Manuelexar wrote:
I've got a question, what will you do if the pcs decide to take for themsefl the ships they encounter?
This is a good question.
I'm hoping that being on board the Man's Promise isn't crucial to the story later on but I'd just use the standard stat blocks for a ship of the appropriate size from the Skull and Shackles Player's Guide should they decide to use a ship other than the Man's Promise.
The problem I'm having right now is that, according to the regional gold piece limits (outlined on pg. 62 of Part 1 or pg. 207 of the Gamemastery Guide), it's entirely possible to tow or sail a stolen vessel back to Rickety's Squibs for squibbing and resold for a sizable take (10,000 gp or 10 points of plunder -in addition to any cargo in it's hold- and quite possibly a new infamy threshold) in any of the more populated ports. Nearest I can tell that's not what was intended with the plunder system they've outlined.
From there, assuming I haven't overlooked something, the problem becomes 'why bother getting the Free Captains' blessing if you WANT to pick a fight with every vessel that comes along due to how profitable it is?' Short of killing the PCs outright when they inevitably pick a fight they can't win, I don't see a feasible, in-game reason to prevent them from doing so... especially when the reason they have a ship in first place is because their former captain was trying to accomplish this very same thing.
Any advice here would be welcome. I haven't encountered this problem just yet but I anticipate it as my gaming group would pull the teeth from a dead man's head if it earned them an extra copper piece. XD