Cinder Wolf

Roy Harmon's page

3 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.


Feature request: Toggle sound on/off.

dkeester wrote:
I am also really hoping that they release the demo encounters from the Beginner Box Bash. If released, those could also be expanded upon to fill the XP gaps.

Any word on this?

Padraic wrote:

Hello, I know this thread is a bit old... I'm getting ready to start RotR, Burnt Offerings, and all these maps are excellent. Bravo to the folks who created them!

The maps I need most, "Combat map for Initial Assault, Goblin Pyros and Die, Dog, Die" isn't available as the Ning site where it's hosted in down.

Can someone repost or email to me the maps for these first three encounters. It would be greatly appreciated!

I know this thread is now older still, but if anyone else stumbles across it as I have, note that if you start at the end of the linked thread and browse backwards, you'll find slightly updated links to much of the material. I'm not sure those three are among said material, but I do remember a couple of "Sorry about the broken links, here are some new ones" posts.