
Rutter's page

838 posts. Alias of jamie noone.


Halfling Shapechanger (wererat)


Rog4 / Ftr2 (AC: 21 [T: 17 FF: 16] | HP: 36/47 | F+6, R+9/+10 traps, W+3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11/+12 traps | healthy







Special Abilities

sneak attack +2d6, trapfinding, low-light vision, scent






Taldane, halfling

Strength 15
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 12
Charisma 7

About Rutter

Party stash:

Party stash calculation guidelines
magic dagger (unidentified) list price unknown (unclaimed; carried by Vyshael)
boots of striding and springing list price 5500 gp paid for by Neva; Rutter needs to pay her. Currently paid 400/2062.5
spellbook list price unknown party stash; renting for income stream
Eversmoking bottle from wererats' nest; list price 5400 gp (unclaimed; carried by Rutter)

AC: 21 (10 +4 armor +4 dex +1 size +1 ring +1 dodge)
Fort: +6, Reflex +9/+10 vs traps, Will +3
ACP: -2 (-4 with shield equipped)
Initiative: +4

Conditions: none
Spells in Effect: none

Studded leather

Items in Hand: (R), (L)

Spells and Abilities:

Tanglefoot bag
Alchemist's Fire
Daggers (4)
Harrow points (4) used 2

Shopping list:
Light pick for coups de grace


Needs to pass DC 20 Wis check to gain control of change shape ability and awareness.

Change Shape (Su) An afflicted lycanthrope can assume animal or hybrid form as a full-round action by making a DC 15 Constitution check, or humanoid form as a full-round action by making a DC 20 Constitution check. On nights when the full moon is visible, an afflicted lycanthrope gains a +5 morale bonus to Constitution checks made to assume animal or hybrid form, but a –5 penalty to Constitution checks made to assume humanoid form. An afflicted lycanthrope reverts to its humanoid form automatically with the next sunrise, or after 8 hours of rest, whichever comes first.

Lycanthropic Empathy (Ex) In animal or hybrid form, afflicted lycanthropes can communicate and empathize with animals related to their animal form. They can use Diplomacy to alter such an animal's attitude, and when so doing gain a +4 racial bonus on the check.

In hybrid or dire rat form:
+2 Str
+2 Con
Natural armor +2
DR 5/silver
Bite attack 1d4

In dire rat form:
Speed 40

Harrow points: 3
1st chosen card: Cricket
2nd chosen card: Sickness


Initiative: +4

Addicted friend (+2 to gather info checks)
Suspicious (+1 to sense motive checks)

Favored class: Fighter (+1 skill pt/lvl)

Feats & abilities
Double slice
Weapon finesse (house rule)
Rogue talent: weapon training: kukri
Rogue talent: combat trick: power attack (-2 to hit, +4 to damage)
Sneak attack +2d6
Uncanny dodge
Trap sense +1
Bravery +1
Low-light vision
Shape change (uncontrolled-Needs to pass DC 20 Wis check to gain control of change shape ability and awareness.)

Acrobatics +13/+5 jumps (+6 rank +3 class +4 dex +2 racial -2 armor +5 to jump from boots)
Appraise +6 (+2 rank +3 class +1 int)
Bluff +7 (+6 rank +3 class -2 cha)
Climb +6 (+1 rank +3 class +2 str +2 racial -2 armor)
Diplomacy +6/+8 (gather info) (+5 rank +3 class -2 cha +2 to gather info)
Disable device +12/+13 vs traps (+4 rank +3 class +4 dex +2 tools -2 armor +1 trapfinding)
Intimidate +6/+2 (if smaller) (+2 level ranks house rule +3 rank +3 class -2 cha -4 size)
Knowledge: local +8 (+4 level ranks house rule +3 class +1 int)
Perception +11/+12 to find traps (+5 rank +3 class +1 wis +2 racial +1 trapfinding)
Profession: sailor +5 (+1 rank +3 class +1 wis)
Sense motive +10 (+5 rank +3 class +1 wis +1 trait)
Stealth +14 (+5 rank +3 class +4 dex +4 racial -2 armor)
Survival +5 (+1 rank +3 class +1 wis)


