Alurad Sorizan

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Hi Everybody - thinking of making a Pistolero that has two weapon fighting.

Question - can the pistol-whip ability granted to the gunslinger be used in a full attack action? And thus make 2 attacks? (Assuming I'm wielding 2 guns in my hands or a gun and a sword)

Also - does the attack itself cost 1 grit? Or is it the knock prone ability that cost grit?


Hi Everybody - thinking of making a Pistolero that has two weapon fighting.

Question - can the pistol-whip ability granted to the gun slinger be used in a full attack action? And thus make 2 attacks? (Assuming I have 2 guns in my hand or a gun and a sword)

Also - does the attack itself cost 1 grit? Or is it the knock prone ability that cost grit?

Selectable between options

Other than a Fighter and a Monk... do any other classes / prestige classes get a bonus feat (even if from a small list) at first level?

Even if from an archetype?

Apologies for the lazy question... just figured I'd rely on the collective Paizonian mind than research every book

Why is corrosive better than all the others? Just bc less things have Acid Resist?

Thanks Magda - I was thinking about Grayflame.

But is it better to have that for 16 rounds a day or just a basic flaming / shocking / Icy D6 on all attacks, all day?

Thanks everybody.

I should have stated that I use a dwarven longaxe as my weapon (10' reach, D12 Damage).

Can somebody help me understand why greenwood is a good choice?

Lat night in our game a tournament was held where they winner receives a +2 weapon of choice or the equivalent in gold. (we are 7th level and under geared)

I won! I am a lawful good reach Cleric. Most of our enemies in this world are neutral actually (a lot of the plot revolves around an underground power struggle between the church of Iomedae (us) and the church of Pharasma (NPCs).

So... if you were me what weapon would you choose? Or would you take the gold and spend it on other stuff? I don't have any great gear other than a cloak of resist +1.

Thanks all!

Thanks everybody!

But I can dismiss them as a standard action?

I should add - if I want to command said summon to move and attack - does that require and action on my part? or is it free?

Sorry everybody - I'm sure this is somewhere and I feel like a read it but can't find it now.

When you cast a summon monster - does it cost you an action each round to keep said summon out as well as control it?

I thought it took a standard action... but can't seem to find that in the CRB

Thanks a ton!

^^^^ lol :)

I'm a level 5 Cleric (access to 3rd level spells); I'm in the middle of no-where; and my horse just died!

Any spells that can summon a mount that I'd have access to?

No body is an arcane caster... and you have to be lvl 5 or 6 before being able to take false priest

Looking for ways to get a tank out of what we have vs. somebody re-rolling a toon

Arcane casters are highly persecuted (like killed) in this setting :-)

Ok, here's the deal - we had a 4 man party: Sword and Board Pally, Reach Cleric, Monk and Inquisitor.

Our pally just left for the Peace Corps.

Any recommendations on who would be best suited to pick up tanking? And how said toon would go about doing that?

Arcane casters can still be highly effective at battlefield control without summons - good on you and your party for doing things to speed up the game.

Conjuration obviously gives you great options (Grease FTW!)... not to mention obscuring mist - and that's just lvl 1. I think you did right selecting it as your specialization.

Illusion also has some amazing battelfield control ability - color spray is good at low levels but silent image is only limited by your own imagination - get creative with it!

For feats - I'd stay away from toughness... you shouldnt be in combat - especially with a party of 5. But if you want to go that route you will need to improve in melee - weapon focus?

I'd think about taking spell focus - illusion bc it's very versaile both in and out of combat. Not sure how strict your DM is but Eshew Materials?

The only one I'm aware of is Mystic Theurge - are there any others?

Thanks Haladir

Yah - the persecution of arcane magic is a something the DM is doing for plot reasons that haven't been revealed

Me saying the church is "orthodox" is based solely on the interaction we have had with in in the small towns we've been going through... so think East Texas Bible belt (if you've ever been there)

We just now got to a major city (Arodan) - so we will see how it goes.

Bu specifically on how to RP a cleric - should all clerics follow the leader(s) of their church blindly?

Hello All!

My group is in a game right now that is heavy on religion And for the most part, the church (Iomedae) is what I would call old school orthodox - to question it or its leaders is blasphemy, not a TON of respect for other religions but some (at least the non-evil ones)

We have a Paladin of Iomedae, an Inquisitor of Iomedae, a Cleric of Iomedae and... an atheist monk :)

I'm playing the Cleric - and while I am lawful good, my background is from an un-orthodox church of Iomedae - one that is more about tolerance (all the other Iomedae pillars are there - valor, justice, etc)

PS - Arcane magic is a BIG no-no

The question / problem here is this: our monk recently had a dream that he would find a relic, and then he did. Said relic is OBVIOUSLY EVIL and arcane - but it was found in a statue of Iomedae. The pally and Inquisitor immediately wanted to turn it / him in to the church and are, IMO, following the church blindly.

I however, am not. I'm interpreting the monk's dream as a sign from Iomedae herself and have given my word to the monk: I will not volunteer information about this, but at the same time I won't lie for you. I want to find answers just like everybody else, but given the delicate situation of it being evil and arcane, I don't think it's wise to just go walking into a cathedral of Iomedae saying "hey look what we found!"

