Creeping Death

Row TreeWalker's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters.


Hello overworked customer service humans.
I currently have 5 subscriptions that i need to cancel or suspend for the next two months while i establish a new home. :)

They include the following:
Active Subscriptions
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscription
Pathfinder Adventure Path
Most recent volume:
Pathfinder Adventure Path #169: Kindled Magic (Strength of Thousands 1 of 6) shipped by 07/29/21 via USPS Package Service (estimated 4 to 8 business days in transit)

Pathfinder Campaign Setting Subscription
Pathfinder Lost Omens

Pathfinder Player Companion Subscription

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Pathfinder Rulebook

Pathfinder Accessories

Pathfinder Society


Hello again I haven't heard anything back about the Bestiary nor have i seen it added to my next shipment as of yet? Just confirming

Joan H. wrote:

Hi Row,

I do see the PDF for the Core rulebook in your downloads. If you use the ctrl+F or cmd+F function on your keyboard to search for "core rulebook" you should be able to see the core rulebook downloads in their own section.

The Bestiary 2 was released at the same time as the core rulebook. It looks like our system didn't automatically generate that for you so I'd be happy to set up an order for the Bestiary for you through your subscription so you can access the PDF as well. Let me know if you'd like for me to set up an order for you and I can have it ship out with your December subscription shipment!

Thanks for your patience, and let me know if you have any other questions!

That would be fabulous! Thank you so much

Hello wonderfully overworked customer service NPCS
Trying to pull things off my digital content to my harddrive and noticed i don't have a PDF for the PF2 core rules. This was purchased with my subscription in Aug 2019. I was also curious if a Bestiary 1 book was every made? I don't seem to have it? Not purchased or included in a subscription? Just curious. The compulsive gnomish collector in me must have a complete set or my bleaching gets out of control.

Wonderful! Much appreciated. Hoping your days go joyfully.

Hello dear Paizo customer service team. I apologize if i'm creating more work for you in these trying times. I was getting ready to start DM some 2nd Edition Pathfinder society games and realized I don't have the first 13 scenerios. I started my Advantage subscriptions in August 2019. I did send out an email on Sept 19th and got an automated response that directed me here.