HP: 47/47 (8 class +1 con +3 toughness)

Fort: +6 (+4 class +1 con +1 race)
Ref: +9/+10 vs traps (+4 class +4 dex +1 race +1 trap sense)
Will: +3 (+1 class +1 wis +1 race)

AC: 21 (10 +4 armor +4 dex +1 size +1 ring +1 dodge)
Flat footed: 16 (10 +4 armor +1 size +1 ring)
Touch: 17 (10 +4 dex +1 size +1 ring +1 dodge)
CMD: 20 (10 +5 BAB +2 str +4 dex -1 size)


Speed: 30 (20 + 10 boots)

BAB: +5
CMB: +6 (5 BAB +2 str -1 size)

Melee: MW kukri +12 (+5 BAB +4 dex +1 size +1 MW +1 focus) (1d3+2)
TWF: MW kukri +10/+10 (1d3+2 primary/1d3+2 off-hand)
Power attack -2 to hit, +4 to damage (+2 offhand, +6 two-handed)
Silver heavy mace +8 (1d6+2 or 2-handed 1d6+3)
Ranged: dagger +10 (+5 BAB +4 dex +1 size) (1d3+2)


* = carried (capacity: light < 50; med < 100; heavy < 151)
*Ring of protection +1
(*2) Daggers (4) (dmg 1d3, crit 19-20/x2, 10 ft range, P or S; 2 gp each, 0.5 lbs each)
Silver Heavy Mace (dmg 1d6, crit x2, B; 102 gp, 4 lb)
*Kukri, MW (2) (dmg 1d3, crit 18-20/x2, S; 308 gp each, 1 lb each)
*Light pick (dmg 1d3, crit x4, P; 3 lbs)
*Sap (dmg 1d4, crit x2, B; 1gp, 2 lbs)
Studded leather (armor bonus +3, max dex +5, check penalty -1, speed 20 ft; 25 gp, 10 lbs)
*Chain shirt (armor bonus +4, max dex +4, check penalty -2, speed 20 ft; 100 gp, 12.5 lbs)
*MW Thieves' tools (100 gp, 1 lbs)
Wooden stakes (6) (dmg 1d3, crit x2, P; 0 gp each, 0.5 lb each)
Hammer (5sp, 2lbs)
*Steel mirror (10gp, 0.5 lb)
*shield of faith potion (2) (1 min/lvl) (100gp)
*potion of bull's strength (1 min/lvl CL: 3) (300gp)
*manacles (15gp, 2lbs)
*lock (20gp, 1lb)
*light steel quickdraw shield (armor bonus +1, check penalty -2; 59 gp, 3.5 lbs)
*backpack (2gp, 0.5lb)
*belt pouch (2) (2gp, 0.25lb)
*Tanglefoot bag (50 gp, 4lbs)
*Alchemist's Fire (20 gp, 1 lb) (used on levitating witch)
Smokestick (20 gp, 0.5 lb)
*Thunderstone (30 gp, 1 lb) (used on levitating witch)
*Grappling hook (4 lbs)
*Silk rope (5 lbs) (tying up Davaulus)
*Boots of Striding and Springing 1 lb
*Eversmoking bottle belongs to party, 1 lb

GP: 90 SP: 51 CP: 3
[ooc](last activity: 400 gp to Neva for boots)
Current encumberance: 46.5 lbs (Light 49.5, Med 99, Heavy 150)

Rutter has spent his life scrabbling to survive in Korvosa. Having some lockpick aptitude, one of his friends enlisted him and his wife to break into a small-time pesh dealer's home. Rutter was the one going in, while the others kept lookout. The job was interrupted, but Rutter wasn't captured, and though it wasn't clear whether he was recognized, his friend urged him to go to Magnimar to lay low. Rutter's wife chose to stay in Korvosa, confirming for him that his wife and friend were having an affair. Rutter left anyway. He went to work as a sailor instead of going to Magnimar. After a few months at sea, he decided to come back to Korvosa to kill his friend and possibly his wife. He found out that his friend and wife had gone to work for Gaedren Lamm shortly after he left and had both become addicted to pesh. His wife had overdosed, but his friend continued to work for Lamm. He still wants to kill his friend, and now Lamm, as well, for denying him the chance to kill his wife (though he hadn't yet decided whether he'd wanted to).