What do you folks think? Am I playing this wrong? Should I be more "in tune" with the fact that I'm a lawful good Cleric and have more "faith" in my church?

I've used a bless a few times, haven't had a chance to use prot from evil - but I guess what I'm looking for is something a little more versatile

Hey Everybody -

I'm a reach cleric and just hit lvl 2.

Right now I have Detect Magic, Light and guidance as my orisons, and I have Truestrike (tactic domain), Divine Favor and Obscuring Mist as my 1st level spells (my wisdom is a 14)

A lvl 2 I get to add 1 of each... I'm thinking Create Water and Summon Minor Monster.

I'm creative enough to get use out of create water regularly I think but open to other suggestions.

I'm struggling with my 1st level - I'm leaning to SMM bc our party is heavy melee so bonus bodies to flank and aid other would be nice... but am I reading the stats right - all of the base animals listed will never actaully do damage due to their str?

If that's correct - how do you guys use your summons from this spell?

Thanks a lot!

Thanks for the feedback guys.

Hogeyhead - I agree - 15pt buy is tough. But our groups is NOTORIOUS for power gaming the $h*t out of everything - and by everything I mean combat. Generally speaking our games dont have a lot of RP, so as a result the last few campaign have been 15 pts buys.


Hey Everybody - this is kind of a continuation of this thread

What I ultimately ended up playing was a Half-Elf Reach-Cleric with Ancestral Arms (Dwarven Long-Axe), Worships Iomedae (Tactic Domain, Spellkiller Inquisition).

My traits are Temple Guard, Adopted (Dwarfs) - Glory of Old

15 pt buy:
Str - 16
Dex - 14
Wis - 14
All Else - 10

Feat - Combat Reflexes (3 AoO per turn at a +4 each not buffed)

The rest of the party? A Monk, Paladin and Ninja!

Given that our party is 99% melee, I asked my DM for permission to tweak my build...

I'd like to keep my race, class and Deity - outside of that - any ideas on how to bring some balance to our party?

very cool ideas folks!

Question - with the False Priest / False Focus / False Casting ideas - does the spell actually change to a Divine Spell? OR stay Arcane?

If it stays arcane, I guess anybody that makes a high enough Spellcraft / knowledge Arcana check could then Identify the spell as arcane?

My DM is about to run a campaign where Arcane casters are openly persecuted. However, arcane classes are open to the PCs.

Any outside the box suggestions on either a) arcane caster classes or b) "inquisitor" type classes that would be good at "arcane caster hunting"?

Anything in the rules lead you to that conclusion?

Do you still get the Shield Bonus for a tower shield when you are using it for total cover?

I like to research the race / religion / town / group / etc. and then work insults into the spells I cast on them. Especially when said race got beat or lost a war thousands of years ago.

... or when they were too "stupid" to avoid major calamity like the drow

Doesnt sound like you rail road... I have 2 example to provide:

1) RailRoading - Our Party was charged with breaking in to a store and stealing everything (which we did do). When questioned by the gaurds I rolled a nati-20 bluff (we were 3 or 4th level in 3.5 - so the result was ~30 - I was a sorcerer)... DM said nope, your going to jail.

2) Not Railroading - As sith, On the way out of a Jedi temple I "searched the elevator for the temple's self destruct button." Nati-20... 2 players and most of the Jedi died as a result :)

My normal group is REALLY bad at picking up subtle hints, and our DM knows this... he doesn't rail-road but provides "strong guidance" but at the end of the day we are allowed to do what we want... and sometimes we die :)

See if they will let you play as a pre-made character. Paizo pre-made most if not all of their classic characters. That's the best way to learn the game.

My groupd did this and we have been playing DnD since 3rd ed

Best of luck!

I'm playing a Bard right now and am 6th level. I specialize in Whip, battlefield control and Skill Monkey. At this point, with Heroism and Bardic performance up, I can actually hold my own in combat (though I'm still a bit squishy)

I've never played an Oracle so can't speak to that. But I have found that I end up using Bard abilities that I didn't think I would. I still haven't used the well-versed ability, but other than that just about everything else.

If you are human, instead of taking the extra skill pt each level you can gain a new spell known (as long as it's lower than the highest level you can cast). I've found this to be REALLY useful bc I know a lot of spells and I cast spontaneously. You want heal? Learn Cure Light / Cure Mod... you'll still have 4 other spells known by 4th level (and 3 other every level until then... not to mention knowing 9 lvl 0 spells by 3rd)

Also, there is a trait called "Magical Liniage"... reduces the lvl increase of metamagic feats by 1... your heal spells just got better (via metamagic feats)

Of course Buffs are buffs... which the Bard is great at

You guys and gals are awesome! I'll be working these in the next I run. Really great ideas!

Much appreciated!

