Rushacre's page

Organized Play Member. 17 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Finally a Warpriest guide! Thanks so much for writing this, I'm completely new to the game, well RPG's in general. My first PC is a Warpriest of Cayden Cailean and I've struggled finding any help out there for it, just had to cobble bits together from fighter and cleric guides really so really looking forward to the rest of this being completed.

Anyway if anyone has any advice for my build going forward that would be awesome...

He has reached Lvl 4 Half Elf,
Blessings: Good & Travel
Dex Based, TWF, wielding two Kukri.
Feats: Weapon Finesse, TWF, Weapon focus: Kukri, Double Slice and Improved initiative and Skill Focus: Perception.
Most used spells 0- Create water, Detect Magic, Light, Guidance 1- Divine Favor,Bless, Command, 2- Protection from Evil Mass, hold person.

I've probably made some mistakes on the way but hopefully some good decisions too. Remember... new to this, go easy on me!

Well it seems this escalated whilst I was away. I thought I had my answer early on. Basically it comes down to GM interpretation sooooo...

I spoke to my GM about this and he will allow it. He reasoned the CRB says 'a measured and precise movement of the hand' not fingers. He see's spell casting as more large hand swoops, pushes etc like bending in the Avatar shows rather than small precise finger movements that would be restricted by the Cestus.

Cestus as as my Warpriest sacred weapon I think. No wasted move action drawing/sheathing my weapon after spellcasting.

Thank you all for your input.

Thats what I was hoping to hear!

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Just a quick one I imagine...

A Cestus frees up a hand to hold items but does it also count as a a free hand for casting spells?

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Corvino wrote:

I hope you're able to find what you need in there Rushacre.

If as Kalindlara says you are new to Pathfinder it might be worth Googling "the forge of combat" which is also by Tark (IIRC). It's not specifically about clerics but provides a good grounding in group roles and dynamics. Understanding what roles you fill can inform how you build your character.

I am indeed a nice shiny noob for you all to mould into any player you like! ha I shall definitely have a look for that. We have our first session sunday so trying to get as clued up before then as possible. the GM is new to GM'ing also so I want to relieve as much pressure from him as possible my learning as much as I can without having to pester him as he will have everyone else too.

Corvino wrote:
It might be worth reading through TarkXT's very useful "Tark's Big Holy Book of Clerical Optimization". In general it discusses how to make an effective Cleric and has some sample builds. The Support or Battle clerics therein might work for the suggested role, and most of it's core stuff.

Thanks Corvino, I was actually just glimpsing through that on my lunch break at work. I shall give it a proper read later on. Look to have some useful stuff.

Thanks for the advice guys. All noted.

I am currently thinking, Pump up my DEX and take weapon finesse with Caydens weapon being the Rapier and then taking combat reflexes as 2nd I will have more AoO due to having a higher DEX bonus. The I can also put points that would be in STR into other areas and just travel a little lighter.


I just love the back story of Cayden Cailean and want to build my cleric to worship him. Ideally I would like it be a Battle Cleric, but open to suggestions.

This is to be Core Rulebook only. I may be able to talk the GM into stuff from the APG.

Any advice?

Many many thanks!! all those resources bookmarked. I am seeing my GM today for a little tipple and discuss anything we want clearing up before starting later in the week, so I will enquire whether we are sticking to the core rule book or not. I imagine this time we will be.

haha yeah some of those last two went a little over my head. Could you explain what you mean 'by feat chain'?

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Kalindlara wrote:
...remember what I was saying about Ancestral Arms[/url]?

I do! Seems like a cool option. I will have to enquire with my GM if we are allowing weapons etc that aren't in the core rulebook. If not it is certainly one to bare in mind for future reference.

Thanks guys this is all really useful! We haven't even started playing yet and I am hooked ha.

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Aniuś the Talewise wrote:

So select armor with an armor check penalty of 0 if at all possible. I do not recommend going above -1.

As a rogue, you are a little more naked in close quarters than other melee classes, so I recommend you have a ranged weapon as a backup, and do not be afraid to retreat. (remember that to take a full-round action to Withdraw from the enemy does not incur an attack of opportunity from the foe next to you!) Get a composite shortbow if you can since they allow you to add some strength bonus to the damage roll, but they can get expensive.

Armor advice is good! I haven't got round to doing much reading on that yet.

Could you possibly explain what you mean by 'full round action'? Sorry not totally used to all the terms yet. One thing I read (I can't remember where) suggested rather than a range weapon as back up, a long spear can be good for keeping yourself further from damage and help survive, would that be something you agreed with? Also as main weapons, would you just go for two short swords?

Thanks again! I will definitely keep the unchained rogue option in mind. I think at first we are all just going with Core classes etc until we get the grip of things.

Feeling rather pleased with myself, from the bits of reading I have done I had jotted down Acrobatics, Perception, Disable Device, and Stealth as the skills to go for.

Noted those talents, I had also ear marked Resilience as quite important? Would you agree?

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Any advice on what equipment , skills, talents etc to go for right at the beginning?

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So you're saying I need to flank? ha. Thanks for the advice Anuis, the explanation of sneak attacks a big help. I wasn't expecting so many replies so quickly.

Thanks for the advice Kalindlara! i'll definitely look into those suggestions, especially the exotic weapon trade off. Sounds very interesting.

Lostcause78, thanks, you brought my attention to a typo I do mean two weapon fighting, 1 in each hand. My bad!

I have never played the game before or any of its sort but just agreed to joining a new group made up of other noobs. The only person with experience of the game in the group is the GM who loves it and wanted to introduce us all to it.

I am currently considering for my first character a Half Elf Rogue, most probably two handed fighting. I have done a lot of reading up but, being new to it, a lot of it is a little confusing. I was hoping maybe for a few handy, SIMPLE tips to get me going and give me a bit of a nudge in the right direction for my PC.

Any help would be really appreciated.
