
Rushbolt's page

Organized Play Member. 10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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I have often wondered lately when Paizo may consider releasing a new ruleset for Pathfinder. Do they consider PF2 to be successful enough that there is no need to revamp their rules anytime soon? 5E ran for ten years but 4E only lasted six and playtesting started for 5E after only 4 years of 4E because it was not very profitable. I'm curious if Paizo sees PF2 as so good they are near the upper limit of their profitability or if they feel it's actually underperforming compared to what they expected. Pathfinder 2E is coming up on it's 4 year anniversary and I'm sure it has performed well the previous quarter thanks to WOTC basically shooting themselves in the foot. The question is how much it suffers if WOTC corrects course and fixes many of the issues in 5E 2024 that drive people to play PF2. Would it be time to start the designers of the next edition then?

I am looking into running Pathfinder 2e for the first time. I have game mastered for 30+ years so I am just asking this question just to tap into the knowledge of GMs with experience with this set of rules. Can the game really balance having a dwarf barb with 25 hp and an elf wizard with 12 hp in the same party at level 1? It seems if the monsters are strong enough to drop the dwarf they will just steamroll the wizard. If the monsters have decent intelligence and the wizard casts a highly damaging spell they should also come after him first, right?