Along with Common; I'm planning to take Draconic, Abyssal and Giant (surpising how many races and template speak giant)

Thanks for all the feedback

Thanks Guys - some good feed back here... sorry I didnt give much context. Our DM writes his own stuff wich generally has an over-arching story line and then multiple, smaller, story archs. But he's really good about incorporating the players ideas into the game... so on such short notice I wanted to try and give him a couple of ideas instead of just cancelling

Right now we are on a journey to Osirion from Kerse (just south of Isle of Terror).

Hey Folks!

So here's the issue - we have a standing game every Thursday - 4 players, 1 DM.

We knew one of our four guys was out today but this morning, our tank bailed too.

Any "outside the box" ideas on how to run for 2 PCs (a bard and a zen archer)?

Fair enough - thanks guys!

After reading Acid arrow I believe I agree with you Xaratherus... though I disagree with the logic of the rule... somebody on fire should have to make a concentration DC higher than 10 +(1d6 / 2) + spell level...

And a caster who just took an arrow to the chest 6 seconds before he tries to cast a spell should have to make some kind of concentration check... you can't just shrug damage like that...

just saying :)

Xaratherus wrote:

1. No

2. Yes; see below
3. Yes; see below

The DC for concentration is fairly easy to calculate:

Casting defensively: 15 + (spell level x 2)
Non-ongoing damage while casting: 10 + damage dealt + spell level
Ongoing damage while casting: 10 + (damage dealt x .5) + spell level

I guess that's my point... how is it that the DC for being on fire from a spell is only 10 + (damage dealt x .5) + spell level... wouldn't that count as being distracted by a spell?

I agree on #1.

For #2 - I would say that catching on fire as result of Blister Invective would count as a being under the effects of a distracting spell (not to mention continuous damage... I think. So the DC = the DC is the spell's saving throw DC + the level of the spell you're casting?

For #3 - since summon monster is a full round the arrow would cause DC = 10 + damage + spell level. for being on fire dc = Blistering Invective DC + spell level


Hey folks - I've seen a thread or 2 on the topic but still unclear on the answer to the 3 questions below:

1) A wizard cast magic missile in round 1 and is then hit by an arrow for 6 damage. He then tries to cast magic missile again in round 2 - does he have to make a concentration check? If so, what's the DC?

2) A wizard cast magic missile in round 1 and is then hit by a bard's blistering invective and catches fire. He then tries to cast magic missile again in round 2 - does he have to make a concentration check? If so, what's the DC?

3) Exact same scenarios - but the wizard is trying to cast Summon Monster; beginning in Round 1 and finishing in round 2. Does he have to make a check for being hit by and arrow? For catching on fire? If so what are the DCs?

Thanks in advance!!!

lol - thanks!

I guess what I'm looking for is a statistical view of languages spoken by the creatures in the bestiaries... anybody know if something like that exist?

Hey Folks - need some advice.

My bard is getting to the point where several spells are language dependent.

2 Questions:
1) Does that mean that if I cast the spell against a creature / character that doesn't share 1 of my languages the spell fizzles?

2) What are the top 3 languages I should take to get the biggest bang for my spent skill points?


Terronus wrote:
...if a player has some pretty good insight into how their character would act I'll hand out a roleplay point. This includes things like if the party rogue is hanging back in the shadows, not saying anything, while the group confronts someone...

As a Player, how do you bring it to the attention of your GM that this, in and of itself, is RP-ing without coming off as telling the GM they suck? :) I think a lot of GMs, mine included, would see this as not RP-ing at all, just sitting back while the rest of the party RPs.

blackbloodtroll wrote:

I would consider effort to be the top decider.

If it's obvious they put in extra effort, then they should be rewarded.

Very good point!

One of the things we are strugling with now is RP vs. Good RP that many of you talk about.

Our DM awards a bonus at the end of the night for whoever RP'd the best. Problem is the last 2 sessions have gone to the player who is "RP-ing" a dumb / slow character; which to me is way easier than just about anything else, especially RP heavy characters. So it's almost like players are punished for going out on a limb and playing RP heavy charaters when the players themselves are not very good at "acting."

When it actually comes to RP-ing, are you guys looking for / judging the players ability to "get into character" or something more along the lines of the player's abaility to advance the story line?

GM's & Players - what is the typical "format" you use to give out Role-Playing XP?

Do you give it out every session? Does everybody get the same amount? Do you give bonus'?

Curious to hear what options are out there as I don't recall seeing a "standard" in the CRB.

Thanks Charlie - I'm going back and forth on Arcane Strike. Our party consists of me (bard), An illusionist wiz, a barbarian and a barbarian / alchemist. The latter 2 lay down some good DPS... so I've been trying to focus more on figuring out ways to help them deal that damage.

Trip, Grease, Disarm, Demoralize (via Dazzling Display), Inspire courage etc.

Just going back and forth on whether adding, at later levels, 4 pts of damage to a D4+6 (buffed) scorpion whip will really have an impact?

Hadn't thought about power attack...

The Magus class has that ability (Spell Strike) and then there is making your weapon a "Spell Storing" weapon.

The spell "Weapon Wand" which is a 1st lvl bard spell (only 1 min / lvl though) let's you deliver wand spells with a weapon attack (though you dont get to add weapon damage)

Past that... there are a couple of 3.5 options

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