RudeBooty's page

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Shinigami02 wrote:
You get a guy all the way down to 1 HP with your Taser Pulsecaster Pistol. Your ally barely meets AC, shoots him in the foot with a flare gun for 1 damage. He's now dead. Not even dying, this guy's an NPC, so he's flat dead. All your efforts to take him alive were in vain because your ally got one glancing hit in with the weakest possible lethal weapon, and rolled minimum damage.

And that makes perfect sense to me.

If you beat the heck out of a guy and then shoot him even with a weak lethal weapon and he doesn't make it that is not entirely uncommon

In real life people die from "nonlethal" forms of takedown at a nonzero rate, so if you want them alive, don't suddenly switch to lethal. Makes sense to me and my group so far.

Lol at this guy wilin out.

If it was meant to be a situation that comes up often it would have been address. I think you have been presented plenty of evidence that this is not something that should be happening so often that you need a specific set of parameters for how to handle it.

Myrryr wrote:
Make a nice lazer rifle sized for Godzilla, which would basically be bigger than a starship's cannons, and yes, RAW it still deals damage equal a normal human grunt's lazer rifle.

at that point they ARE starship weapons and deal damage accordingly.

swoosh wrote:
RudeBooty wrote:

This. Isn't. Pathfinder.

You're right, it's not.

Now that that's out of the way... pretty much nothing the OP's complaining about actually changes, really. So good job indeed, I guess.

Except literally everything?

Well in PF the range for something is this and in this different game it's THAT.

Why is it so hard to understand that this is how it works in this game?
Who wants to have a battle map that is 1800 feet long? How is that supposed to be managed exactly?

Oh this is exciting my first time getting to do this.

This. Isn't. Pathfinder.

Man that's fun.

I dont know why you are comparing anything to Pathfinder, It's the same as complaining why the stats on weapons in Shadowrun aren't the same. Because it's not the same game.