About Rouqar Surtova.
Current Moderator: GM Wolf
Known Languages: 2 per rank in Linguistics
+1 Mithral Chain Shirt Special Armor Class Notes: Dodge: AC +5 against attacks of opportunity caused when you move out of or within a threatened tile.
Special Save Notes:
CMB: +13 (Elephant in the Room)
Special Combat Notes:
Slayer class skills: Acrobatics(Dex), Bluff(Cha), Climb(Str), Craft(Int), Disguise(Cha), Heal(Wis), Intimidate(Cha),
+2 to Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival on a Studied Target
Acrobatics: = +6 (Dex 6)
Drawback: Condescending: Raised with the assurance that only those like you are truly worthy of respect, you have an off-putting way of demonstrating that you look down on those not of your race and ethnicity or nationality. You take a –5 penalty on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks to improve other creatures’ attitudes toward you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Cleric: Channel Positive energy: 4d6, 5/day (3 + CHA adjust): Will Save DC16 for half (10 + half level + CHA(2)) Divine Brand: Holy Symbol of Cayden Cailean on the palm of his left hand. Devoted Domain: Domain: Travel
Secondary Domain(Spells Only: Good(Azata)
Track (Ex): A slayer adds 1/2 his level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow tracks. Sneak Attack: +2d6 Stalker (Ex): At 7th level, a slayer gains his studied target bonus on Disguise, Intimidate, and Stealth checks against his studied opponent. Slayer Talent:
4th Level: Jaguar's Grace (Ex) (Heroes of Golarion pg. 4): A slayer with this talent does not take the normal –4 penalty when dealing nonlethal damage using a weapon that normally deals lethal damage. Attacks made this way can apply nonlethal sneak attack damage. The slayer must be at least 4th level to select this talent. 6th level: Jaguar's Pounce (Ex) (Heroes of Golarion pg. 4): When a slayer with this talent deals sneak attack damage, he can attempt a disarm or trip combat maneuver as an immediate action as if the target were flat-footed (losing its Dexterity bonus to CMD). This combat maneuver does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The slayer must have the jaguar’s grace talent to select this talent. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Belt +2 to dexterity
Handy Haversack, 5 lbs
Adventurer's Sash, 3 lbs
Total weight carried: 33 lbs
Carrying capacity : -> 38 lbs = Light Load, -> 76 lbs = Medium load, -> 115 lbs = Heavy Load Remaining Gold: 5 Platinum, 42 Gold
Spells Known:
Save DC: 10 + Spell Level + WIS(6)
My parents were an uncommon sight in Port Ice, a catfolk couple in a city of mostly humans. They were exactly the sort of thing that the Sortova family collected. My father was a strong cat and worked as a supply master, loading and unloading the sleds in the frozen months and the ships and wagons in the summer. Mother worked as a seamstress and dress designer, and she bore seven children for the family. I was the middle child and was frequently overlooked. Or at least I thought so. But I was the freak of the family. I had white fur, and really strange looking fur as it was really thick and looked like there were feathers in it! I was just twelve years of age when disaster struck. I was a close friend with some of the Sortova children and had been invited to spend the night in their family estate house. We were all awakened to the sounds of screaming and the servants creating a bucket line. It took me a number of minutes to realize that my home was burning. And it really was too late to do anything but keep the fire from spreading. The structure was gutted and ready to collapse, and the servants were just throwing water around the building to keep the fire from lighting the plants and anything else near it. They grabbed me before I could even think of doing something as stupid as running into the inferno. As the only survivor of my family I was informally adopted into the Sortova family. This didn't give me any rights to much of anything, other than a pretty good education. No money was attached and when I reached adulthood I was expected to work. I didn't have my father's size and strength, but I was quick on my feet and I learned that I had a knack for languages. I didn't show any interest in the usual churches of the land, but when a traveling priest of the "Lucky Drunk" came through I was entranced by the story. He was the God of freedom, bravery, adventure and glory, everything that a young man wanted! When he left I left with him. Actually, I didn't find out for several months but he had been looking for me. More to the point, he was looking for a catfolk family in Port Ice. He had been tracking a group of necromancers and their followers and had heard that they tried to destroy my family. They thought that they had succeeded until just a month before he came to town. And when we left they weren't far behind us. We headed south-west into Numeria avoiding the really strange areas. We did go into the towns to re-supply and check for any adventuring types that seemed trustworthy. We were just past Iadenveigh when our followers caught up with us. When I say they caught up with us, what I mean is that our camp was attacked by a mob of undead monstrosities. There were seven of us now, me, three humans, an elf, a halfling and a dwarf. They were a bit surprised to find that I could see as well in the dark as the dwarf, but it put me on watch during the darkest hours. That meant that I was awake when they came shambling in. The first wave was zombies and a few skeletons. I woke the camp while slashing at the slow moving zombies. We lit up the area so all of us could see what else was coming, more