In fact, this is how the system is going to work. The LA coordinator, for example, would essentially be the local (non-official) me and would be the point of contact for all conventions, game days, and so on in that region. Since part of the job is building and organizing local volunteers, it naturally follows that the coordinator for a given region should use those volunteers to assist locally. :-)
Talking specifically San Francisco. Are we talking about just the city of San Francisco or the entire San Francisco Bay Area?
What if one can't go to GenCon or PaizoCon?
As coodinator/staff for several cons in the area as well as having a professional (if one can call the gaming environment, professional) relationship with a number of stores/venues in my area, one would think I could handle the 'duties', but that inventory part of the contract might be a little too much, even for me. Plus, four slots of PaizoCon IS PaizoCon.
stephan kendall
RPGA/PFS Pacificon
RPGA/ PFS yada yada yada