
Rusko Fitz's page

45 posts. Alias of Spazmodeus.


Male Changeling Warrior(Gallant) Apparent Race: Faun, Female | S9, A11, I11, W10 | HP 13\13| D10 Per: 12 Move: 10 | Insanity: 0| Corruption: 0| Fortune: No | Status: normal

About Rusko Fitz

Name:Rusko Fitz
Ancestry: Changeling
Warrior : Gallant
Age: 28 ( appears 19 )
Level: 1
Lifestyle: Getting By
Appearance: Faun, female, young , wiry, with small curling horns
Build: Corpulent
Personality:You are careful about the forms you take. You try to
stay out of trouble and keep your secrets safe.

Background: Some money 2d6 cp (5)

Strength: 9
Agility: 11
Intellect: 11
Will: 10

Perception (int +1): 12
Defense (agi): 11
Health: 9 + 4 => 13
Healing Rate: 3

Size: 1
Speed: 10
Power: 0

Damage: 0
Insanity: 0
Corruption: 0
wooden staff 1d20+1+1d6 dam: 1d6+1
sling 1d20+1 dam:1d3

Immunities: damage from disease;charmed, diseased

Spoken Languages: Common

Written Languages:


Novice Path (Warrior - Gallant) Talents and Abilities
+1 boon to attack with finess weapon
Nimble Recovery
You can use an action to heal damage equal to your healing rate
and then move up to half your Speed without triggering free attacks. Once you use
this talent, you must wait until you complete a rest before you can use it again.

Ancestry Traits and Abilities
Iron Vulnerability - you are impaired while in contact with iron
Shadowsight - You see into areas obscured by shadows as if
those areas were lit.
Steal Identity - You can use an action to alter your
appearance to match that of a target living creature
you can see within short range. The target must be Size
1 or 1/2 and have a humanoid shape of flesh and blood.
Your body changes so you look like the target, though
your clothing and possessions remain unchanged. The
effect lasts until you use this talent again. If you become
incapacitated or touch an object made from iron, you
immediately revert to your normal appearance.

Quirks and Marks of Darkness]
Always speak in the 3rd person


sling with 20 stones
staff, wooden
basic clothing, a backpack, a week of rations, a waterskin, a
tinderbox, 1 torches, and a pouch containing 6 + 5 cp


1) How do others make you feel? Do you like being the center of attention or being left alone; is there such a thing as a stranger to you or do you even know what it's like to have a friend. Things like that.
Others make me nervous. I prefer not to be the center of attention; but I have had 'friends' over the years, just not many
2) Name one thing you value most. Then name one thing you could lose. These could be ideals, physical possessions, relationships, etc..
My secret nature; if it's discovered...i'm dead. I can drop everything, assume a new identity and start over, done it before.
3) What do you fear? What do you hate?
Being discovered for what I am! What I am!
4) What do you desire? What do you love?
To become a real person. I try not to allow myself to one loves a changeling. I hope to find the courage to 'create' myself into something greater...
5) You have (at least) one secret. What is it?
I killed a man who suprised me in my true form. i just reacted...
6) Have you done something Notable? What was it?
Saved Sir Bearegard's life
7) Are you in charge or do you let others take that roll? Do you rebuke authority or revel in it?
Try to avoid drawing interest or notice to myself...will follow orders
8) Do you follow through on your promises and obligations? Or do you delay or avoid? Do you feel guilty when you don't uphold them?
Alway do what i said I'd do...avoid conflict that way.
9) What are your opinions on Good and Evil? Do they exist? Or is it all shades of Grey? Where do you see yourself?
The world is a bad place, i came from a bad act. but there is some light still in the world. i'm a mote

My Story:

I only have dim , shadowy memories of my earlier days, left by my faerie creators in the place of little boy. For some reason, I lingered and grew up as that boy
loved by my parents ,until the night I had a nightmare and my mother came to tend to me. But 'I' wasn't there...a collection of sticks and twine lay in the bed.
I escaped with my 'life', but the life I'd led had been a life was a lie. I came to realize that I could take on the form of other people and did so many
times over the years. Always, I took a form that was unassuming, never anyone beautiful or handsome, so as to never draw attention. Unfortunately, recently I drew
attention to myself. I'd taken the form of an ugly, fat orc that was the ferryman working The Grey River in the southern Empire. The real ferryman had fallen overboard
as I'd travelled on the ferry barge, quickly taken by the giant eels that dwelt there. I quickly assumed his form and have been the anonymous ferryman for three years.
One day, a knight deemed it necessary to travel across the river on the ferry. It was a grey, wet day and the man strutted about the ferry, not minding his steps and found
himself tangled in some ropes. As if they'd planned it, a pair of agressive eels came out of the water and accosted the knight. Tangled, he fell back, defenseless.
For some reason, I took up my pole and battered the eels back into the water. Then , I helped the knight out of his nest of ropes. Sir Bearegard was he, and grateful
as well. He insisted that he take me on as his Squire. Despite my protestations, he imposed his will. I can never challenge authority so direct. And so , in my guise
as a fat, ugly orc I left the ferry and took up squire-ly duties with Sir Bearegard.

Random Rolls:

Ancestry: 1d6 ⇒ 2 Changling
True Age: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 5) = 15 Middle aged, 26-40
Apparent Gender: 1d6 ⇒ 1 [/ooc]Male [/ooc]
Apparent Ancestry: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 6) = 16 [/ooc]Orc [/ooc]
Background: 1d20 ⇒ 20 Some money 2d6 cp
Changeling Quirk: 1d20 ⇒ 1 Always speak in the 3rd person
Personality: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 6) = 11 You are careful about the forms you take. You try to
stay out of trouble and keep your secrets safe.

Profession 1: 1d6 + 1d20 ⇒ (2) + (5) = 7 Common, boatman/ferryman
Profession 2: 1d6 + 1d20 ⇒ (4) + (15) = 19 Martial, Squire
Lifestyle: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 5) = 13 Getting By
Interesting Thing: 1d6 + 1d20 ⇒ (3) + (4) = 7 A small keg of beer
Personality Traits: 4d20 ⇒ (10, 1, 10, 1) = 22 Generous,Aloof

Orc age: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 5) = 16 older 27 to 32
Orc Build: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 6) = 14 corpulent
Orc appearance: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 2) = 10 ugly

num of torches: 1d3 ⇒ 1
num of cp: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Background cp: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 2) = 5

Stat Line
Male Changeling Apparent Race: Faun, Female | S9, A11, I11, W10 | HP 13\13| D10 Per: 12 Move: 10 | Insanity: 0| Corruption: 0| Fortune: No | Status: normal