit?: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19Crit Damage: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

Free action Cornugon smash intimidate: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Finger crossed Eris can stop her leaving.

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

I'm not sure how much movement it takes to get to Yallah, I'm guessing it's not 5' since that looks like difficult terrain.

Just as Kage had resolved to scoot over to the other side it seemed Lord Achaekek had had answered their prayers by placing Yallah within his grasp. The assassin blinked with surprise as she landed and turned into her gnomish self. This wasn't an opportunity he could miss, silently he padded towards her, weapons drawn. He studied her for a moment, visualizing where her liver was and with a rush he was upon her. His blade slid deep into her side and as she cried out Kage whispered into her ear intimate as a lover, "Shhh! Hush now, it will soon be over..."

Studied & Power Attack with sneak attack: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (15) + 14 = 29Damage: 1d8 + 14 + 2d6 ⇒ (2) + 14 + (2, 6) = 24
Cornugon smash intimidate: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30

His cruel weapon is dripping with Deathblade venom. She needs to make a DC 20 fort save or she'll take 1d3 con damage 1/round for 6 rounds.
Con damage if she fails the save: 1d3 ⇒ 3

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Deep in shadow and cloaked by magic Kage surreptitiously draw a tanglefoot and weighed it in his hand. He eyed the flying druid, to hit her from this distance would be a fluke, even standing straight underneath would be tricky. Frowning slightly he put it back. Still he needed to be closer if he was to be of any use, so cautiously he picked his way across the ravine darting from shadow to shadow and at times trusting to his invisibility.

Stealth: 1d20 + 12 + 20 ⇒ (9) + 12 + 20 = 41 +2 vs Yallah and Maxwell

So unless somebody has got an ability they've forgotten (to get her down) I think it's best for Jon (and maybe one other) to tag along with Maxwell until she flies down.

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Suppose somebody was to lob a tanglefoot bag at her and hit, would that do anything? Probably need to be close and lucky given the range increment.

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

Stalwart how far is it from our current location to the fae woods? I get the impression they'd have to rest at some point? Seems there's no chance she's coming down willingly so stringing things out might give us some options.

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

I'm hoping Jon can aid another :) We need Yallah on the ground.

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

That's one of those coin flip things. Heads she resists and flies away, tails she falls out of the sky and has a CDG from Kage. As Dirty Harry would say, 'You gotta ask yourself one question. Are you feeling lucky?'

M Human (Albino) | HP 68/68 | Resource Tracker | Stygian Slayer 8 | AC 20 T 14 FF 18 | CMB +10 CMD 26 | Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 | Init +2
Acrobatics +12 Bluff +10 Climb +1 Disguise +10 Intim +10 Perception +12 Ride +12 Sense Motive +12 Stealth +12 Survival +12 (+4 to track)

We really need to get Yallah down onto the ground. Anyone got any bright ideas? Don't want her flying off to warn the others!