Boggard Swampseer

trashmyego's page

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elcoderdude wrote:

If you buy direct from Paizo you will get second printing.

Sorry that advice is too late for you.

Wouldn't have taken it anyway. The cost with shipping makes them each about $8 more expensive than they're available from other places. That's a silly premium to pay to go directly to the source.

Myfly wrote:

Well, the first printrun is here in Germany more worth than the second print run.

So you were a lucky man.

I wish their worth in Germany made them less worthless to me :\

Just received the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Deck 5 and 6 today (after an extended headache of a lost shipment and replacement) from an online retailer. I guess it was a fitting end to have the replacement decks be from the first print run (it's a popular marketplace, the replacement shipment was from the distributor, not from the initial seller). I was just surprised to still see copies from the China run floating around.

I'm certain this has been beaten to death an all. But why didn't Paizo attempt to differentiate the print runs more in their marketing/labeling? I can't not notice the difference and it's an issue for at least one other player in my group (ran into a similar issue with a LotR Card game expansion that was cut short).

I guess I'm just venting here. Not frustrated at Paizo. Just a frustrating end to a couple weeks of hurdles/seeming reliefs in getting these. I'm going to subscribe through here for the third set, it'd equalize the price/shipping costs enough to make it worthwhile. But I also want to get through Runelords and Shackles before I jump into it. It's a pretty lengthy trip to my FLGS and their stock isn't exactly reliable... my next trip out I'll see what I can find.

A warning I guess. The first print runs are still out there :/ but then I guess having to deal with the transition into the new prints was just as much of a headache for some of you a couple years ago.

I'm really concerned with how this will be priced, especially with each addition. Would love a digital forum of the game, but not that interested in dropping more than $30 on the same Adventure Path/Hero decks.