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One of the people I play PACG with loves to play a spell caster, and typically wants to nuke stuff. With the new core rules, having a used spell be in recovery for the rest of the turn is a bit of a sore point for them. I found the post where it explains why recovery is applied to all spells with a recovery kind of effect. I explained how that’s to prevent a spell caster from being a one-trick pony, hitting everything with the sledgehammer; to which they countered with, “What about weapons?”.

Why is it okay to approach any combat with the most powerful weapon you have, but not the most powerful spell? How does using the same weapon mean that your choices mean something when the same doesn’t apply to spells?

A weapon can be used for every encounter, and every combat check in the same turn, but a spell can only be used for one combat check per turn, then has to go through recovery before the card is placed somewhere that the player can attempt to retrieve it.

Am I misunderstanding how often a weapon can be used?

This is the post I’m referring to about recovery: n-the-Pathfinder-ACG

Thanks in advance, I would love to shed some light on the thoughts behind this, so that I can attempt to reason with this player.

Okay, I’m tired of scouring the Internet to see if I can find someone else who asked this question, so I’m just going to ask it here.

Regarding Lini from the Druid Class Deck, using the Pack Lord role:
Power 1
“For your combat check, you may display an ally that has the Animal Trait to use your survival skill +1d6. If you succeed at the check, recharge the displayed card; otherwise bury it”

Power 2
“If a card that has the animal trait is played on your check, blessings played on that check may add 1d12 instead of the normal die”

Can power 2 be activated from power 1? When the survival skill is determined as the skill being used for the combat check, is the animal trait (and any other traits from that ally) added to the check? If the animal trait is added, then could power 2 could also be used during the check?

The power seems to imply that Lini is using an animal ally to make the attack, and it would use the animal’s traits for the attack.

Paul’s blog post ( ini) seems to add to that implication that the animal is making the attack, especially when they say, “Once again, she gets to reveal Animal allies for an effect, but in this case she sends them out to attack!“ referring to that power.