
Ryuhi's page

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I did a dip into fighter for the heavy armor and tower shield and the advanced performance feat sring instruments that applies to ax weapons, specifically a long ax that gives AOO. Advanced Performance treats your skald lvl 1/2 for qualifying for Bonus Fighter feats which can only be applied to your choice of weapon type. Weapon Specialization feat, weapon focus, there's alot of feats that are available to focus inherent damage and attack. Add this to a AOO style fighter or I thought the fighter archtype monk would do crazy natural weapon damage with DD claws, bite, monk ability, and Allegro! If you go that route definitely do at least 16 CHR. This was my progression so far: 1-3 Skald, 4th Fighter, 4-5 Skald, 1-2 DD. I have natural +5 str dmg, and self buff another +6 with using Heroism and scrolling Devine Favor using spell kenning.the fighter feats just fuel the damage machine as I progress in Skald. Doing a minimum of about 30 dmg and max of 38 dmg (excluding crits) when draconic raging with Alegro. (1d4claw+1d4claw+1d6bite+5naturalstr+2Heroism+2DevineFavor)X2(Allegro)Chris ma is VERY important!

Zotpox wrote:


1. How did they survive the grapple. Auto level drain and auto hit with 2 claws + 6d6 at will vampiric touch with each claw.

2. Profane gift is a one off, How did she give more than one?

3. Removeing the profane gift is "at will" and DRAINS (a.k.a. Perminant) 2d6 CHA with no save.

1.No, there's saves to this.

2.No, it's once a day, one creature can only have one.

3.No, it's damage and can be healed.