Planned development:
Five levels of rogue, rest fighter.

Potential Feats
*TWF (dex15)
* Double slice
TW Rend (double slice, imp twf, BAB11)
* Imp TWF (dex17, BAB6)
* Gr TWF (dex19, BAB11)
* Two weapon defense
Crit focus (BAB9)
*weapon focus kukri
* weapon spec (ftr4)
gr weapon spec (ftr12)
* gr weapon focus (ftr8)
*Improved crit (BAB8)
*weapon finesse (finesse rogue talent)

Feat progress
* = ftr bonus
^ = rog talent

1 toughness
2* twf
3 double slice
3^ finesse rogue^
5^ combat trick: power attack^
6 iron will
6* focus kukri*
8* weapon spec*
9 Imp TWF
10* Imp crit
12 crit focus
12* TWRend*
14* sickening critical
15 gr weapon focus
16* gr weapon spec

1: rog1 - toughness
2: ftr1 - twf*
3: rog2 - double slice, finesse rogue^
4: rog3 -
5: rog4 - combat trick: power attack^; to hit +6/+6, 1d3+6/1d3+4
6: ftr2 - iron will, focus kukri*
7: ftr3 -
8: ftr4 - +1 str
9: ftr5 - training light blades; to hit +11/+6 (1d3+12), +11/+6 (1d3+ +8bab+4dex+1mw+1size+1focus+1train-2twf-3pwer
10: ftr6 -
11: ftr7 -
12: ftr8 - TWRend*
13: ftr9 -
14: ftr10 -
15: ftr11 -
16: ftr12 -

Zellara: ghost in the deck
Griswald: fence
Sabina Merrin: bodyguard of the queen
Cressida Kroft: field marshall of the Korvosan Guard
Vaultkeeper Ishani Dhatri: Abadar priest
Vencarlo Orisini: swordsman
Trinia Sabor: painter
Blackjack: Zorro-style vigilante
Vendra: proprietress Lavender perfume shop



* = ftr bonus
^ = rog talent

1 toughness
2* twf
3 double slice
3^ finesse rogue^
5^ combat trick: power attack^
6 iron will
6* focus kukri*
8* weapon spec*
9 Imp TWF
10* Imp crit
12 crit focus
12* TWRend*
14* sickening critical
15 gr weapon focus
16* gr weapon spec

1: rog1 - toughness
2: ftr1 - twf*
3: rog2 - double slice, finesse rogue^
4: rog3 -
5: rog4 - combat trick: power attack^; to hit +6/+6, 1d3+6/1d3+4
6: ftr2 - iron will, focus kukri*
7: ftr3 -
8: ftr4 - +1 str
9: ftr5 - training light blades; to hit +11/+6 (1d3+12), +11/+6 (1d3+ +8bab+4dex+1mw+1size+1focus+1train-2twf-3pwer
10: ftr6 -
11: ftr7 -
12: ftr8 - TWRend*
13: ftr9 -
14: ftr10 -
15: ftr11 -
16: ftr12 -

*TWF (dex15)
*Double slice
*TW Rend (double slice, imp twf, BAB11)
*weapon focus kukri
*weapon spec (ftr4)
*gr weapon focus (ftr8)
*weapon finesse (finesse rogue talent)
*power attack
*iron will
*Imp TWF (dex17, BAB6)
Gr TWF (dex19, BAB11)
*Gr weapon spec (ftr12)
*Crit focus (BAB9)
*Improved crit (BAB8)
Two weapon defense