
Ryan Rank's page

10 posts (12 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


memorax wrote:
Anyone know when about in October that it will release?

Earlier in the thread, it was stated that the Bestiary was set to release in "Mid October." The release schedule doesn't provide any more detail.

Great answer erian_7. Thank you very lots!

I've been scouring the rulebook and message boards for an answer and couldn't find one, at least not directly. If this has been asked before, please point me to the correct thread.

In 3.5, the skill points given out for starting characters was inflated over the normal second level ((Int + 4) * 4 versus Int + 4). I have not found anything special for new characters in Pathfinder. Does that mean that starting skill points are the normal leveling skill points?

I did catch the rule about the maximum skill ranks being the number of hit dice. I also caught the one about taking a rank in a class skill automatically gives you a 3 point kicker.

So again, the question: do starting characters get a special total in skill ranks?

Beercifer wrote:

Something superficial that players complain about.

If you want to give them something to complain about, wounds aren't the way to go. My ways to get players to complain:

5. Traps
4. Puzzles
3. Put them in a political situation where weapons won't help.
2. Put them in a city where all weapons are confiscated at the gate.
1. Tell them that you're switching away from Pathfinder RPG.

I've done all but #1.

To the staff at Paizo:

I realize that you're doing the Gen-Con thing, but not everyone may realize that (don't as me how, but there's always SOMEONE). With that in mind, is there anyone camping outside the building? ;)

(like I could resist asking's almost as crazy as when the Wii was released).

TorctheOrc wrote:

This is my Core Rulebook. There are many like it but this one is mine. My Core Rulebook is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my Core Rulebook is useless. Without my Core Rulebook I am useless. I must play my Core Rulebook true. I must play better than my enemy, who is trying to outplay me. I must outplay him before he outplays me. I will. Before God I swear this creed: my Core Rulebook and myself are defenders of my game, we are the masters of our enemy, we are the saviors of my life. So be it, until there is no enemy, but peace. Amen.


Semper Fi!

Majuba wrote:
Dragon Magazine #286 has a map of Shannara, and other details.

Thank you, Majuba. I'm actually going to retro-fit it into Varisia. It is civilized enough to have the requisite cities, but wild enough to have the nasties walk around. Korvosa will fill the void of the Federation well enough.

Does anyone else have their next adventure or campaign planned out?

Thanks for the quick responses everyone. Much appreciated!

I was checking out my subscription and saw this item was going to be shipped priority mail (my preference is set to standard). I'm all for getting product faster, but I start to have issues paying $10 for shipping on a $15 item. Is there a reason that it's shipping priority versus standard?

Are there any plans to create any RPGXplorer Datasets for PRPG? Being a gamer who doubles as a computer nerd, I found that RPGXplorer is an incredibly useful product and the Datasets I've found for it really make it a useful resource.