Full Name |
Ryoko Kaijitsu |
Race |
Human |
Classes/Levels |
Witch (Darkness) 1 |
Gender |
female |
Size |
medium |
Age |
17 |
Alignment |
Lawful Neutral |
Deity |
Nethys |
Languages |
Common, Tian, Infernal, Draconic, Orc |
Strength |
10 |
Dexterity |
14 |
Constitution |
14 |
Intelligence |
18 |
Wisdom |
8 |
Charisma |
12 |
About Ryoko Kaijitsu
Combat Information:
HP: 9 / 9
Spear +0 (1d8)
Light Crossbow +2 (1d8)
AC 12
Fort +2 Ref +5 Will +1
Skills (X class skill)
X Sense Motive +4 (1 rk)
X Intimidate +5 (1 rk)
X Heal +3 (1 rk)
X Spellcraft +8 (1 rk)
X Knowledge: Planes +8 (1 rk)
X Knowledge: Arcana +8 (1 rk)
X Knowledge: Nature +8 (1 rk)
Special Abilities / Feats / Traits
Younger sibling (Ameiko)
Eshew Materials
Spell Focus: Enchantment
Witch's Familiar
Favored Class: Witch
Feral Speech [Hex] (UM p 81)
Vial of Acid [3]
Flint and Steel
Waterskin [3]
Trail Rations [8]
Light Crossbow
+- 50 Bolts
23 gp
Spells known (* prepared)
Level 0:
Dancing lights
Detect magic
Detect poison
Light *
Message *
Putrefy food and drink
Read magic
Stabilize *
Touch of fatigue
Level 1:
Fumbletongue (UM)
Interrogation (UM)
Ill Omen (APG)
Charm person *
Cure light wounds
Ray of enfeblement *
Scion of the Westcrown branch of the Kaijitsus, Ryoko has grown up as the apple of her very young mother's eye. Life was tough on her´and her mother, with Amaya's glassblowing bringing in just enough money to pay the ruinous rents. Especially since Amaya's lovers grew steadily worse, and caused more damage every time they changed. These frequent betrayals of trust and the decaying splendor of the former capitol formed much of her view on life - as the last haunting notes of a grand symphony, the epilogue of a greater age. She grew up morbid, though never quite nihilistic. Amaya's attempts at "loosening her up" were met with ever-increasing failure, and the mother and daughter grew apart emotionally before Ryoko was even out of her baby teeth.
In her early teenage years, she often managed to sneak out after dark, both to shock her friends, where her daring earned some admiration, and out of curiosity. That curiosity finally got the better of her when one of the roving shadow-beasts caught her scent and begun to track her. She tried to slip away, but only caught herself in deeper and deeper shadows. When finally she ended in a back alley, the beast just feet behind her, all light faded. As she struggled, something touched her soul, and changed it. A weasel with glowing red eyes faced the shadow beasts, hissed threateningly, and held it at bay until dawn broke. The beast then turned towards her, and locked its ember-like eyes with Ryoko. The girl then understood what it had done for her, that there would be a price to pay, and that this price might come due anytime the mysterious power that send "Moro" to her desired.
She never spoke of the event, not to anyone, not her mother, not her friends. But she no longer fit into Westcrown, and when events in that city began to came to head, her mother seized the opportuniy. She put her daughter on the one of the last ships to leave port, hoping to send her to Sandpoint, where she knew hoped Ameiko would take care of her nice. Maybe the wild child and former adventurer could instill some sense into her. Ryoko arrived unscathed - while the rest of the passengers came down with heavy food poisoning, the rats warned her to stay away from the meals (in exchange for the shadow weasel not killing them anymore).
Ameiko was at first at a loss on how to treat her nice, but soon the two of them settled into an uneasy sibling-like relationship. Ameiko was quite concerned about the beast she quite correctly identified as a familiar. She tried to find the source of her powers, ruled out wizardry and sorcerous powers, but came no closer to finding a solution. She forbid to her from using the gifts she had received, and hoped the power would eventually lose interest in her. Two and a half years had both of them settle into some kind of routine, with Ryoko becoming increasingly annoyed at the "protections" Ameiko had decided on, while at the same time prying any tale of her adventuring days from her she could.
Moro, female weasel