J. Matrix's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Jim Harris.

Dark Archive

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Has anyone dropped any teasers about when the next One-Shots are coming out? I'm especially hyped for these for Starfinder. They are so much fun!

Dark Archive

Hey Paizo (especially PFS and ACG) fans! In just a few short weeks (June 14-18) Columbus, OH will be playing host to Origins Game Fair and we are still looking for a few more GMs for both Pathfinder Society and the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Guild.

GMing 4+ slots gets you a badge, 7+ slots earns a 1/4 of a hotel room or a parking pass for the weekend. Boons are awarded based on GM-tier as well.

Signups can be found here (for PFS): http://ohiopfs.org/origins/origins-gm-application/

And here (for the ACG): http://ohiopfs.org/origins/origins-acg-gm-application/

Thanks! Looking forward to seeing you there!

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 **

I know this has been discussed elsewhere, but I can't find the thread with the official ruling: What is the EXACT ruling on what to do with players who chooses to play an iconic rather than their own character (who is level appropriate for the scenario)?

The situation at hand: I've organized King of the Storval Stairs tomorrow, and several of players want to play iconics rather than their own characters (to avoid death/cheat the system). I know this is against the spirit of the rules, but I want to be able to cite an official ruling when I chide them about this.

As I recall, the ruling was that if they play an iconic, they'd have to apply the chronicle sheet to a character who is BELOW level 7 (and is thus ineligible to play the scenario), right?

Dark Archive

Does anybody know if Paizo plans to sanction the Carrion Crown AP for Pathfinder Society credit as they have done with several of the other more recent Adventure Paths?