Tessara belongs to the Silverfrond family, a lesser noble house of elves residing in Caliphas, the capital city of Ustalav. An ancient and very proud house, the Silverfronds traditionally set out on a personal journey sometime after they come of age, returning only when they have done great deeds to bring honor to their family's name (and, some whisper, acquired great riches to line their family's vaults). The Silverfronds are particularly known for their history of superb wizards and arcanists, and maintain an excellent arcane library in the family's ancestral manor house. They are raised to take the idea of noblesse oblige very seriously, and are as kind to the smallfolk as they are respectful to fellow (and greater) nobility, always seeking to serve the greater good.
Tessara has always admired her uncle, Caladrel Silverfrond the great Transmuter, and has studied hard since childhood to develop her talents in wizardry, fencing, and poetry-- though to her perpetual frustration, her natural magical gifts tend towards warding things rather than changing their nature. Having recently been affianced to an elven man of gentle birth from another Caliphasian house, Tessara has now set out on her own journey, intent on proving herself worthy of the Silverfrond name and living up to the legacy of her uncle Caladrel.
Character Sheet:
Tessara Silverfrond, NG, Age: 139, Hair Color: Auburn, Eye Color: Seafoam green
Elf, Wizard (Abjurer)
Speed: 30' (land)
Str 11, Dex 14 (12 +2 racial), Con 10 (12 -2 racial), Int 18 (16 +2 racial), Wis 12, Cha 13 [20 point buy]
HP: 9 (6+0+1+1+1), AC: 12 (+2 dex), FF: 10, Touch: 12, CMD: 12, Concentration +7
BaB +1, CMB: +0 Fort: +0, Ref: +2, Will +4 (immune to magical sleep, +2 vs enchantment spells and effects)
Athame (arcane-bonded masterwork rapier): +4 (+1 enhancement, +2 dex, +1 BaB) 1d6 piercing, 18-20 threat
Dagger +3 (+2 dex, +1 BaB) 1d4 piercing or slashing, 19-20 threat, can throw, 10' range increment
Shortbow +3 (+2 dex, +1 BaB) 1d6 piercing, x3 crit, 60' range increment
Feats: Scribe Scroll, Weapon Finesse
Traits: Rich Parents (social), Focused Mind (magic)
Racial Features: Low-light vision, +2 to caster level checks against spell resistance, proficiency with longbows/shortbows/longswords/rapiers, treat any weapon with "elven" in the name as martial
Class Features: Arcane Bond (rapier), Arcane School (abjuration), Cantrips
Spells per day: 4 cantrips, 4 (2 +1 abjuration +1 bonus for high Int) 1st-level
Abjurer Features: Resistance (gain resist 5 to an energy type of her choice when she prepares spells: fire, cold, acid, sonic, or electricity), Protective Ward (Su, standard action, 10' radius field of protective magic centered on her for 4 rounds, her and all allies gain +1 deflection bonus to AC inside it, 7 times per day)
Opposition Schools: Enchantment & Transmutation
Favored Class: Wizard
Worships: Desna (Goddess of dreams, stars, travelers, and luck)
Clothing: Noble's outfit (linen-lined indigo satin dress with lace cuffs and brocade corset) 10lb, Signet ring (Silverfrond device: a gleaming frond) --, Platinum chain bracelet (fine links, worth 50gp) --, Jade necklace on silver chain (ornate links, large teardrop semiprecious gem, worth 500gp) --, Moonstone and platinum earrings (dangly, worth 100gp as a set) --.
Weapons: Athame (arcane-bonded masterwork rapier, black handle and silver sigils engraved on blade) 2lb, Dagger 1lb, Shortbow 2lb, Quiver of 20 arrows 3lb.
Misc: Spell component pouch 2lb, Satchel 2lb, Spellbook (31/100 pages used) 3lb, Scroll case 0.5lb, Parchment (10) --, Inkpen --, Vial of ink --, Sealing wax 1lb, Silk rope (50') 5lb, The Eight Scrolls (holy book of Desna, small and simple) 1lb, Potion of cure light wounds --, Common perfume (10 doses) --, Wine bottle (full of water, 1lb when empty) 1.5lb, Coins 1 lb.
Quest Items: (none)
Coins: 29gp, 8sp, 10cp
Loads: 38/76/115 (current: 32 lb, light load)
Tessara typically wears all her jewelry unless exploring in dirty areas, as well as her sword, Athame, on her left hip, and her spell component pouch just behind it. Her satchel is about the size of a backpack, and when carried rests on her right hip with her dagger's sheath built into one side of it and the rest of her possessions inside. She keeps her parchment, inkpen, and ink vial inside her scroll case, and her potion and perfume in small padded inner pockets of the satchel. She regularly uses prestidigitation to keep herself and all her possessions clean, putting great pride in her personal appearance.