
SPARTAN-213 Brian's page

89 posts. Alias of Loup Blanc.

Full Name

Brian Vane


Human (SPARTAN Augmentation)


Warlord 2 | HP 25/25 | AC 18, touch 15, FF 13, CMD 18 | Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +0 | Init +7, Perception +5




Medium (6'2", 195 lb)



Special Abilities

Maneuvers, Warlord's Gambit




Common, Aspis Sign Language



Strength 12
Dexterity 20
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 10
Charisma 16

About SPARTAN-213 Brian

Brian Vane
Male human (SPARTAN) warlord 2
N Medium humanoid (augmented, human)
Initiative +7; Senses Perception +5
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Armor Class 18, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+5 Dex, +3 armor)

Hit Points 25/25 (2d10+4+2)
Nonlethal Damage 0
Condition Normal

Fortitude +5, Reflex +5, Will +0
- - - - -
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Speed 30 feet

Melee Masterwork dueling sword +8 (1d8+7/19-20) OR
Melee Unarmed strike +7 (1d3+5)

Special Attacks Maneuvers, Stances
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Strength 12, Dexterity 20, Constitution 14, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Charisma 16

Base Attack Bonus +2
Combat Maneuver Bonus +3
Combat Maneuver Defense 18

Feats Deadly Agility, Discipline Focus (Primal Fury), Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Finesse
Drawback Blatant

Traits Reactionary, Witty Repartee

Trained Skills
Acrobatics +10 (2 ranks+3 class+5 Dex)
Climb +5 (1 rank+3 class+1 Str)
Craft (mechanic) +7 (2 ranks+3 class+2 Int) (Background skill)
Bluff +7 (2 ranks+3 class+3 Cha+1 trait-2 drawback)
Diplomacy +8 (2 ranks+3 class+3 Cha)
Drive (Ride) +10 (2 ranks+3 class+5 Dex)
Intimidate +8 (2 ranks+3 class+3 Cha)
Lore (Aspis Consortium) +7 (2 ranks+3 class+2 Int) (Background skill)
Perception +5 (2 ranks+3 class)
Swim +5 (1 rank+3 class+1 Str)

Languages Common, Aspis Sign Language

Masterwork Aspis dueling sword

Masterwork SPARTAN light armor (studded leather)

Other Gear
Guess what goes here?

105 gp

Race Abilities:
SPARTAN V2.21 Augmentation Notes
Base Attributes: This batch of SPARTANs shows heightened physical abilities compared to your base human, as well as strong personalities and physical attractiveness. We've decided to leave them with the weak willpower typical of the treatment, however, since it seems to fit our goals well enough. (Advanced Ability Scores: Str +2, Dex +2, Con +2, Wis -2, Cha +4) (4 RP)
Genetic Code: Although we're still unraveling what exactly the gene sequence means, it's worth noting that there are noticeable changes after treatment. (Humanoid type with human subtype, and addition of the augmented subtype.)
Linguistics: No measurable change. (Linguist as usual) (1 RP)
Adaptability: Although specialized training takes up some of their time, the SPARTANs seem to retain the customary human trait of learning quickly, and they all have their own specialties. (Skilled) (4 RP)
Weapons Training: With the general increase in physical capabilities, we felt this SPARTAN batch should be trained with versatile weapons; we commissioned special blades for training. (Bonus Feat traded out for Military Tradition, proficiency with dueling swords and elven curve blades, both fluffed as different-looking weapons) (4 RP)
Subliminal Conditioning: As part of the usual training regimens, we've conditioned this batch to respond particularly well to Aspis agents, especially their spells. (-2 penalty on Will saves against known Aspis agents, based on appearance and/or code words) (-1? RP)
Total RP: 15

Class Abilities:
Maneuvers and Maneuvers Readied: Brian is a master of martial combat, able to perform feats of incredible skill. He knows 7 maneuvers, and can ready 5 of them by going through weapon drills for 10 minutes. The disciplines he has access to are Golden Lion, Primal Fury, Scarlet Throne, Solar Wind, and Thrashing Dragon.
Maneuver Recovery: Brian can use a standard action to recover one maneuver, or he can recover 3 maneuvers by successfully employing a gambit.
Stances: Brian can enter a stance he knows from any of his disciplines with a swift action, and he maintains that stance until he changes to a new one.
Tactical Presence: As a move action, Brian can adopt a presence that maximizes his innate charisma and presence on the battlefield to aid and assist himself and his allies. Presences remain in effect until he switches to a new one.
--Indomitable Presence: Brian shines as a beacon, inspiring his allies to fight to their last breath. He and all allies within 30 feet of him gain the benefits of the Diehard feat, and may add his Charisma modifier as a morale bonus to Fortitude saves versus death effects, fatigue or exhaustion effects, and poison effects.
Warlord's Gambit: Brian's combat style relies on risk, skill, and daring as much as precise techniques. He knows two gambits, listed below, which he can use to recover maneuvers. He declares a gambit as a swift action, and then attempts the required action. If successful, he gains its reward and recovers 3 maneuvers. If the gambit fails, he takes a -2 penalty to all d20 rolls for one round.
--Brave Gambit: Make a successful charge attack against an opponent. Reward: Brian and his allies gain a +3 morale bonus to damage on the next attack they make, until his next turn.
--Unbreakable Gambit: Succeed on a Fortitude or Will save against an extraordinary ability, maneuver, power, spell, or spell-like or supernatural ability; the effect must not be harmless on a failed saving throw. This can be attempted as an immediate action. Reward: Brian is emboldened and regains 9 hit points.

Maneuvers and Stances:
Golden Lion Discipline
Encouraging Roar

Primal Fury Discipline
Crushing Blow (DC 16), Panthera on the Hunt, Primal Wrath, Stance of Aggression

Scarlet Throne Discipline
Circular Stance, Scything Strike

Thrashing Dragon Discipline
Leaping Dragon, Offensive Roll

Maneuvers Readied
Crushing Blow, Leaping Dragon, Panthera on the Hunt, Primal Wrath, Scything Strike