
Auron's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 17 posts (322 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 2 wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 5 aliases.


I liken it to that annoying guy who ruins the end of the movie before you can watch it.

Mostly he just watches re runs of my little pony: friendship is magic.

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rando1000 wrote:
calagnar wrote:
What you need to do is set the rules for character creation out before the first character is made.
Which is exactly what I did in saying "no outside material". I'm not the best at catching gaping exploit loops in the rules. I know this. So, I rely largely on the rules being a coherent, well play-tested whole.

You should sit the player down and explain this fact to him. Don't leave until he understands where you're coming from.

Now for a horror story.

A few years ago my friend and DM loaned my his dungeon magazines so I could run the Age of Worms adventure path.

He asked me if he could play a phycic with telekenesis from a green rhonin 3rd party book.

Trusting in his judgement, I let him play it.

It broke my game.

The class was overpowered, and I lacked the experience to counter it. After the disasterous session I gave up on DMing until now.

True story.

Half fiend bug bear. I've got to steal that one day

To me nothing says big bad like the Big Bad Wolf.

A cunning Worg with his own wolf pack wants to claim the goblin's territory for it's own.

Does the rogue have any evidence that these sleeping dogs are running around and hurting people while they're awake?

'Cause otherwise that sounds like a pretty evil act.

I used to go humans for the customization. But I'm having a lot of fun with the racial stereotypes that come with playing a dwarf.

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The dead should stay dead.

Draftamike wrote:
This post has officially scared me away from investing into this game. Who has this kind of time with kids, career and other responsibilities?!

Slow and steady man. I run LoF twice a month for 4 hours on a Tuesday after work. It's been 18 months and we're just up to book 4.

Everyone's fine with the pace, and its given us plenty of time for life and other commitments.

Sometimes characters die, and sometimes players look at you afterwards with their puppy dog eyes :(

Back to the topic at hand, I can see a character take their own life. You see it in monster movies all the time, when a hero knows he's going to die a horrible death or turn into the thing he's facing, he takes his last bullet and uses it on himself

Steven has a point. Killing a PC isn't always easy. I always feel really bad about it afterwards.

I don't know about Egoish, but that's exactly what I'm after (and I didn't know I was looking for it.)

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The sorcerer shall not fire a lightning bolt in the direction of the fighter while in deeper darkness.
The fighter shall not leave the gremlins he was fighting and beat in the sorcerer for hitting him with a lightning bolt

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I'll second ezPDF. I buy pdf instead of the hardcovers because of it. You can browse via the bookmarks built into the pdf or create your own.
Well worth the price.

I tried to use the sony reader (PSR-650) to read the inner seas guide not to long ago. While I could read half a page at a time (with the screen in landscape mode) the reader couldn't handle the large file sizes.

I'm hoping blackberry's playbook would be a better alternative. Has anyone tried running pdf's on it?

And I'd like to add, while the inner sea guide gave me trouble, the pathfinder adventure module i downloaded worked a treat =)

DrDew wrote:

According to the PRD you just have to be evil to become one. By that logic you could be evil when you take your first level in the class and then somehow become good and still progress.

Personally, I don't know why they have to be evil.

I agree. Take Fitz from Robin Hobb's Assasin's Aprentice. He's trained as an assasin for the crown, but I wouldn't rule his actions as evil. He's more Lawful Neutral.

I'm just starting book 2, but I've got a few deaths from Howl to put up. Here's the first of many.
Book 1 - Abandoned Monastery or Sarenrae
Character: Rogue Lvl 2
Catalyst: Did you hear that?

The party decided to rest for the night in the monastery after clearing it out. The rogue took first watch, and heard a noise near the entrance. He investigated, and saw a pack of hyenas entering. After some minor metagaming from the sleeping party members (he wanted to take care of them himself) he awoke the paladin and they set off, leaving the cleric, summoner and magus to their rest.

Upon seeing two hyenas in the chapel, the paladin strode out to meet them, while the rogue tried to sneak around them with stealth.
He chanced across the hidding place of two more hyenas and was hut by their AoO.

The cleric heard the noise and woke the rest of the party and hurried off. By this time rogue was on -HP, and the paladin had killed one of his hyenas. He then room position above his fallen comrade in a valent attempt to fend off the hungry animals.

While the magus and cleric rushed to the rogues aid and the summoned called forth a monster to distract the beasts, the hyenas tried a final ploy to earn their supper. Two of the hyenas attacked while the third tried to drag the helpless PC. While it wasn't able to get the rogue, it did deal enough damage to bring him within a few points of death.

In the end the rogue failed his last stabilization attempt the round before the cleric arrived.

Fire Starters Loot

Welcome to the Gameplay thread!

Fire Starters Loot

Welcome to the campaign!

Sign up here.

Please don't post until you have signed up in one of the first six spots in the sign up link above.

Fire Starters Loot

Welcome to the Gameplay! Pre-game organizing is taking place in the Discussion thread.

Dark Archive

Welcome to the thread! From conversations last week, there were six people who expressed interest in playing. I've PM'd all of you - please chime in here to confirm interest and give an idea for class/levels. I think we're looking at low tier here, but depending on levels and #s I might post in Flaxseed Station if we want to have (two different) high and low tier tables.

Once people have a few days to respond, if it looks like this table is good to go I'll plan on doing the initial post for the scenario on Thursday or Friday.

Fire Starters Loot

Welcome to the gameplay thread!

Dark Archive

At long last, greetings everybody, and welcome! I'll have a post or two up here in a little bit going over basics of what I want to accomplish and starting to touch on background for the campaign.

Dark Archive

Discussion thread for PBP Gameday VIII! Beginning August 26th, 2019. Please dot and delete!

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Pact World Warriors (SFS 2-01)! PBP Gameday VIII! Beginning August 26th, 2019. Welcome to the campaign!

Dark Archive

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the scenario. Feel free to say hello and decide what characters you'll be playing. So you're all aware and fully warned, this will be my first attempt at PbP GMing. Things might start out a little bit wonky as I get the button pressing order down, so thank you for your patience as we work through that together.

I'm running a face-to-face table of 1-37 in about 30 hours, so I'll hold off on doing the major prep work for this PbP table of 1-36 until probably 54 to 60 hours from now. I've already played this scenario as a player, so I have that advantage for cutting down prep time.

My goal is to start no later than the evening of 13 June in the US, and hopefully before then. Once we get started I'll plan on making a minimum of a post per day and hope you can do the same. If something comes up please let me know; for this scenario I'm not going to be botting or playing for potentially inactive players (largely because I'll have enough to figure out without that) but if needed you can ask one of your fellow PCs to do that if needed.

I'm really looking forward to trying this out with all of you. Thank you, and welcome!

Dark Archive

AFlashInTime's Placeholder Post

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A question on part of Dreaming of the Future, Starfinder Scenario #1-16:

On page 18, the PCs have the option to turn on theatrical smoke/fog, which "creates cloud that acts as obscuring mist in the lower third of area C1". The problem is, after looking through the Core Rulebook, the Alien Archive, and Pact Worlds, I can't find any reference to obscuring mist in Starfinder. Since I assume this was a carry over from somebody still thinking in Pathfinder language, should this instead reference the spell fog cloud (pg. 356 of the Starfinder CRB), which is virtually identical to the Pathfinder "obscuring mist" spell?

Dark Archive 3/5 5/55/55/5

Potential spoilers involving factions in reporting:

When creating a PC or reporting a character that has a faction other than Wayfinders/Aquisitives/Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)/Exoguardians/Dataphiles, is there any guidance on what to put for the PC's faction? I'm planning on using "none" at this point, since it seems to be the least wrong of the options.