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Very well done!


I thought I'd go over this issue in detail - Tim asked for feedback, so here's a pile of it.

Weal or Woe: Lore Seekers. I really like the Weal or Woe series, and I liked the use of this one as NPCs for a side trek adventure - that's a good way to use the article. The two NPCs presented are interesting, though I would have liked to know the source for the goblin snake - I didn't see it anywhere in the description. The art is good, particularly the goblin snake.

The Lure of Greed: Fun little side trek adventure. It fits in well with the AP and gives an early preview of some of the Thassilonian stuff that will become very important later on. The map is lovely, too.

Toll in the Road: This was a nice piece. The voice of the goblins was expressed well, and they were fun to read. I thought the sudden jump of time when the goblins are attacked was a bit jarring - it read like he had been shot at first. The art was okay - expressive, certainly, but I prefer a more realistic art style. That's just my preference, for what it was obviously going for it was good.

Swallowtail Festival Games: I loved this article, it was full of evocative flavor for the different games and the NPCs were all interesting, from the artisan helping children win toys to the plot to win a few extra coppers fixing the betting on lizard races. The mechanics for the little games were nice and simple, too, something that could be used to introduce new gamers to skill checks and attack rolls, since it's going to be set at the very beginning of the AP.

Goblin Magic Items: This was a fantastically fun article, especially the names of the goblin items and their evocative descriptions. Great art, too. They're disturbing and weird and kind of childishly malevolent, all the best traits of Paizo's fun take on goblins. Bravo on this article. I like the creepy horse-face-mask art, too.

Hollow Hearts: I found this to be a bit disjointed, like it was cut down significantly or part of a larger work. I had some trouble keeping track of who was being talked about, and it seemed like there were more characters than necessary for such a short piece of fiction. I also found the use of a real-world quote at the beginning of a piece of gaming fiction sort of strange, and I'm not sure why it was included. The voice of the different characters was good, as was the dialog.

Weal or Woe: The Hag and the Seeker: I really liked this WoW article. The characters are closely interwoven, realistic, and interesting, and dealing with either or both of them would be very fun to do in game. I'm going to have to try to work these two into a game at some point. The poor inquisitor wandering around trying to avenge someone who doesn't care about him is pretty sympathetic, even for a worshipper of Asmodeus.

Defying Logic and Fate: I like the idea of subdomains associated with more than one domain, it's an interesting mechanic. The names of some of the powers don't seem to fit with the mechanics very well - Opposites Attract and Synergy of the Opposites both seem pretty unrelated to what the power does. Harmony of the Opposites, as written, doesn't do much - the Elemental Spell feat that is listed as a prerequisite allows you to mix elemental damage 50-50 already, so the only situation in which this feat is useful is if you don't want to use the elemental type of the original spell at all - say a fireball that deals acid and electricity damage, not fire. Synergy of the Opposites seems too situational to ever be used, though it is awfully powerful when it does do something. I'm not sure a Will save is the best mechanic to use here, since most of the time you're going to be countered by someone with a good Will save, so they'll almost always make the associated save. Wield the Strands of Fate seems like it would be very difficult to use in actual play, since you have a 50% chance of taking each effect each round.

Burdens of Power: My article, so I'm not going to comment on it, though I'd appreciate anybody's opinions. I like the art - thanks to Peter Fairfax for it.

Dracochymist: This was a fun alchemist archetype, though the wording of the breath weapon took some rereading to understand - it seems like it's just intended to be either a 20' cone or a 30' line, which seems simpler to state than the strafe bomb/directed blast stuff. Everything else was fun and flavorful. I liked the artwork, too.

Kobold Scion Bloodline: Interesting - is it intended to be taken by kobolds, or are you suggesting little half-kobolds wandering around? I like the powers, particularly the use of the ranger trap mechanics, which are sadly underused, even though the archetype they're from is sadly underpowered. The ability to summon kobolds is fun, too.

Epilogue: This is well written, a nice little end-note to a campaign. It feels a bit constrained by being so short, though - I'd like to see the other characters mentioned show up as well.

The Jinx, Part One: I liked this story, but found the use of dialog when the main character is talking to herself kind of jarring. Are we supposed to assume she's speaking out loud, or is that her internal monologue? It's not very clear. If it's internal, it doesn't need to be treated as dialog.

Xin's Legacy: This was a very cool, thought-provoking article. I can think of all kinds of uses for the artifacts described, and I particularly liked that you didn't really explain them - they're just these odd things that it's up to the GM to find a use for. Very cool article.

