About Rutilus LeroungRutilus Leroung Favored Class Wizard
Age 88
Male Tiefling Wizard 3
Traits & Drawback:
Precarious Pathfinder(Trait): +1 to Stealth, Disguise, and Bluff, One is a Class Skill (Stealth). Reactionary(Trait): +2 to Initiative Seeker(Trait): +1 to Perception, Perception is a Class Skill. Hedge Magician(Trait): 5% discount when crafting magic items. Cruel(Drawback): You were rewarded as a child for flaunting your victory over others as completely as possible, and you discovered you enjoyed the feeling of rubbing your foes' faces in the dirt. Whenever you are engaged in combat and there are dying or helpless foes within 30 feet, you take a -2 penalty on attack rolls against foes who are neither dying nor helpless.
Carrying Capacity:
Current Load: 29 lbs (Light) Spellbook (100 Pages)[44 Pages Used]
2nd, 6 Pages Used:
Conjuration: Summon Monster II, Resist Energy Divination: Detect Thoughts 1st, 14 Pages Used:
Conjuration: Grease, Infernal Healing, Unseen Servant, Mage Armor, Summon Minor Monster Enchantment: Charm Person Illusion: Silent Image, Color Spray, Disguise Self, Vanish Necromancy: Interrogation Transmutation: Enlarge Person, Crafter's Fortune, Blood Money Cantrips, 24 Pages Used:
Abjuration: Resistance Conjuration: Acid Splash, Drench Divination: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Read Magic Evocation: Dancing Lights, Flare, Light, Ray of Frost, Spark, Breeze, Penumbra, Scoop Illusion: Ghost Sound, Haunted Fey Aspect Transmutation: Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Jolt, Root Universal: Arcane Mark, Presdigititation Baazul, House Centipede Familiar:
Baazul House Centipede Familiar
Carrying Capacity:
Current Load: 0 ============================================================
Ammunition: (--)
Magic Gear: (--)
Consumables: (9 lbs)
Scrolls: (--)
Other: (15 lbs)
Jewelry: (--)
Wealth: (--)
Personality: Rutilus, despite being a simple mortal tiefling, happens to embody just about everything a proper Devil does - he’s cruel, cunning, conniving, and always eager to gain the upper hand, while simultaneously being a ‘good’ law-abiding citizen of Cheliax and agent of the Pathfinders. He believes strongly in hierarchy, and although he seeks to raise his own status, he always does his best to follow orders from his superiors, whoever they may be at the moment. Despite that, he will always watch for an opportunity to become his superior if the moment shows itself. This cruel, merciless, yet surprisingly cooperative attitude has served him well in his long, 88 year life. Rutilus is not just cruel and merciless, however - he’s also sneaky, crafty, and quite perceptive, always on the lookout for both a useful opportunity and danger in one of its myriad forms. Having been raised with the prejudice so common in Cheliax against Tieflings, Rutilus trusts almost no one and expects no one to trust him. In fact, about the only being he does trust is his centipede familiar - a familiar that, while it shares its master’s cruelty, does care for its master and vise versa. That being said, Rutilus’ sadness over his familiar’s death, should it ever come, won’t phase him for long. Background: Born 88 years ago to a relatively minor noble of the Esteemed House Leroung, Rutilus’ birth came more as a great disappointment than surprise. His mother, a woman Rutilus himself has vowed not only to never speak of, not to mention ensure a most painful of death, had expected something greater from her child - something much greater. For this minor noblewoman of House Leroung wanted something more - something more than simply the pursuit of knowledge, though that certainly factored into her goals. She craved power - political power mostly, both within her house and in Cheliax as a whole, something rarely seen in House Leroung, who are esteemed for their impartial and unbiased pursuit of knowledge above all else. It seemed she had made a deal with a Devil. Rutilus never knew his father - nor has he learned what breed of Devil his father is. However, where his mother was expecting a full-blown Half-Devil, she got the ‘runt’ that was Rutilus. A Tiefling, of all things - a disgrace upon her, not nearly worth the price she paid. So she scorned - scorned both her son and her son’s father, who had returned to the Nine Hells from which he was called. From the moment of his birth, Rutilus’ life was a misery. Nearly brutally killed outright after his recovering mother found out what he was, Rutilus was whisked away by the only person who had ever, in his entire life, shown him kindness; the woman that he considered his ‘real’ mother, despite the many differences, and the only person Rutilus himself would have risked anything to protect: a halfling slave, of all things, who had served as his true mother’s midwife during his birth. Raised amongst slaves, despite not being one himself, due to the fact he still had his family name to him, Rutilus had a rough childhood, if one could call it that. Ugly and deformed, even amongst Tiefling standards, many often considered him for a full-blown Devil, albeit one of the more humanoid-looking ones. Constantly peppered with prejudice, Rutilus fit in no where - not even his fellow Tieflings showed him any kindness due to the particularly strong manifestation of his Diabolic blood. The only person who had ever treated him like an actual person was his adoptive halfling mother. And then, even she was gone. Having been a relatively old halfling even at the time of Rutilus’ birth, his mother passed away at the age of 123, when Rutilus was 44. He had been studying wizardry at the time, allowed to do so primarily due to his last name, despite also having been disowned by his true mother. Without his adoptive mother’s presence, Rutilus had begun to grow more cold and remorseless day by day - a fact that actually helped his studies while simultaneously causing his peers to fear and distrust him more than they already did. Over time, Rutilus proved to be a natural at Conjuration magic, studying the planes and how to summon its denizens with fervor - particularly those from the lower planes. Through sheer hard work and dedication, as he was brought up learning how to work hard, Rutilus rose to the top of his class in the Academy - yet, due to his fiendish heritage and, more importantly, his true mother’s hounding at his every footstep, trying to cause him to fail, Rutilus was eventually expelled from Academy due to a number of scandals that, quite honestly, he wasn’t a part of, yet got blamed for anyways. However, his time spent at the Academy wasn’t wasted, for as it so happens, he caught the eye of the Chelish branch of the Pathfinders - most notably, Paracountess Zarta Dralneen herself, who invited Rutilus to Absalom to become a Pathfinder. Having no where else to go, and expecting that his mother would continue hounding him while in Cheliax, despite the fact that she was certainly getting on in years, Rutilus accepted. It was here that he found far less prejudice against his strong diabolic heritage (Though by no means did it not exist), and Rutilus prospered like never before. It was not long after his graduation as a fully-fledged Pathfinder that he was given his first assignment - a surprising one at that, due to its delicate nature. Having proven himself an expert in not only many forms of study, but also in his skill at stealth and information gathering, Rutilus was assigned as an undercover Pathfinder agent in none other than Molthune, where he would work as a diplomat’s assistant representative of Cheliax. All while serving the needs of the Chelish Pathfinders, of course. Traits' Info:
Reactionary(Combat): Hedge Magician(Magic): Precarious Pathfinder(Campaign): Cruel(Drawback): --------------------------- |