
Ruthenium 44's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts (3 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I just typed this whole thing up and then accidentally closed the tab. Luckily, I anticipated my own stupidity and split my post up into different parts. It is still a pain to type this all again.

305 - Make the teeth of someone who is courting a woman or man you like black and yellow.

306 - Whenever you are near a woman or man that you are courting, make the area smell like roses. This will make their subconscious associate you with romance and good things in general.

307 - Whenever a person who is courting a woman or man that you like is near them, make the area smell like vomit. Both or their subconsciouses (or is it 'subconsci') will associate the other person with disease and bad things in general.

308 - When dogs are tracking party, make several stones smell like bacon and throw them in a direction you are not going to travel in. This will lower the chance that the dogs will go after you.

309 - When dogs are tracking your party, suggest that you split up. After everyone agrees, make a teammate smell like bacon. This will lower the chance that the dogs will go after you.

310 - When dogs are tracking your party, suggest that you split up. After everyone agrees, make a fox smell like bacon. This will lower the chance that the dogs will go after you. In case you did not know, foxes are notorious, for being the most difficult animal to hunt.

311 - When dogs are tracking your party, make a wild and deadly animal smell like bacon. This will lower the chance that the dogs will go after you.

312 - When dogs are tracking your party, make an area you passed through, but are no longer in, smell like bacon. This will lower the chance that the dogs will go after you.

313 - Make colored spots appear on various things that you pass. If you get lost, you can retract your steps to at most a half hour ago.

314 - Make a escaping target smell like something that does not belong. For example, fresh bread in a wilderness or an orchard in a dense city.