Prestigious: The Fili: This is a good way to combine the bard and druid. The bardic performance text seems a bit off - none of the samples work out right. Is it supposed to be just "add fili level to your bard level"? That math works with the provided example. If that's the intention, they should probably get the ability at 1st level. The Talk with the Animals power is neat, though I'd probably add Speak with Animals as a requirement for the class.

Adventuring to Death: I liked the bone witch archetype and the unlife patron seems good. I'm honestly not too familiar with how the witch works; I haven't really looked into the class much yet. The skeletal familiar seems like a fun flavor change.

Pyromaina - Feats for Firestarters: This was a fun, fun article. Goblin pyromaniacs the world over will enjoy these feats. The wildfire combat style is particularly awesome - I like the style feat mechanics, and seeing new options that use that concept is nice, especially when it's flavorful and well-executed. Probably one of my favorite articles in the issue.

Of Magic and Mettle: I really like the idea of a spontaneous magus, and was rather surprised that wasn't the default option. This works well to fill those shoes. The Extemporaneous Metamagic arcana seems a bit unclear - do you get additional metamagic options with one choice of this ability as you level up, one at +1, another at +2, and another at +3? The "At 6th level..." stuff could be read either way. Also, should the +3 option be available at 6th level? 6th level is listed twice, for both +2 and +3 metamagic feats. Also, can you use the Spell Reserves ability to prepare a spell with a metamagic feat? I'd assume so, but the language is just for magus arcana that duplicate a metamagic feat. (Oh - does that use the 1/day limit of those arcana, or does it not count?)

An Honest Trade: Great short story, very evocative descriptions in here. I always forget that otyughs can talk.

Princess Urgathoa: Hahaha. Nice.

Chopper's Isle: This is a quick little side trek, and a good one. It's clear, well-written, and can easily be played through in a single session. In fact, my biggest concern would be that this would take less than a whole session to go through. With all the Pazuzu stuff going on here I would have expected some kind of fiendish flying critter to show up. Still, a minor complaint at worst. This was a good side trek.

Enemy of My Enemy: Good descriptions, and I thought the action scenes were well-written. It seemed like a fragment of a larger work that would be enjoyable to read, certainly. I also really liked the art in this article.

Bestiary: Lots of coolness in here, this was another of my favorite articles.

I really like the bodmin, it's nice to see a simple concept executed well. Simple additions to the ecology of a setting can be really neat -this isn't a huge powerful monster, but it is something that regular people have to deal with, and a nice addition to the kinds of things that show up in a swamp.

The charnel pit is a great monster, certainly something I can see using myself. I would have liked a bit of explanation for the positive energy resistance, though - that's something I've not seen on any other monster that jumps to mind, and I always figured that was reflected in the channel resistance mechanics.

The scarwall guard's black shroud power is inspired - it's an undead that bursts in a negative-energy fireball on death, hurting the living and healing undead near it. For a guardian monster this is a particularly cool power, since it will bolster the other guards on the walls. The suppression mechanics are a good touch.

I think the sin dragon's empower illusion special ability should be a Charisma-based save, rather than a straight 50% chance of seeing through it.

The haunts are all awesome - I haven't used this mechanic yet, but it's always cool when I see it.

From the Field: Rune Magic: I like the thematic nature of this article, with everything centered around rune magic. The voice is good too, which is always nice to see in a crunch-centric article.

Just Desserts: Second fiction piece in this issue to use the otyugh, surprisingly. Very enjoyable little short story.

Ruling Rannick: I like the idea of using the Kingmaker rules for this fort; it's a clever use of mechanics introduced later, and helps to make the stewardship of the keep seem more important.

Prestigious: Riders on the Storm: I was a little confused by your capitalization of class names in the introductory paragraph. Other than that, it's a very good mounted hellknight class.

Weal or Woe: Rituals in Arms: Two interesting NPCs here. Fighter schools are always interesting to me - we hear so much about arcane schools but little about how fighters train. The boon that Hector grants (retrain a combat feat) is particularly nice.

Battle Banners of Lesser West Podunk: Well-written and interesting, even though it was mostly a teaser. Good at that, though.

Heirs of Thassilon: I really like this idea, though I doubt I'm going to run an intentionally evil campaign any time soon - I like PC heroics, though I have occasionally played the token evil teammate kind of role. The suggested changes to the campaign work well, and I think it'd make a fun campaign if the group was on board with playing evil PCs out to become evil godlike figures.

Lure of Greed Pregenerated Characters: Well-done pregens are always nice to have. Might be nice to note what system was used to generate their stats, but that's a minor quibble. All the pregens are fun, interesting characters.