skeletons, humanoid and animal, and ghouls with eyes glowing with hunger. I already knew of them, far more dangerous than the twenty or so least undead that we'd destroyed so far. We all had a couple minor wounds but these were quickly closed when the Caydenite cleric channeled the divine power. The rest of that battle took no more than a few minutes, even if it felt like hours. Nobody died, but we all were hurt. We didn't see the necromancer, or more likely necromancers that pushed the horde at us. The next night was quiet, and the next. We were just a day out from Castle Urion when the next attack came. It started just like the first, with a mass of shambling zombies. But this time there were ghouls hiding within the zombie mass. The halfling fell to the paralysis of a ghoul bite and the foul creature ripped his throat out. I was bit as well and felt the poisonous spittle, but was able to fight through the effect and destroy the creature. That battle ended similar to the previous except that we spotted one of the mages that were creating and controlling the undead mass. The elf and I were in the best shape and gave chase after that foul spell caster. He'd used most of his power but still held a couple spells in reserve. If we hadn't trained on how to fight a mage we might not have won. But we rushed him, holding missile weapons ready for when he started casting. And when we got to him we just took turns stabbing and slashing until he was dead, and then dismembered the corpse so it couldn't be reanimated.... He was a bloody mess before we thought to check his body for 'spoils'. I've never made that mistake since then. (We ruined what we deduced were some useful items!) We buried the halfling and struck camp, quickly moving on to Castle Urion. There were a good number of knights moving through the area heading to the war in the north. We delayed for a day to recruit two paladins, then continued on. The first night was quiet which disappointed our new recruits. But the second night brought a greater horde than any we'd seen up to that point. Our new recruits tore through the horde with such enthusiasm that it was hard to reach an enemy that wasn't already falling to their swords. Their progress slowed but did not stop as they faced the stronger undead. Then some creatures of living shadow and evil mixed in and the leader called out to Iomedae. His sword shown with a brilliant light that easily exposed the creatures flitting around them. They dispatched them with ease but it was obvious that the creatures had hurt them. After the battle we offered to heal the knights but had to argue for a few moments before they conceded to the need. They had their own means of healing but needed more power than they had to recover the energy that had been drained by the shadow creatures. Our priest, who had been my trainor for all things religious up to this point made a point of having me train with the paladins and their swords. It turned out that I wasn't any good with their heavy blades, but the practice taught me to use my lighter sword with greater speed than they could match. He also finally told the whole story and our destination. The enemy that had been hounding us were part of a huge organization, with shadow arms pretty much everywhere. If the stories were true the group, called the Whispering Way, might even match or better the Pathfinders for members and distribution. Their goal was to create such a mass army of undead that they could face any force that others could muster, and then to bring back the Whispering Tyrant. He didn't fully understand the details, but somehow their prophesy still happened. And even though they weren't fully reliable since the death of Aroden, they still followed them. That was why the force had been sent to destroy my family. They had been searching for "the ghostly catfolk with feathers" and were supposed to kill him and destroy the body. Since we hadn't been able to shake them we were going to the Monastery of the Veil to speak with the Pharasman Brothers there. He felt that even though prophesy wasn't working, the history that they stored there might give us a clue. Besides, if we had stronger and stronger forces of undead attacking, where could we go to be safer that a monastery full of Pharasman priests! Well, that didn't go as planned, which taught me never to count on a plan working.... We were greeted by the brothers when we arrived at the monastery. When we asked to see records that they had on the Whispering Way and the Whispering Tyrant they were.... less than happy to provide that assistance. They did eventually let us in to examine the historical records, for one day and fully supervised. When the army of undead attacked that night they were surprisingly less than effective at fighting them, and we were told to leave at dawn the next day. They had their own dead to bury and wanted nothing more to do with us. As we left the paladins stated that they hadn't been sure of our planb anyway. The younger of them stated that he'd felt the presence of evil in the monastery. He hadn't been sure though and since the Pharasmans weren't 'Good' they hadn't trusted them. It could possibly be some artifact that they were storing away, but he hadn't asked. They both stated that it was time to turn north so they could join the crusade, and that they would report the incident in full detail to the Queen when they got there. So we did turn north, through Ustalav and onward toward the Worldwound. We continued fighting groups of undead, but they became less and less dangerous as we approached the northern border of Ustalav, and stopped after we crossed. We traveled together