Shield Guardian


Organized Play Member. 109 posts (117 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 23 Organized Play characters.


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Liberty's Edge 1/5

in my persanel experiance the only person at the tabel that should have acess to any beastary is gm because of how encounters work i set combat up for a succubus next thing i see 6 people grab books look at monster im guilty of it thats y leave books at home so if im a spell caster i deceied i took summon monster 4 as a spell slot would i be abel spell or not because i agree with strofoam awnser

Liberty's Edge

Can scorching ray put a Webb spell on fire

Liberty's Edge

Ok thanks

Liberty's Edge

I thought i read smwere that gunslingers can only get grit back after being spent
on nights rest not reative them on sertain achivements in pfs

Liberty's Edge

So I got a constrictor snake that has squeez condition I want know after its first attack gets the squeez off what's next in the following round a bite art k or maintain grappel or does it matter gm desides

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Ok thanks

Liberty's Edge 1/5

When does the shadow dancers new shadow come back after thirty mods or thirty out of game days or thirty in gamedays pfs

Liberty's Edge

I found my problem and thank you for my secend qestion awsners

Liberty's Edge

Ok so i do get the shadow then that has not been in pfs

Liberty's Edge

Y cant i get my shadow on herolab its saying this ability is not implamented yet what do i need to do to get my shadow in path finder society

Liberty's Edge

That's what I get as well

Liberty's Edge

A medium constrictor I think of baby berm or a ball python they ar strong but not super strong like a thirteen foot long red tail boa large snake or young bermiese Python and the annconads in the real wrold but u are looking at muscle mass the bigger the snake more muscle were the base of the damage die come in the constriction is base on strength alone

Liberty's Edge

Shamans are cool wolf I've scene rock on toast and snake shamans get better bonuses with their snakes

Liberty's Edge

I play snake shaman and I chose the constrictor as my animal of choice

Liberty's Edge

Makes sense it's just that I was at a con that brought up the qestion so I have been playing it wright my large snake has a 10 foot reach to body size

Liberty's Edge

Because when they attacking stretch their body's

Liberty's Edge

Unless I am missing something her

Liberty's Edge

That's the thing the bestairy does have a stat block but no reach attack

Liberty's Edge

But in the core rule book says use the bestairy does bestairy 2 over ride bestairy 1

Liberty's Edge

Ok so go by beastly 2 then

Liberty's Edge

So if I find a newer printing of the beastiary I should find a reach attck of 10

Liberty's Edge

My snake int plus one needs int three and since snakes are not repersented in the same way the real wild snakes are the fact that snakes reach out to attack. A threat or prey I need a feat to do this and one I was thinking was headband of vast int to get my feat
For my snake

Liberty's Edge

Head band of vast int can I use it to qelify for a feat on my snake
And two is snakes dont sit back and wait for prey be beside them to attack as I said before snakes strectch their body's

Liberty's Edge

I know what I need to do that real world situatin but can I use a magic item to qualify for a feat and two can I give the magic I want to my snake because I need the int bonus to qualify for my feat I want for my snake

Liberty's Edge

I don't understand y that is since snakes attcak by body length not body size for instance u looking at a 10. Foot long in the wild the snake could tag you with two thirds of its body length

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Can u buy adamatine weapons any time in ur path inder career or must u in the fame

Liberty's Edge 1/5

So found of my awnser but not all if a pre gen dies do u take neg lvls once u reach 4lvl or dp utake a con hit for being pregen

Liberty's Edge 1/5

If u r to decapetate for creater not to regen or rise not evile do it so u can cast spells yea evile and cuttibg off feet sounds like a trophy hunter not cool

Liberty's Edge 1/5

If a pre gen dies do u take - lvls for being raised to the pc the the mods going to

Liberty's Edge 1/5

sonmy skills stsy the same with out boon

Liberty's Edge 1/5

ok sickend is what-1or-2 on attack rolls

Liberty's Edge 1/5

and I tought there was a save in pride

Liberty's Edge 1/5

thank u it is pride then the one I got how long im a sickend for

Liberty's Edge 1/5

pride is were u had buy so many gold pieces of non magical jewlery and clothing equale ur hit die or be sickend I would have to go home and look at my certs

Liberty's Edge 1/5

and it does say u have the shared but only one shared at a tabel

Liberty's Edge 1/5

it never says u have to be a jerk it says if I am captered or force to serve someonels then I make a save or be sicken

Liberty's Edge 1/5

its not a purchased item it was a bonus item thats given to u for free from one of the shattered shard adventuers and I like use the plus 2 to skill checks and a dm says I cant use that item can he doe that

Liberty's Edge 1/5


Liberty's Edge 1/5

its one of the shatered dhard modiuels and the one I like to use a lot is the one thst gives bounes to skill chrcks butbthe dm u rund mids at times wont letnme have sccess to it because he feels it complicates the game can he do that

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Kollanti wrote:
I don't think PCs that are paladins, good clerics, good inquisitors, ect. should be forced to travel and work with evil undead creatures throughout an entire adventure. If there are none of those types of PCs at the table, I don't see a problem.

I play paldens at times and I would kill evile undead how ever a shadow dacncer gets a shadow to help out in combat

Liberty's Edge 1/5

thanks I will

Liberty's Edge 1/5

if it was a home game would not care

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I got a shared bevase he feels it complicates the game he saying I cant use it

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I have a shsred th gm wont let me use it and it is certed as well he feels ot complicstes the game snd wont alow it

Liberty's Edge 1/5

its the shadeds and he says it complicates things

Liberty's Edge 1/5

in a mad I played at the end of the mod I got an item I have a gm who says I cant use that item when he dms fan he do that

i know dms can make rules and change rules as the please but whatabout certed items

Liberty's Edge

do wear cresters take silver damage with out -1 or do thet take full weapon damage

Liberty's Edge

we determand that it goes by gm and how he feels how the rule is read

Liberty's Edge

yes their was

Liberty's Edge

because he needs u to return domething to his wife

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