for a while longer until the knights were able to locate the Mendevian army. At this point our little company parted ways. My friend, the Caydenite cleric wanted to join the crusade even though he wasn't fully accepted by the forces. They didn't fully appreciate his revelry, but accepted him as a healer for the forces. Some 'great event' happened, and an energy wave crossed the land that was felt by everyone. I didn't know what happened, but I felt empowered by the energy. Possibly just my imagination but I felt more powerful somehow. And I felt that it was time to go home. I suppose that I should explain a bit more about the event, but I really don't know much about what it was.... What I do know is that the Gods seemed to empower their followers, and I gained great skill with the combat training. But there was a little more story involved. All of my companions and my mentor had left me. I didn't want to go fight demons when it seemed like there were powerful necromancers and undead constantly on my heels. Besides, I didn't think the Knights wanted my enemies to join theirs. I packed my gear planning to depart at first light the next morning. Maybe traveling alone I could sneak past my enemies and return to my home. I prayed to Cayden that night, for guidance and protection. I woke earlier than I had planned, hearing sounds of battle downstairs. I quickly grabbed my weapons and ran to the stairs praying for magical protection since I didn't have time to don my armor. The sight that greeted me was something out of my worst nightmare. The place was crawling with ghouls, more than I'd seen at any time during my travels. Several people had already fallen and ghouls were feeding on the corpses. I was surprised to see my former companions in the room, desperately fighting for their lives. My mentor was in the center of the room already calling on Cayden's power to destroy the undead menace but then I saw IT. I'd seen a couple of poorly drawn images in my studies but this was real. How had a Nabasu demon gotten into town and into the inn where I was staying, with a horde of ghouls? Then I remembered. The demon created ghouls by killing people, turning them into ghouls when they died. The foul thing had killed a number of the towns people and was attacking with them. I saw it use its magic to drain life from my previous mentor, then I joined the combat. My rage would have had me dive into the horde but something guided me to fight with finesse. My blade practically attacked by itself! Even with this I saw a couple more of my companions drop, then my mentor fell to the demon. I felt a wave of healing power then closing some of my wounds and I saw that some of the fallen had wounds on them close, saving their lives at least for the moment. By that time I had reached the demon and was calling on Cayden's power to let me avenge my fallen mentor. My blade flared to life with more magic than I could give it. I didn't understand but took advantage of it attacking the demon with every bit of skill that I knew. I felt almost as if Cayden was guiding my strikes, deep into the chest and then the neck of the creature. It's skin felt hard but my blade pushed through. It struck me several times but I hardly felt any pain. I continued striking, stabbing and crying the name of my God until there weren't any enemies standing. I quickly checked my fallen friends and found that all but one was still alive. I used the last of my power to channel healing to stop the bleeding that I saw from two of them, then spun to the door as I heard it crashing open. Not really ready to continue fighting I was glad to see some of the Knights from the watch enter. I turned to my companions to treat wounds and the knights joined me. When everyone that could be was made comfortable I turned to the one fallen friend, my mentor of so many miles and years. I cried over him, examining all of his terrible wounds. A ghoul had started feeding on him before they all had been slain and some of his left shoulder was gone down to the bone. I knew that the knights didn't appreciate worshipers of Cayden Cailean, but by this time I just didn't care. I prayed over the body, sang songs of praise to the Lucky Drunk, even tried begging my God to trade my life for his. Finally the knights pulled me away so they could remove the body and give him a "proper" Iomedaen funeral. Maybe that was the last straw? I don't know, but the knights all stepped away when he woke up and started asking what happened. As I said, I don't really know what happened. I still don't have the power to do what happened that night. But I have gained skills in fighting beyond what I had before. I still have the powers granted to me by Cayden Cailean. But now I feel better able to take the fight to my enemy. I still didn't want to join the fight against demons, but I changed my mind about traveling alone though. Not just for my safety, but so I could help protect others that I traveled with. There were plenty of caravans heading toward Mendev, empty wagons heading back to be refilled with supplies for the army. I was able to travel with them for safety, and assist with loading them again before I continued on. At Kenabres in Mendev I turned mostly south. When I reached the border of Numeria I followed it back to Brevoy and Port Ice. Once I got 'home' I found that I no longer fit in. Technically I was still a Sortovan, but I wasn't human. Asking around I found out that a force had been sent into the River Kingdoms to the south, and that a surprising amount of undead were wandering there. Was this still more of the plans of the Way? Or a side-effect? I headed south to figure that out. |